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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: Ā«Who discovered America?Ā»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online Ā» Adventure Ā» Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (e manga reader .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (e manga reader .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Rudyard Kipling

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pier-heads; but he understood things from the insideā€” more things than he could begin to think about. None the less, he could have sat down and howled because the little schooner was going off. Mrs. Cheyne simply cried and cried every step of the way and said most extraordinary things to Mrs. Troop, who ā€œbabiedā€ her till Dan, who had not been ā€œbabiedā€ since he was six, whistled aloud.

And so the old crowdā€”Harvey felt like the most ancient of mariners dropped into the old schooner among the battered dories, while Harvey slipped the stern-fast from the pier-head, and they slid her along the wharf-side with their hands. Every one wanted to say so much that no one said anything in particular. Harvey bade Dan take care of Uncle Saltersā€™s sea-boots and Pennā€™s dory-anchor, and Long Jack entreated Harvey to remember his lessons in seamanship; but the jokes fell flat in the presence of the two women, and it is hard to be funny with green harbour-water widening between good friends.

ā€œUp jib and foresā€™l!ā€ shouted Disko, getting to the wheel, as the wind took her. ā€œSee you later, Harve. Dunno but I come near thinkinā€™ a heap oā€™ you anā€™ your folks.ā€

Then she glided beyond ear-shot, and they sat down to watch her up the harbour, And still Mrs. Cheyne wept.

ā€œPshaw, my dear,ā€ said Mrs. Troop: ā€œweā€™re both women, I guess. Likeā€™s not itā€™ll ease your heart to hev your cry aout. God He knows it never done me a mite oā€™ good, but then He knows Iā€™ve had something to cry fer!ā€


Now it was a few years later, and upon the other edge of America, that a young man came through the clammy sea fog up a windy street which is flanked with most expensive houses built of wood to imitate stone. To him, as he was standing by a hammered iron gate, entered on horsebackā€”and the horse would have been cheap at a thousand dollarsā€”another young man. And this is what they said:

ā€œHello, Dan!ā€

ā€œHello, Harve!ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s the best with you?ā€

ā€œWell, Iā€™m soā€™s to be that kind oā€™ animal called second mate this trip. Ainā€™t you most through with that triple invoiced college of yours?ā€

ā€œGetting that way. I tell you, the Leland Stanford Junior, isnā€™t a circumstance to the old ā€˜Weā€™re Hereā€™; but Iā€™m coming into the business for keeps next fall.ā€

ā€œMeaninā€™ aour packets?ā€

ā€œNothing else. You just wait till I get my knife into you, Dan. Iā€™m going to make the old line lie down and cry when I take hold.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll resk it,ā€ said Dan, with a brotherly grin, as Harvey dismounted and asked whether he were coming in.

ā€œThatā€™s what I took the cable fer; but, say, is the doctor anywheres araound? Iā€™ll draown that crazy nigger some day, his one cussed joke anā€™ all.ā€

There was a low, triumphant chuckle, as the ex-cook of the ā€˜Weā€™re Hereā€™ came out of the fog to take the horseā€™s bridle. He allowed no one but himself to attend to any of Harveyā€™s wants.

ā€œThick as the Banks, ainā€™t it, doctor?ā€ said Dan, propitiatingly.

But the coal-black Celt with the second-sight did not see fit to reply till he had tapped Dan on the shoulder, and for the twentieth time croaked the old, old prophecy in his ear.

ā€œMasterā€”man. Manā€”master,ā€ said he. ā€œYou remember, Dan Troop, what I said? On the ā€˜Weā€™re Hereā€™?ā€

ā€œWell, I wonā€™t go so far as to deny that it do look like it as things stand at present,ā€ said Dan. ā€œShe was a noble packet, and one way anā€™ another I owe her a heapā€”her and Dad.ā€

ā€œMe too,ā€ quoth Harvey Cheyne.


End of The Project Gutenberg Etext of Captains Courageous, by Kipling

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