ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖

Book online «On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖». Author M Zeigler

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she wears, underneath the shirt has on a black fishnet body suit. I think her idea to wear the body suit to appear less inappropriate with so much skin showing, kind of backfired.

 â€śYes, it’s morning already, now get some shoes on. We’ve got a Mayor to rob.” I reply finally, she gives a bit of back sass by mocking the words I just spoke. She does put her shoes on; today she is only wearing a pair of lace up knock around jogging shoes. I’ve noticed that Bonnie has a clear adversity to the heat, when we hit Alabama and the world around us heated up to a hundred and eight, Bonnie turned into a demon. I cannot wait until this stop is under our belt because I just might go postal on the woman riding with me, she bounces between angry little kid and a demon when were driving through the heat.

“What is our plan to get into the Mayor’s office?” Bonnie asks as she skips through the Mustang’s open window, I honestly think she may have watched one too many episodes of The Dukes of Hazard. After starting the car and making quick work of leaving the ramshackle hotel parking lot I reply to Bonnie. “I’m not sure yet, from the research we did last night we know the place is high-tech, it’s going to be more difficult to get in.”

When the woman riding shot gun doesn’t comment I look over to her only to find her looking out the back window at the hotel. “Ya know, The Eagles should have filmed a video for Hotel California at that place.” She comments, honestly at this point I should be aggravated beyond all belief with her almost childlike behavior but I can’t be. When less than two weeks ago she was a malevolent woman who wished she could be the one who caused hells apocalypse just so she could watch all people burn. In a sense, seeing her turn around so much I realize that I’m partially held accountable for turning that monstrosity into a kindly almost tolerable person.

“Hey, donkeys butt! Stay on your own side of the road!” Bonnie shouts out her car window at a passing driver who just started to swerve into our lane. Like I said, she’s almost tolerable, not quite where we want her to be but I don’t think she’ll ever be as civilized as people might wish for.

“Bonnie, as much as the passers just love your driving advice we have more pressing issues than saving people money on their car insurance.” I comment being more bitter sarcastic than I have been lately.

“Okay, okay, I don’t know I almost wanna say that we should just charge in; guns out and demand entrance. Most bathrooms in buildings lock from the outside, so we lock the people in the bathroom and have one of the guards let us up.” Bonnie suggests, her plan isn’t far off the path I was headed because we are breaking into a modernized building with security systems that are far more advanced than even Bonnie’s ability to destroy.

“That sounds like a good plan to me, so we go in guns at the ready, get everyone’s cell phones, lock them in the bathroom, and demand to be led upstairs.” I confirm with Bonnie who nods in agreeance but then her face messes up, as quickly as that facial expression appears it fades giving way to an evil happy grin. “We will go in quietly but with our guns at the ready.” Bonnie replies sounding way too excited about our next stop that is coming up in T minus two minutes. Once this light changes Bonnie and I are parking the parking lot of the building and heading over to pay Mr. Flake a visit.

The light turns green and I ease on into the parking lot expecting to just jump out and head inside but Bonnie stops me. “What is it? Is Devon here?” I ask her looking around for a black SUV; I don’t find anything that looks suspicious enough to be Devon. “No, there’s no way we are getting let inside that building dressed like this. Is there any chance in hell you have a suit on hand?” Bonnie inquires nodding to the door where a woman is entering the doors past the guards wearing a very top dollar dress, a baby pink mini cut with pearls sewn to it in floral patterns.

“I don’t have anything like that, Bonnie. That’s like me asking you if you have anything to wear that isn’t pre-shredded, or made of leather.” I reply smacking the steering wheel in defeat, Bonnie sighs then starts to look at the stores surrounding the Mayor’s office. “What about what you had on for the last mission? We can go with a security guard plan.” Bonnie suggests looking towards the back seat where my clothes are still sitting from yesterday. “That’ll work.”  Say reaching back and grabbing a black T shirt since the white one is blood soaked and left in the bathroom sink back at Hotel California.

While I’m changing into the black muscle T-shirt and fastening my guns to my side; Bonnie makes clumsy yet quick work of pulling her dress on, the one stolen from the social gathering. While she tugs her hair up into an elegant yet messy braided bun I pull on my normal baseball cap and step out.

With Bonnie four step ahead of me we walk up to the front door of the office building as if we belong there, the guards glance at me then stop Bonnie from entering. “I beg your pardon? I have an eleven o’clock meeting with Mr. Flake,  I think he will plenty upset with you both if his wife’s reading nook is designed to her standards.” Bonnie says executing a perfect upset designer, both guards become wide eyed and step aside. “Sorry, you’re guard doesn’t appear the most savory character.” One of the guards comments to Bonnie who stops half way in the door. “The unsavory ones are always best; they protect people a lot more than you overly groomed police dropouts.” Bonnie hisses defiantly then continues her way in the door. As soon as I pass the door the guards close the door and I reach back to lock it trying not to be noticed doing so.

