ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The Last Vampire by Nick Venom (bookreader TXT) 📖

Book online «The Last Vampire by Nick Venom (bookreader TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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this to his advantage by taking a step forward and punching the boy directly in the face. The boy fell back and landed on the ground with a big “thud” sound. The boy started bawling his eyes out. He was the youngest of the five attackers. His crying ignited the fire under the other boys as they rushed Tasu with all their might. Tasu understood the plan the attackers had as they were trying to outnumber and scare Tasu. Tessa and Nate stood by his side and watched as Tasu slugged the boy on the farthest left and pushed him into the others. The four boys fell to the ground, each laying on each other. Tasu raised his palms and began a chant. 

“Cage my enemies and prevent escape.” He chanted. The four boys tried to stand up but were pinned to the ground by an invisible barricade. One of the boys tried to push the barrier but to no effect. The youngest boy wasn’t trapped in the barrier but was dropped to the ground. He sat frozen stiff and looked up in fear at Tasu. Tasu turned towards the audience and cleared his throat. “I don’t fight to have the orphanage under my grip. I fight to protect the safe environment that we live in. We are here because of many reasons, but we all need one thing. Love. We only get that in a safe environment, not one that is plagued by fights and terror. For those who want to disrupt peace or challenge me because of a stupid title, then you are free to but don’t be scared to go down.” Tasu announced. A light burning in his eyes. His words affected the other orphans and frightened most of them “Now you can enjoy your lunch in peace,” He said walking off. Sister Marie walked up to him and grabbed his arm, dragging him off.

The Last Vampire V: Greenfire 3

Sister Marie dragged Tasu to her office with Angelina following behind him. She scolded him as he needed to be disciplined for the fighting, but she praised him for his intentions. She let him out of her office with Tasu seeing Angelina waiting. Using her magic, all traces of her being a vampire were gone.  “What now?” She asked.

Tasu looked at her. “We eat. After this we go to class.” He told her.

Sister Marie opened her door and walked out. “I’m going to do some work, but you’ll be in similar classes with Tasu.” She said. She took out a sheet with class information on it. She handed it to Angelina along with a pencil case and folder. “Choose what classes you’ll like. If some of them are similar to Tasu’s then you’ll be in the same class as him. If not, then I’ll be with you to ensure nothing goes wrong.” Angelina nodded. She looked at the classes. There was math, science, guitar, art, and many others. She started tearing up. Sister Marie rushed to her side. “Are you okay, honey?”

“Sorry,” She said. “I’ve been on the road for most of my life because of my race, so having somebody helping me and even teaching me how to read or write is a blessing.” Tears rolled down her face and dropped to the ground. Sister Marie allowed Angelina to cry onto Sister Marie’s shoulder. 

Tasu stood near them awkwardly as he didn’t know how to help. Angelina stopped crying and chose her classes. After choosing her classes the two headed to the cafeteria before going to their first class, Basic Writing. Sister Alecia, a professional writer who is skilled at all things related to writing, taught a large class of forty kids. 

Tasu and Angelina were paired across from each other. The tables are in groups of five with four desks facing each other and the fifth one sitting at the end of the table. Next to Angelina sat a beastkin orphan with a human orphan at the fifth desk. An elf orphan sat next to Tasu.

The beastkin child looked at Angelina and whispered. “hi” to her. 

She responded with a weakly “hi”. She faced away from him which set the beastkin child off. He demanded a better response from her but she blew him off by ignoring him.. Angelina wasn't very social and was afraid of the truth of her background being exposed. The beastkin orphan didn’t like her behavior as he was driven on attention, so her ignoring him irritated him. He raised his voice and interrupted Sister Alecia’s lessons.

“Hey! Listen to me!” He shouted. Angelina blushed and avoided eye contact with everybody. “Listen to me!” He repeated. Tasu stood up and eyed the beastkin orphan. The beastkin orphan didn’t back down, starting a fight. 

The Last Vampire VI: Shadow

“How dare she ignore me!” shouted the beastkin orphan named Randolph. Tasu glared at him as Randolph raised his hand.

“Randolph! We do not attack each other!” shouted Sister Alecia as she got closer to the table. Randolph didn’t listen to Sister Alecia, instead choosing to follow with his swing. Angelina closed her eyes and tightened her muscles as she waited for the strike. Somehow, the strike never made contact with her. Angelina opened her eyes, noticing that Tasu grabbed Randolph’s wrist, twisting it behind his back. Randolph let out a yelp of pain as Tasu pulled his arm farther behind him. Randolph attempted to shake Tasu off, but the strength gap between them prevented Randolph from doing so. Tasu dropped Randolph to the ground as his classmates let out a collective gasp. Sister Alecia rushed to Randolph’s side and ordered Tasu to let go of him. He nodded as he released Randolph’s arm and backed away from him. Angelina moved away from Randolph and his glare, heading to Tasu’s side. Sister Alecia lent him a hand to pull him up from the ground, but Randolph shook her hand away. He stood, turning around and glaring at Tasu and Angelina before storming out of class. Sister Alecia rushed to the doorway and called out to Randolph. He didn’t return, instead choosing to leave class and the inside of the orphanage. He stormed off to the back of the orphanage where a man dressed in a black cloak awaited him.

“I want him dead!” Randolph declared to the cloaked man. The cloaked man nodded while hiding his face under the hood. “Shadow! I need your help!”

“... I need you to find out if that girl is a vampire. If you can find this out, then I’ll kill them both.” Shadow declared.

“Perfect… and you’ll take me with you right?” Randolph asked. The cloaked man nodded before turning around, disappearing into thin air. Randolph’s eyes widened as he scanned the area for Shadow but to no avail. He shook his head before turning around and heading back to the class, where he would act as if nothing happened. He would later be grounded by Sister Marie for leaving the class unattended. Tasu and Angelina remained in the classroom and continued with Sister Alecia’s teachings.


After all their classes were over, Tasu took Angelina towards his room to talk about earlier but stopped when he found a note on his door. The note read ‘I know your secret!’. Angelina took notice of the note and, immediately, froze on the spot. Tasu, on the other hand, grabbed the note and crumbled it into a ball before throwing it away in a nearby garbage can. Angelina, now trembling, looked at Tasu for reassurance. He patted her head before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pushing her closer. “Don’t worry. This must be from Randolph! He’s trying to scare us… don’t give him a reaction wherever he’s at.” He whispered into her ear. She nodded her head before Tasu opened his door, leading both of them inside. Tasu peeked outside of his door before closing it.

Randolph watched from the other end of the hallway with Shadow standing next to him. “I need it within the next three days,” Shadow told him.

“I’ll get your evidence in one day,” Randolph said. “That’s all the time I need.”




Publication Date: 05-23-2019

All Rights Reserved

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