ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖

Book online «On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖». Author M Zeigler

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Barrette.” I ask trying to be polite, as I’m speaking two more guards enter the hall from a private door marked security only. “How do you know about his team?” The older of the two men asks, he’s a very gauntly looking man in his mid fifties wearing a suit that looks ready for the trash. “Like I said, I’m private security.” I reply, the guard looks me square in the eye as I examine his name tag. Rodger, after reading the name tag I look back at Rodger who shakes his head no, a firm decline to my entry.

“Miss, I’m sorry but we cannot let you through-

“I’m not asking you to, use your radio or you’re cell phone and talk to Marcus.” I reply to the man who gives me a firm look and reaches for a set of handcuffs. “I’m going to ask you to leave right now or I will be forced to detain you until police arrive.” Rodger says, I take a calming breath and look Rodger directly into his puke colored green eyes.

“Of course, I’ll be very certain to inform Barrette that you are the one putting his life at risk, Rodger.” I announce as I readjust my back pack over my shoulder and turn for the door. “What a loser, you don’t have to lie about knowing him.” I hear someone in the crowd of people say to me.

“On second thought, maybe you should call the police…for assault in battery? Unless princess pigtails from the naughty girls website would like to shut her mouth?” I say looking at a bottle red haired chick, everything about the woman is plastic or synthetically altered. She is just trying to get to Barrette for one reason, to add a star struck notch to her proverbial belt. I know Barrette well enough to realize he wouldn’t do anything with such a disgusting Barbie.

One look from me has the plastic vixen looking at the floor realizing she made a huge mistake by making the comment she did. “That’s what I thought. And if you manage to get close to Barrette, be careful with those water balloons, the studs on his jacket might pop one, or both.” I add before walking out leaving the room to erupt into laughter, even Rodger is laughing and something about his strict demeanor tells me that is not an easy accomplishment.

Outside the sights of anyone standing in the event building I begin towards a chain link fence, it’s approximately twenty five feet tall with cheap rusted barbed wire at the top. “You think that’s going to stop me?” I scoff as I slip out of my backpack, in a quick buzzing sound I have my back pack open and a pair of mini bolt cutters in hand.

“Are you lost?” I hear someone ask me, looking up I see a security guard looking at me, he’s holding a bag of chips in one hand and has a bit of powdered cheese on his face. “Um no, my mother is working the event tonight, I’m waiting for her to get off so I can drive her home and you um, have a little…cheese right here.” I reply, the best way to make someone leave quickly without question is to embarrass them, this security guard is no exception. He doesn’t even question my story as he starts wiping at his face and walking away muttering a garbled apology as he goes.

I feel bad to an extent for doing that to the poor guy, he looks like he already has confidence issues. I just hope that he realizes its okay to be a little odd, I mean I’m not exactly the belle of the ball. Sure I have gorgeous hair that most women would kill to have, but I’m covered in scars, and I’m not exactly an hour glass woman. I’ve got curves but I’m still a few pounds over being the next Victoria’s secret model, I’m proud of it to!

My quirky abnormal ‘flaws’ are helping save a man’s life, if I had of conformed to society, Barrette might be dead right now. As my aunt Patty used to say all the time, why be normal? I hang out with the odd balls, the black sheep, the free spirited, and I have to say, they are great people and very resourceful when you need them.

Placing aside myself boosting thoughts I zip my bag up and jump onto the fence, hand hold by hand hold I begin scaling the fence. Even though this is a twenty five foot fence it only takes me thirty seconds to reach the top. At the top of the fence I put one little snip in the wire before very carefully unwinding the spiked metal from the support pole in the fence. With the wire finally out of my way I start to shift my weight towards the inside of the fence. I end up pausing when I sense someone watching me, looking back into the patio set up outside the event house I see the red haired woman from earlier looking at me with huge eyes.

I give her a huge smile and wave before showing off my mad skill by letting myself fall backwards,  so as not to fall to the pavement I use my legs to hang onto the pole tethering the fence in place. Once I have a firm hand hold on the fence I lift my feet straight up and slant my weight to the side while moving my feet so that they are holding me up and my feet facing the ground.

