MySQL Error!
MySQL error in file: /engine/modules/show.full.php at line 1326
Error Number: 1064
The Error returned was:
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting FTS_TERM or FTS_NUMB or '*'
SQL query:

SELECT id, date, short_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, MATCH (title, short_story, full_story, xfields) AGAINST ('THE BARRIO OF BEVERLY HILLS by Scott Sonders (great reads .TXT) 📖 THE BARRIO OF BEVERLY HILLS\n\n-------------------------------------\nScott Alixander Sonders\n\n\nDo not read this unless you are a mad genius or an idiot savant. If you are average or typical, skip this. It will bore you or, worse, confuse you. This story is a mirage of life, not a genuine memoir. The context is a shimmering of reality, just over the horizon, always beyond reach. It is but a specter of truth, rising white and glaring over a locked window. The window is impenetrable; the words will not be understood. Meaning is lost, a garbled music, the static that\'s heard between the fine-tuning of your internal radio.\n\nEveryone dies; few truly live. Run away now. Do not confuse Fate with Coincidence. Run away before reading what appears as a light-hearted tale. It is not light hearted. Light hearted is a mask to conceal a twisted mask of death. Unrelenting pain can only be survived with an encompassing sense of humor.\n\n* *') as score FROM dle_post p INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT(dle_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM dle_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('13')) c ON ( WHERE MATCH (title, short_story, full_story, xfields) AGAINST ('THE BARRIO OF BEVERLY HILLS by Scott Sonders (great reads .TXT) 📖 THE BARRIO OF BEVERLY HILLS\n\n-------------------------------------\nScott Alixander Sonders\n\n\nDo not read this unless you are a mad genius or an idiot savant. If you are average or typical, skip this. It will bore you or, worse, confuse you. This story is a mirage of life, not a genuine memoir. The context is a shimmering of reality, just over the horizon, always beyond reach. It is but a specter of truth, rising white and glaring over a locked window. The window is impenetrable; the words will not be understood. Meaning is lost, a garbled music, the static that\'s heard between the fine-tuning of your internal radio.\n\nEveryone dies; few truly live. Run away now. Do not confuse Fate with Coincidence. Run away before reading what appears as a light-hearted tale. It is not light hearted. Light hearted is a mask to conceal a twisted mask of death. Unrelenting pain can only be survived with an encompassing sense of humor.\n\n* *') AND id != 8560 AND approve=1 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5