ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Destiny: by Nick Venom (best thriller novels to read txt) 📖

Book online «Destiny: by Nick Venom (best thriller novels to read txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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his brains on the ground. The guy’s armless body collapsed to the ground as onlookers shrieked in fear. A man just murdered six people with ease, leaving one for torturing. He was a nutcase, even a serial killer to many.



Chapter Eight "Black Rings"

“Sir, here are the reports. Witness testimonies have shown Echo to be ruthless in slaughtering the people who attacked your eldest daughter.” The king’s trusted advisor, Sor Hale, reported. 

The king took the reports and skimmed through them. Once he finished, he looked up at Sor. “Is there a public outcry about his actions?”

“No, your majesty. After it was spread that Echo killed people plotting on kidnapping the heir to the crown, the public calmed down. Apparently, many people believed Echo to be a serial killer, slaughtering in broad daylight before the truth came out.”

“Good, squash any negative attention on him. Even though his actions were ruthless and overly brutal, he accomplished his task. He protected my daughter and that’s the only thing I care about.” The king said as he rose from his throne. “Has the prisoner spilled any important information?”

“Yes, your majesty,” Sor said as he handed the king a new file. 

The king thanked him, grabbing the file. He quickly skimmed through the file before closing it. “Good, now my question is how did we not hear of these people?”

“Uh…” Sor stopped himself, taking a quick gulp of saliva. “I’m afraid the intelligence division completely missed these people. The terrorist group, Black Rings, was flying under their radar.”

The king glanced at him, his stare being intimidating and frightening the smaller in height Sor. “Make sure this doesn’t happen again, Sor. Do what you have to, to find the Black Rings’ headquarters. Squash them and make sure they can never rise again!” He ordered.

“Yes, your majesty. I’ll report to the intelligence division immediately.” The king nodded, sending Sor off to report the intelligence division’s negligence. As soon as he left, the king called in a servant to call for Echo. The servant nodded, racing off to call Echo to the throne room. 

After a few minutes, Echo entered the throne room. Iron Justice was holstered in his hip holster and his clothes were repaired and clean from the previous day. He looked professional and friendly, something that was lacking in his duel with Mary Jane’s attackers. 

The king glanced at Echo as he approached him. The king offered him a drink, but he refused it. Instead, Echo wanted to get to the main topic and the reason that he was there - the fight with the attackers. 

“What are my punishments?” Echo asked.

“Punishments? You feel that you deserve some?” The king asked him.

“Yes, I acted out of line. I horrified the public with my ruthless actions and caused you to lose face. I should be punished.” He remarked.

“Huh?” The king muttered as he rose from the throne. “I’m not punishing you, Echo. Instead, I wish to reward you.”

“Reward?” Echo questioned, raising his eyebrows.

“Yes, you accomplished your task. Protecting my eldest daughter is more important than my reputation.” He remarked as he walked up to Echo. “Now, what would you like for your reward?”

“U-Uh, m-my re-reward?” He stuttered, mumbling over his words. “I don’t have an idea for a reward, your majesty.”

“There’s nothing you wish for? Land, money, maybe a mistress?” Echo shook his head, disapproving of all three suggestions. “Fine, then take some time to figure out your reward. For now, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You saved my daughter from being kidnapped and tortured by people with ill intentions.”

“Thank you, your majesty.”

“Okay, you are free to do whatever you wish until Mary Jane recovers. She’s still resting in her chambers. Your friends, currently, are basking in the sunlight on the front lawn. Enjoy the day with them.” The king told him. Echo thanked him before leaving the throne room. The king watched as Echo walked away, disappearing around a corner. 

“A real shame,” He muttered to himself. “Your parents won’t be able to witness your great feats nor reward you. He doesn’t want land, money, or women, but I’m sure he wants his parents’ love. I’m afraid I can’t act as a substitute, but I can help him with his daily life.” He raised his head and looked up at the ceiling. “You would be proud of your son.”


Sor reached the door to the intelligence room but was stopped by Mary Jane. She left her chambers and now impeded his path. She forced him to hand over the reports, skimming through them. 

“Black Rings?” She questioned, looking at Sor.  

The small elven man nodded, confirming her doubts. “Black Rings orchestrated the entire affair. Unfortunately, the intelligence division didn’t pick up on this threat until it was too late. I apologize for that-” He said while bowing his head. “I will face any punishment you have.”

“Forget punishments, I want to know the organization’s leader.” She demanded.

Sor nodded, pointing out a single name on the report. Mary Jane nodded, dismissing Sor. He nodded and rushed into the intelligence division’s headquarters to scold them while Mary Jane read the name responsible for her attempted kidnapping

“Black Rings’ leader is named… Canine?”



