ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Kristen's college life by Marybeth Hale (bookreader .txt) 📖

Book online «Kristen's college life by Marybeth Hale (bookreader .txt) 📖». Author Marybeth Hale

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smiled as she seen her best childhood friend walk in her direction. "Hey, Cody!" Kristen exclaimed excited as she ran and felt happy as they hugged. "There you are. Stir up any trouble lately?" Cody asked before Kristen shook her head smiling. "Hey, Kristen. Is this your boyfriend?" Mary asked a little broken hearted before Kristen stood on the ground. "No, he's my best friend. He's straight. I'm a lesbian." Kristen said before Mary nodded with a look of confusion and then turned around. 

 "What a strange girl." Cody said before Kristen looked up at him. "Don't start. Oh I guess I'm moving in with you." Cody said as he looked at his papers. Kristen stayed quiet as she didn't know how to tell him but before Cody could tell, Kristen smiled at him. "That's great. Oh one thing, if the girls accept you. You'll have to get ur ears peirced." Kristen said before Cody smiled. "No problem. I wonder how you managed it." Cody said before Kristen sarcastically laughed. "Want me to take you to your next class?" Kristen asked before Cody took his phone out. "I'll send you a picture of my schedule." Cody said before Kristen looked at the picture. "What a coincidence. All your classes are the same with mine. Come with me." Kristen said before they started walking to the class. "I hope u get with that girl. She is cute." Cody said before Kristen blushed looking at him. "Oh, I don't know. Mary just got out of a relationship and I don't think she would want to instantly go into another relationship." Cody said before Cody smiled. 

"Oh well. Oh I need to talk to you, once we go into the house." Cody said before they walked into the classroom. "Ok, Cody. For now, let's pay attention." Kristen said as she gotten another notebook out as Cody got his out. "Well, students. In addition to the transfer of Amber hale. We have two new students Kristen galleh and Cody white." The teacher said before he looked up at Kristen and Cody. "Oh great. Boyfriend and girlfriend. This should be interesting." He said irritated before Cody walked up to him. "Listen up, old angry prick. Kristen is my best friend but she is lesbian. I am straight. Even if she was straight, I would be in love with her but I would never date her. Because if she didn't want to, then I wouldn't force her. Lest go to our seats, bestie." Cody said leaving the whole room and Kristen in shock before Kristen grabbed his hand and walked to the desk. The teacher cleared his throat as he shuffled his papers as Cody and Kristen sat down. "Anyway, let's start the lesson, shall we?" He said as he stood up while the class got their notebooks out. Cody and Kristen looked at each other and smiled at how badass he was. "Hey, dingle dork and bitch boy. Focus on what you both are here for." Mandy said before Kristen shook her head.

They watched the teacher and wrote about the notes that they needed. "Well, that's it for today. The test on all this is next Tuesday. And then Thursday we will have a mock trial, so pair up into teams of two." He said before the bell rang and Kristen and Cody walked out of the classroom. "You were badass, dude. I didn't think you were gonna say that at all." Kristen said as they walked to Kristen's car. Before Kristen had a chance to get in, Mary rushed in and went to Kristen. "Hey, Kristen. Wanna come to my dorm later? I got the new candyman." Mary said before Kristen looked at her. "No. I'm really sorry. I have to get the girls used to Cody. Maybe another time." Kristen said before Mary sighed and lowered her head. "Yeah. OK. Nice to meet you, Cody." Mary said before she turned around. 


"Wait. I have an idea. Mary, is it? Do you have the movie with you?" Cody asked as Kristen looked at him. "Yeah, why?" Mary asked as she turned around and looked at him. "Why don't she come with us? She can use the movie to distract me when they do my ears." Cody said as Mary smiled and went to the car. "That's a good idea." Kristen said before Mary looked in her bag. "Uh, can you guys wait? I need to get something." Mary said before both Kristen and Cody nodded. 

