ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖

Book online «On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖». Author M Zeigler

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towards the Theodore Lance Manner here in Mississippi. What should have been a three hour drive only came out to around less than two hours with Bonnie driving at full speed the entire way there. So far just getting from the hospital to here she has broken just about every driving law in all fifty states.

 â€śOkay Speedy Gonzalez can you slow down now and make a civilized entry to the party?” I ask of Bonnie, she frowns but starts to slow down to a safer driving speed. Approaching the parking lot of the manner I’m greeted with the sight of foreign cars both old and new, there are people standing around with champagne glasses talking exquisitely about nonsense. With the car parked, turned off, I step out and round to Bonnie’s side of the car. After opening the door for her I give her a hand out, watching her step out of the car I see a change in her that is so dramatic I almost wonder if it’s dream.

Instead of her normal determined, aggressive motion, she is graceful, stepping carefully, precisely; she actually seems like the high class lady that every other woman here actually is. “Thank you, Barrette.” Bonnie says in a more formal lady like tone, her words are refined and spoken with grace; she takes a couple steps forward allowing me to close the door.

“How do we get through this now that we have promised Mr. Flake a severely injured Mr. Lance?” I ask Bonnie, she looks up at me again acting graceful; she gives a gentle bat of eye lashes as we pass by a group of older men chatting. “Simple, I inform him that I was sent by Devon to retrieve the files. I lure him upstairs and you come up after me and deal with him after we have what we need.” Bonnie replies even though she’s talking about severely maiming the mayor of Mississippi she sounds calm and collected.

“Welcome, Mr. Lance is in the dancehall if you wish to greet him.” The young guards at the door inform bowing to us as we enter. “Thank you boys, say, could you two perhaps locate Mr. Lance’s attorney, I am here on business after all.” Bonnie says giving an impressive Russian accent, the two guards at the door look at each other before scrambling off to find an attorney who I’m guessing isn’t present at the gathering.

“Pardon me madam, might I say that is an exquisite gown. Katrina Paris?” Bonnie says lavishly as she ghosts from my side to the nearest woman in the room her Russian accent still in place. “Oh my, thank you your dress is quit stunning as well. I am Marina, you are?” Marina replies tossing her dyed black hair over her shoulder. Bonnie smiles. “I am Zhanna, do forgive me for my abruptness. I am here on business; could you perchance point me in the direction of the dancehall?” Bonnie replies to the woman, she gives a mock adoring look then moves her hand guiding down the hall behind her. “He should still be waiting at his table.” Marina informs, Bonnie gives a courteous dip to the woman before looking to me.

“Come now, Alec.”  Bonnie says as she walks off towards the dancehall. Mr. Lance isn’t very hard to find as he is sitting at said table with a dirtied bib hanging from his shirt down over his well rounded stomach. His hair has receded in such a way that he has this king Caesar head wreath look going on, his left hand holds a glass of scotch while the other moves with different hand gestures as he speaks.

“Alec, you stay.” Bonnie says still with the Russian accent as she approaches Lance’s table. “Mr. Theodore Lance.” She calls him to attention, he looks to her his face first showing curiosity then his jaw goes slack as Bonnie walks towards him hips swaying with such grace that any man would be left speechless.

“How my help you?” Theodore manages to stumble out the words as he moves to his feet tearing away the bib as if its lack of presence would make Bonnie think of him as anything more of the scum that he is. “I am Zhanna Morgan, my husband Devon sent me to speak with you on urgent business.” Bonnie introduces herself with a damsel of a handshake. “Devon has taken a woman’s hand in marriage? That is a truly remarkable discovery.” Someone at the table comments giving applause which spreads to everyone else at the table.

“Yes, a business arrangement really. Mr. Lance, might I speak with you in the study, I do hate to disturb your fine banquet however this is an entirely urgent matter.” Bonnie explains to him, Mr. Lance looks to me then to Bonnie.

“Certainly Mrs. Morgan, you’re…um, guard can seat here I suppose.” Lance says attracting my attention to the only other open seat at the table. “Thank you for the offer however I wish my guard to attend this meeting as witness.” Bonnie announces, Mr. Lance gives her a disbelieving look.

“Alec is not just guard, he is my husband’s right hand, his orders are to stay with me at all times.” Bonnie ads, Mr. Lance nods that he understands then gesture towards an almost hidden set of stairs before taking lead towards them.

“Mrs. Morgan, how can I be of assistance to Mr. Morgan?” Theodore Lance inquires as he slides his glasses on to better see Bonnie. “I’m sure that you have heard in recent days that a trio of bandit’s have been attacking Mayor’s between Georgia and here trying to retrieve all the evidence against my husband. Earlier on this evening the bandits broke out of the hospital where they were being treated, Devon has become very troubled; he fears that you his most loyal friend will be attacked by this trio. Added to that, he also fears that this trio will obtain the information and go to authorities. Therefore he has requested that I travel to you and retrieve the evidence you have against him.” Bonnie gives a bold faced, Russian accented lie to Theodore.

