ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Black Hood: by Nick Venom (good ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «Black Hood: by Nick Venom (good ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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balcony and dashed through the suspended paths above the workers, massacring them all; their blood and body parts splattering on the ground floor, landing on the workers and on the fake cash they worked on. Spec went through all of the guards, leaving evidence everywhere. He cut down seven guards on the second floor before he heard a door open and somebody running.

Hous sprinted out of his office, two guards at his side, and shouted “what the hell is going on?” Hous’s eyes focused on Spec, his body being masked by his cloak and revealing only his emerald eyes staring at him. “Get him!” Hous ordered. The guards at his side nodded and, in a blink, they appeared in front of Spec. They wielded katanas and worked together, effortlessly, to ward off Spec. Spec balanced both katanas by utilizing both sides of his scythe. The guards didn’t lack experience and weren’t going to freeze up on the spot as the others did. 

Spec smiled creepily, his smile revealing itself to the guards. The smile slightly deterred the guards from their concentration. Spec used this millisecond to his advantage, throwing a high kick at one of the guards and smashing his jaw into pieces. The guard flew back, falling over the railing. The guard was able to hold onto the railing, but his grip was slowly loosening. The fall was only thirty feet and, possibly, wouldn’t kill him but anything could happen. 

Meanwhile, the other guard thrust his katana at Spec but missed wildly. Spec took a few steps back allowing for the second guard to try to save his friend. The second guard grabbed the first guard’s hand and pulled him over the railing to safety. The second guard then turned around to face Spec but discovered that he had disappeared. He looked around and noticed that Hous was drowning in his blood. 

The guard dashed to try to save his boss when a cold metal touched the back of his neck. The guard raised his hands surrendering, but Spec wouldn’t allow that. He slit the guard’s throat and returned to the other guard to slice his throat. Spec fled the building, fleeing through Hous’s office window and leaving behind scared workers and a massacre.

The female worker, Summer, watched in awe as Spec fought against the guards. She turned around and shielded the young child, Milena, from the scene while also observing the gory scene. 

After the massacre ended, Summer was ushered out of the building and sent home along with the other workers. Unlike the others, she wasn’t scared or in despair, instead, having her heart and brain filled with images of the man she saw. A man in a cloak wielding a double-bladed scythe.



Chapter Five "Remnants"

News spread like wildfire across the capital about the downfall of a gang by one cloaked man. The news reached even the king and his family. The news perplexed the king while invigorating the princess. She ran to her father and demanded him to find information about the man.

The captain of the Intelligence Division, Edwin, sat King Jayden and Princess Liliana down and handed them a file of papers. “This is what we know. A man hidden in a black cloak wielding a scythe entered the warehouse and killed all of the guards. Apparently, he struggled with two guards with katanas, but was able to overwhelm them, killing them and Hous.”

“Who’s our source?” Jayden asked.

“Some workers who were working in the warehouse. Their credibility is… a little unreliable, to say the least.” Edwin said. Jayden nodded and skimmed through the file.

“Okay, do we have any leads on this mysterious man? Did anybody see any tattoos or visible features?” Jayden asked. Edwin shook his head.

“I say we pull all of our undercover officers out soon. I expect a war to spark in the slums.” Edwin stated. He looked out of the only window of the small tight room. “I suggest that we wait for this unknown individual to reappear before we make any more moves.”

“I agree, take all but Rock out of the slums. Ensure she’ll stay and observe over the remaining high-priority buildings!” Jayden ordered. Edwin nodded and collected the papers.

“I understand, sir. I’ll contact our agents.” Edwin said before walking out of the room, leaving the king and princess alone. King Jayden then turned towards his daughter, who sat obediently next to him.

“Speak your mind. I can tell that you want to say something.” 

“I want to meet this man!” Liliana declared. 

“No,” He said, shutting her down. 

“He’s what we need to fix the slums. If we can get the man’s help, then taking out Wick and his gangs would be easy.” She declared. 

Jayden shook his head. He got up from his chair and walked over to the door and turned the handle. “This man is dangerous and hasn’t revealed his true intentions, so don’t go out on your own to contact him.” He ordered. Liliana nodded her head, looking away from him. Jayden opened the door and closed it behind him. He then whispered to the guard that stood outside of the soundproof room. “Send a unit to follow Liliana. I believe that she’ll try to go into the slums. The unit is to observe at a distance far away to disperse suspicion but close enough to protect her from immediate danger.”