Apparently my ninja skills are well improved because no one notices, that or they are just to engrossed in their phone’s to notice anything out of the ordinary. “Hi, I’m Bella Marie; I have an eleven o’clock appointment with the Mayor in regards to his wife’s reading nook?” Bonnie says portraying an amazing British accent, the girl at the desk swivels her chair from the computer to face us. She has a very baby doll like face that is well accented by the makeup she is wearing. Contrary to her adorable and beautiful look, it is obvious that this woman is not the type you would speculate for a front desk job. She has a signature long hair Joan Jett hair cut and there is a tattoo peeking up above her collar bone.

“Lexi?” Bonnie whispers ever so quietly sounding surprised that she knows the desk rep sitting before us. “That is Lexis to you, drop the I. And I know you two don’t have an appointment with the Mayor. So what are you doing here?” Lexis says equally as quiet as Bonnie spoke to her. “I need you trust me and help us get upstairs, the Mayor isn’t the good guy you think he is. Devon Morgan.” Bonnie whispers back to Lexis whose eyes show a nervous understanding. “I can’t order the guards to open that door without presenting them a slip that shows you have a meeting. Do what you have to get this under control.” Lexis replies glancing down at the gun handles peeking up from the front of her corset.

“Where are the silent alarms?” I ask leaning over Bonnie’s right shoulder to talk to Alexis who leans in to hear me. “The only one is under my desk.” Lexis replies, Bonnie nods and smiles then turns to the woman nearest us, which happens to be the pink and pearls girl that walked in here ahead of us. “Hey there Pearly girly, why don’t you pull out that phone of yours and start recording?” Bonnie says to the dry grass colored bottle blonde sporting vibrant blue contacts and a bad implant job. The girl looks up at Bonnie quiet offended. “How about I have security escort you out of here?” Comes the snobby response.

“How about you pull that phone out before your pearls are dyed red with blood?” Bonnie says venomously as she pulls out both her revolvers, she takes aim on the only other person in the room that has a cell phone on hand as well as the woman in the pink dress who shrieks and starts messing with her phone. “Look I’m recording, its recording see? Please don’t shoot I’m way too cute to be shot to death!” She screams fearfully showing Bonnie that the phone is working.

The guards reach for their guns but I reach mine first. “Don’t think about it boys, I don’t think anyone really wants to die today and we really don’t want to shoot anyone. So how about we do this nice and quiet like, put all your phones down in front of this nice lady here and start walking towards them bathrooms back there.” I say as Bonnie takes one step back so that her back is against my chest, I holster one of my guns and wrap my now free hand around her waist so that my palm is against her stomach.

When no one dares to move Bonnie fires one shot into the ceiling. “Get a move on! No one mess with Bonnie and Clyde!” Bonnie shouts with a southern accent sounding just like her grandmother for just a short moment in time. Her southern twang was so perfectly presented that anyone in this room would entirely have believed her as a Texan or Georgia woman if not for the fact that she already showed her true colors as a California gal.

After the shot is fired everyone starts for the bathroom, including the pink dress woman, Bonnie steps away from me and to stop the woman from walking away. “You’re phone please, Barbie?” comes the demand from my partner in this crime spree. The woman hands over her phone and Bonnie ends the recording. “Go on now, thanks for being such a good sport.” Bonnie drawls out continuing her fake southern accent.

Looking to the front door of the office I can see both security guards who gave us trouble are trying desperately to get inside but they cannot. “Okay. Guards it’s time for you to get a good guy sticker from us. Drop your guns and open those doors.” I order to them as I step around Bonnie who is heading over to the bathroom to lock everyone inside.

The guards hand their guns to Lexis who I nod at to kick the guns away, she makes a good act of kicking the guns well away from the guards who turn to unlock the doors as Bonnie returns with some duck tape she retrieved from Lexis’ desk. “Sorry boys, I can’t have you running off and finding the police now can I?” Bonnie says ordering them to their knees with one flick of her wrist, both men move to their knees side by side.

Bonnie being the terrible person she is tape’s their hands and ankles to one another and the wrap’s the tape around their torso so that they can’t move at all. “That should hold you. Be good boys now.” Bonnie laughs sweetly still holding that southern pitch in her voice, she pats both their heads before walking through the door I’m holding for her and Lexis.

I close the doors behind me and tuck both guns away; Bonnie does

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