Chapter Nine "Farmhouse"

A week breezed past after the Ragru Incident. The rumors were being put down by the king and his people, painting Echo as a national hero instead of a serious threat. The people that he was fighting were painted as common criminals with ill intentions - the connection between them and Black Rings was being kept secret from the public.

Fortunately, this was enough to subdue the public’s fear and turn it on its head. Now, Echo was allowed to walk freely without being discriminated against for his killing spree. This sudden freedom, which took days to achieve, crossed paths with Mary Jane’s annual visit to her grandparents. 

She wanted Echo to follow her to her grandparents’ house on the edge of the kingdom in the rural countryside. Her grandparents---the previous king and queen---retired to the countryside to enjoy their remaining days. However, they weren’t looking forward to death. Mary Jane, their granddaughter, visited them every year unlike their children, who were too busy to send a letter. Ignoring their children, they opened their arms wide to Mary Jane as she and Echo arrived at their farmhouse and the five acres of land. 

Mary Jane jumped out of the carriage first, running up to her grandparents to hug her while Echo stayed behind to grab her bags. Two servants that were brought along assisted with their bags.

Grandfather Jago was the first one to hug his granddaughter, embracing her with an almost bear-like hug. Grandmother Camille embraced Mary Jane after Jago, thrilled to see her granddaughter safe after hearing of her being kidnapped in Ragru.

A few moments later, after the embraces and tears, Jago approached Echo, the bodyguard that allowed Mary Jane to be kidnapped, even if it was for a short while. Technically, he failed his job. 

As Jago approached him, Echo flinched, half-expecting to be scolded and half-expecting to be jailed for his failure. However, Jago did neither, instead, embracing Echo while crying. 

“Thank you! You saved my granddaughter from some dirty bastards that wanted her. Thank you for protecting her!” He shouted while tears streamed down his cheek. Camille and Mary Jane were a few steps behind him, smiling at Echo.

“Honey, let him go, you’re going to soak him with your tears.” Camille joked.

“I apologize about that,” Jago said as he released Echo and took a few steps back. “I didn’t mean to cry this much.”

“Firstly, I would like to thank you for saving our granddaughter. My name is Camille, he’s Jago. We used to be the king and queen of this kingdom before our child took it over.” She said.

“My name is Echo,” He started by bowing his head to the ex-king and ex-queen. “I am the newly appointed Royal Bodyguard.”

“Echo?” Camille questioned. “Were your parents also royal bodyguards?” Echo nodded, confirming her thoughts. “Can you believe that?”

“Their descendent appeared into the limelight and followed their footsteps? I can definitely believe that you’re their kid.” Jago remarked. “You look like a mix of your parents.”

“Thank you, sir.” Echo said.

“Okay, now let's all head inside. I baked a pie for us to feast on.” Camille said, leading everybody into the farmhouse.


“Where’s Echo?” Rogue asked, glancing out of a nearby window.

“Gone. Traveling with my elder sister to our grandparents' house. He didn’t say anything, Outsider?” California asked, standing in front of her bedroom door.

“No, he didn’t, Thanks for the information, anyways.” Rogue sarcastically remarked, walking away from her. California glared at Rogue as she walked away, disappearing around the corner. Her glare lingered in that direction for a few moments before two familiar voices snapped her back into reality.

“Cali?” Huzaifa questioned, appearing from behind her. By his side was Ark, who was too focused on the sword he’d purchased in Ragru to care about California. 

“Oh, Elder brother. Nothing’s wrong, just a little tired, that’s all.” She muttered before entering her room, closing the door behind her quietly.

“Huh?” Huzaifa muttered, confused at her attitude. “It is me or is something off with her? She seems almost… sickly?”

“She looked fine to me; not sickly or anything,” Ark asked, taking his eyes off his sword. “Oh, we should get going. Training with Captain Igad is starting soon.”

“Yeah, you’re right!” Huzaifa shouted, his eyes brimming with excitement. He ran towards the stairs that led to the training grounds, on the first floor of the palace. Ark kept up with him, both teenagers excited to get their bodies in shape and keep their swords up to par.

Meanwhile, California collapsed on her bed, her body shivering violently. She let out a small yelp that was masked in a flurry of grunts and short cries. Something inside her body was breaking her down, adding to her usual irritated attitude. 

The royal doctor, recognized as the most well-known and intelligent doctor across the land, couldn’t figure out the cause behind her pain. He deduced that it was a virus, but couldn’t figure out which one; so yet the cause was still unknown.


Five hours have passed since their arrival. Mary Jane was busy chatting with her grandparents while Echo had been monitoring the property for intruders. He was assisted by two bodyguards assigned to the grandparents by the king. The two bodyguards were stationed in two different places - the front and back porches. Echo, on the other hand, was doing frequent sweeps of the property for anybody threatening the lives of

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