Then without any more attention paid to the now panicking woman before me I scale down the fence, the minute my feet hit the ground the girl who I burned with my earlier comment goes running into rat me out with security. Inside I hear a loud commotion and decide now is a good time to run, before anyone else can spot me I take off running level with the fence between the event building and some kind of meet and greet room to my right.

At the end of the fence line I see two guards talking to each other, one has a canine that instantly looks at me, he is about to start barking when I remember my years of working as a kennel manager. “Place.” I hiss to the dog who’s eyes go wide, to the guards surprise his security companion instantly makes a run for it trying to pass up the younger guard who just heard his radio state there is a possible intruder on the campus.

The two idiot guards think that the dog is probably after me and drop the leash, the dog takes off running and the guards follow. To a well trained canine unit the word ‘place’ is a command used to tell them to go to a certain place, maybe a kennel, or back to the patrol car. That dog is going to lead those guys back to home base and they are going to be very confused.

I cannot help but chuckle at how truly terrible I am as I step out of the shadows and start up a short six foot chain link fence. Thankfully this fence isn’t laden with any barbed wire or razor wire making it a lot easier to scramble over. Now that I’m in the safety perimeter of the fairgrounds I begin looking for any signs of where Barrette can be.

“Hey babe, I just wanted to let you know I’m going to be home late, the boss asked me to run the stand because someone called in sick.” I hear someone talking just around the corner from where I am, there’s my in.

Giving no further thought at all to my actions I frantically run up to the guy on his cell phone. “I’m sorry to bother you but I’m like two hours late! I need to get to the star party! I’m supposed to be guarding the door, please tell me you know where the event is?” I ask feigning frantic behavior, the guy on the phone looks at me wide eyed. “Dang, go through that gate there and follow it to the end and go into the dressing rooms, it’ll be the first hall on the right.” The kid says, without another word I take off running through the gate as if I were really late getting into work. 

“I’m good, and I mean really good.” I say arrogantly to myself as I am leaping over the last fence between me and the arena where the stars are currently hanging around partying. Later on tonight all the singers are going to be on stage for one massive concert, the idea is that if all artists from all genres work together then people around the world might stop being so racist and hateful.

It’s a good plan, one that I really pray will work out for the best, I often times ponder the idea of all hate being erased from the world. I also think that maybe hate, and evil are here to balance out the world, too much good cannot be well, a good thing, but then again to much evil cannot be any good either. What we need is balance, or perhaps just enough good to outweigh all the bad.

I firmly believe that this world can do a lot better than it is, there are more people than ever who are heartless and mean. To many women think that it’s a good thing to be a mean girl and it’s not, what good is it to put down a woman who is a bigger woman than average. Did you ever think that maybe she has a medical problem? Or flat out, she is just proud and happy with being big, I don’t have a problem with it. That means there is just more of them to love, like I always say, if you have it embrace it, if you love it then be proud of it. Scars, weight, deformities, I don’t think those things define a person, what is in their heart defines who they are and if they have a good heart and good personality then they are okay in my book.


“Bonnie?” I hear that girl from Barrette’s tour bus call my name with shock. “The one and only.” I harrumph proudly as I sling my back pack over my shoulder acting arrogant over my ninja skills that I put to use tonight. The ever perky blonde stands directly ahead of me wearing a shimmering gold knee length dress holding a Martini glass in her hand, she has a look of utter disgust on her face aimed at me.

Her facial expression is as ugly as that dress she is wearing, I hope she didn’t spend too much on it because it looks like it got caught up in a paper shredder after it being snagged and ruined in a sewing machine. In all she looks like one of those Barbie doll rejects with her hair tied up in some kind of bulky gold colored bubble beaded hair tie, everything about her dress is gaudy and horribly colored. The left portion of the dresses skirt hangs to a point just above the floor versus the right side maintains a standard straight across cut at the thigh. The top left side  of the dresses top looks as if it were shredded and the right side is made to look perfect, all in all the top cuts to make a perfect V exposing way to much cleavage.

“What are you doing here? Barrette thought you weren’t coming back?” She whispers dragging me away from the fence to a decent sized one story flat roof building which I’m guessing is the dressing room building. Reaching the front of the brick built structure the tiny blonde wrenches open a bright red door and

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