Spec woke up in his bed to the warm feeling of sunlight shining in from the one window of his room. He got up wearing the same clothing as he had on the previous night. “What an… interesting night.” He remarked before heading towards his coffee table and picking up his sullied cloak. He threw the cloak over his body and exited the room. Spec went to the living room and noticed his little sister, Lin, was awake. “Morning,”

“Morning, brother,” Lin said. She started giggling as she took out a piece of paper from under her cloak. She handed it to Spec. He grabbed it and looked at Lin. “Read it,” she said. Spec nodded and skimmed through the paper. In bright red on the top of the paper exclaimed the words, “you’ve been accepted!” 

“What is this?” Spec asked, puzzled.

“I was accepted into this program called ‘Young Minds for the Future’. It’s a program that grants me money towards school. They’re giving me an opportunity to go to a school, not in the slums.”

“A better school, huh?” Spec read through the rest of the paper twice before looking up at Lin. His lips curled up and he extended his arms. Lin buried her face in her brother’s chest as Spec praised her. “I’m so proud of you! You are a genius!” He shouted, raising her into the air. Lin smiled as her brother twirled her around in a circle.

Somebody knocked three times on the door and called out to Spec. “Open the door! I’m from Wick’s gang, we're here… I mean I’m here to get this month’s money.” A man with a deep and rough voice shouted from outside. Spec lowered Lin onto the floor and scrambled to get his scythe. He retrieved his scythe from his room and went to the front door, peering out of a small peephole. His sight was blinded by somebody’s thumb. Reluctantly, he put his hand on the door handle and slowly turned it. The door then opened and two men attempted to push themselves inside. Lin shrieked while Spec pushed back. 

“Open this door!” The man shouted. 

“Get the girl!” shouted another man. Spec pushed the door back as two men threw themselves at the door. “Clear the door already!”

“Get out of here before I kill you!” Spec shouted. 

“We’ll take the girl before killing you if you keep resisting!” The first man shouted.

“You’re going to have to get through me first if you think you can take away the remnants of my family!” Spec declared. 



Chapter Six "Savior"

Spec pushed the door back, fully closing it, and locked it. He backed away from the door and raised his scythe. Lin dashed to Spec’s side and they both stared at the door. “Hand us the girl and we’ll let you live!” Shouted the first guy.

“Come on! You ain’t using her!” The second guy shouted.

“Sick bastards! Get out of here before I kill you!” Spec shouted, his anger rising. 

“Hey! Come on men, why do this to our poor friend Spec like this?” A familiar voice said, breaking the tension.

“Wick?” The two men said in unison.

“Spec’s been paying his bills, so uh… why don’t we let him keep his sister right?” Wick’s voice spoke up. “Otherwise, it might get messy, if you catch my drift.” 

“Uh, uh, y-yeah Wick we’ll leave!” The first man said.

“W-W-We won’t b-bother them again, I-I swear,” The second man said in almost a whisper.

“Good, then leave,” Wick said, chuckling at the end of his sentence. The two men nodded and ran away with their tails between their legs. Wick let out a belly laugh as the men ran off. “Those two, those two. Might need to kill them.” He then turned towards the front door. “Oh, you must’ve heard my plan right Spec? Maybe I’ll need to kill you?” His voice changing from oddly happy to deadly serious. 

“But you seem like an invaluable ally, so I leave you and your sister alone,” Wick said, his voice changing back to a happy tone. He turned around and started to walk away, but stopped after taking five steps. “Oh, and congrats to your sis for getting into that smarty pants program.” Wick taunted. He walked away from their house, leaving the siblings behind.

Lin broke down and cried into Spec’s shoulder while Spec stared off into space with a blank face. In his right hand, he gripped his scythe, his hand hurting itself. The siblings stayed in the same spot for a couple of hours, recounting the disturbing events that unfolded right in front of them. Wick knew everything.


Spec threw his cloak on and equipped his scythe. He looked out of the window, watching the moon rise high in the air. He put Lin in bed and locked all doors and windows. He laid down and reached under the bed, revealing a briefcase full of cash. He took the money out and slowly counted the bundles of dollar bills. “10,000,” he muttered to himself. “There’s enough money to move her out of here and get her a new family.” He put all of the money back into the briefcase and threw it under the bed. He stood up, staring out of the lone window. The

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