“With all due respect Zhanna, Devon did not call ahead to warn me of your stopping by.” Mr. Lance replies weary as to if he should trust Bonnie. “He made every effort to do so, his last…assistant destroyed our means of contacting you all Devon had was your office number on public records. That is why he sent me; he is attending…business right now in regards to the three bandits.” Bonnie informs Lance who nods in understanding.

“I see, well in that case I will give you the records. It’s probably best that Devon has them anyhow, I told him it was bad to leave them with me.” Theodore explains as he shimmies off the corner of his desk over to a tall bookshelf. He pulls off a very wide book that is one of those hideaway boxes; he flips open the box as he clears the room. From the box he pulls a thick bag of personal business check stubs and letters addressed between Devon and the Mayor.

“Thank you, for your easy aid I will give you this number. It is Devon’s personal phone; he will be needing your contact information and will discuss payment.” Bonnie informs as she saunters forward to Mr. Lance’s desk, he follows her over and places his hand down on top of the pens. “I have Devon’s phone, I will contact him first thing in the morning.” Theodore says, Bonnie looks over his shoulder at me and gives me a look that says not to attack the man before me.

“Thank you so much Mr. Lance, I’m sure Devon will be eager to hear from you.” Bonnie says then bows flirtatiously to Lance who kisses her hand. “Now, with business aside would you kindly partake in tonight’s event? I’m offering a fine arrangement of refined liquors.” Theodore offers, Bonnie politely shakes her head no. “I must return to airport now, Devon will be expecting me very soon. However, you must invite us both to your next grand event.” Bonnie speaks, Mr. Lance gives a nervous gulp as sweat beads at his forehead, after that Bonnie looks to the door before walking towards it.

“Come now Alec, we leave now.” Bonnie says walking through the door and back down the stairs. I leave Theodore to his thoughts and probably needing a cold shower after that performance. Looking down into the ballroom I see Bonnie speaking with the two guards from the front door, I approach her with my own devious smirk on my face.

“Are they causing you problems Zhanna?” I ask in my angry voice, both young men look up at me fearfully. “No, I was just telling them not to worry about attorney. Let us leave now, Alec.” Bonnie replies trying so hard not to burst out laughing and blow our cover.

“That was priceless darlin! I am Zhanna!” I burst out laughing giving a poor impression of a Russian accent. Bonnie and I are inside the car and well out of hearing range of even the guests so we don’t have to worry as much about being found out. “Hey don’t laugh! I don’t get to use my Russian accent very often!” Bonnie squeals laughing along with me.

After the laughter dies down I wait for Bonnie to move the car but she never does, in fact she’s just sitting there watching the road. “We going to stay here all night?” I prompt her for an explanation as to why we are just sitting here. “No, we need to make sure this mission is properly executed.” Bonnie says emphasizing the Executed and also reminding me that we were supposed to do something about Lance.  As I’m thinking this the Mayor walks out the door with a pep in his step, he has a bright smile on his face like he’s just done the best job ever. “What do you mean?” I ask Bonnie still not entirely understanding what she is getting at, she is now watching where the Mayor is looking. “They always say they will call first thing in the morning, they never do, they call after you leave.” Bonnie replies just as a very nice Ferrari Enzo round the corner of the same street Bonnie and I drove down to get here.

“Is that-

“Devon? Yes.” Bonnie replies as the car pulls into the lot pulling up right in front of the Mayor. Devon steps out of the car in a dress suit much nicer than the one I found at Koldstrom’s. He approaches the Mayor giving a pleasant hand shake, Theodore instantly starts gesturing to his left ring finger and talking to Devon with huge congratulatory smile on his face. Devon’s face contorts first to confusion then to horror, the blonde cousin to Bonnie asks Mr. Theodore Lance about what this woman looks like.

Mr. Lance points to his head just as Bonnie pulls out her phone and starts to capture a video through the back window of the Camero. I watch approvingly and now understanding what Bonnie meant, Devon pulls out a nine millimeter pistol and shoots Theodore Lance in the forehead, point blank. Screams erupt from the inside of the house as well as from the few people standing around the front door. Devon, stashes his gun as if nothing happened and steps back into the gathering crowd trying to make his own face look terrified. Bonnie cuts the video then starts the car, Devon looks up at the car starting. I look directly at Devon as she is backing out of the parking place, his eyes narrow at me and he reaches for his gun until he realizes he can’t shoot without becoming the first person everyone looks at as the murderer.  

I give Devon a curt nod and a sarcastic smile as if to say Ha-ha I win, before anymore exchanges can be made Bonnie is exiting the parking lot.

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