She smiled and quickly went into the dorm building as Kristen sighed. "Bestie, what are you doing?" She asked as they both got in. "I want to help get u and cutie together. I want to see you happy." Cody said before Kristen smiled at him. "Thank you. Your the best friend I could ever have." Kristen said as she watched Mary run to the car. "Wait up! I'm coming!" Mary yelled as she got closer to the car. "I wouldn't leave with you." Kristen said as Mary sat in the back seat and put her seat belt on. "Is everyone ready?" Kristen asked before she looked around. "Yes." Both Mary and Cody said at the same time before Kristen backed out and then started to drive to a restaurant. "Uhh, I thought we were going home?" Cody asked confused as Kristen parked in a parking space. "Give me a couple of minutes." Kristen said before she got out and walked into the restaurant. "Hey, Kristen. What's up?" The cashier asked as he looked at her. "Hey, Justin. Can I get a family 24 pack? Two coleslaws, three Mac and cheeses, a few mashed potatoes and brown gravy." Kristen said as she got her wallet out. "What kind of chicken and would you like dessert?" He asked before Kristen looked up at the menu. 

"Uh extra crispy and twelve cookies." Kristen said before the cashier nodded as Kristen gave him the money. "That's two dollars off your total ma'am." He said before Kristen looked in her wallet. "All I have left is a five. Will that work?" Kristen asked as she took it out. "Yes, that's fine." The cashier said before he grabbed the five dollar bill and then gave Kristen her change. "I'll bring your food out to your car." He said before Kristen nodded and walked to her car texting the girls to come home early. "Well, this was a waste of time." Mary said as she sat back. "If you feel like that, I guess you won't have any. Now scoot over, please." Kristen said before Mary groaned and moved over as the cashier walked to the car with their large amount of food. 

Mary got out and helped and grabbed some of the food. "Oh, thank you. But you don't have to." The cashier said before Mary went and opened the door. "I want to." Mary said while she put the food in. "Oh ok. You guys have a goodnight." He said as he slipped an envelope into the bag without Mary seeing him. "You too." Mary said before she got into the car. "There, I put the food in. Can I be allowed to have some food?" Mary asked as Kristen started to drive home. "Who said you couldn't?" Cody asked as Mary lowered her head. "I never said you couldn't. But you were really nice to him." Kristen said as her phone went off. "Hey, Cody. Can you check who's texting me?" Kristen asked as she kept driving. "Yeah, sure." Cody said as he grabbed her phone and looked at the text. "They said 'I know we're getting a boy. Get everything ready if you're not home. If you aren't grab some dinner please.' Wow. Nice much?" Cody asked as he turned her phone off. "You'll get used to it." Kristen said before she parked in Amber's old spot and helped Cody and Mary out of the car. "Here we are." Kristen said as they all walked in and went to the kitchen. 

"We're home." Kristen said as she got the food out. Cody watched as the girls walk into the kitchen and look at him smiling. "You must be Cody White I'm Rebecca summer. Nice to meet you." Rebecca said as she stuck her hand our. Cody smiled and grabbed her hand and shook it as he looked at her. "Are you the leader of the house?" Cody asked before Rebecca shook her head while a frown appeared on her face. "No. That's Madeline ray. We call her Mandy for short." Rebecca said before Kristen went to them laughing awkwardly. 


Cody looked at her before she grabbed his hand. "Let's focus on introducing him to his room and his roommates after dinner." Kristen said as she didn't know what to do. "Oh, he'll be sharing your room. We found that you two are childhood best friends and we didn't want to separate you two." Rebecca said as she grabbed some food. Cody and Kristen smiled as they looked at each other. 

"Well, that's good." Cody said as Mandy parked in her spot. "Oh great, Mandy is here." Kristen said as she went and opened the door for her. "Thank you, new girl. Now where's cody?" Mandy asked as she held a bag of ice. "Maybe do you want to eat first, Mandy? I did get food." Kristen said before they walked to Cody. "No. He needs to be initiated. And if I eat first, it will never be done." Mandy said as Cody looked at them. "But, ok. I'm sorry." Kristen said before Mandy looked at her. "You were calm when you did this. Why are you scared now?" She asked as Kristen looked away trying not to lie. "Because she is my best friend. And she don't want to see me in pain. And I promise her that it won't happen." Cody said before Mandy smiled at Cody. "You, I like. Let's go. Everyone." Mandy said before the rest of the girls finished eating leaving food for Mandy, Kristen, Cody, and Mary. Kristen watched as the group took Cody into the initiation room as Kristen and Mary looked at each other. "Kristen and Mary, go ahead and eat." Mandy said before she closed the door. "Uh, ok." Kristen said before they went to eat. "Can I ask you something?" Mary asked as she grabbed her food. "Yeah, you can. What's up?" Kristen asked as she sat at the table. "Do you like me?" Mary asked as they started to eat.


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