ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖

Book online «On the Run by M Zeigler (short story to read TXT) 📖». Author M Zeigler

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Kelmendi.”  Rodney explains carefully being sure to word things as carefully as he can, I’m sure he knows at this point what I am capable of and he knows I have no lines that I won’t cross to kill someone. Though he shouldn’t worry about me attacking him to much because he is my payroll manager at this point and I’m working for the good guys now.

“I am not marrying anyone ever! And there is no good news anywhere in that explanation!” I shout into the phone not even bothering to hold the phone against my ear when I shout this information. Barrette gives me a really confused look, so I decide from now on when and if Rodney calls again I will put him on speaker phone. “That’s because I haven’t told you the good news yet.” Rodney says after I’ve placed him on speaker phone.

“Oh well then by all means, please, good sir, tell me what good can possibly come of this.” I say ever so mordantly to Rodney, Barrette cracks a smile at my lack of care that I am back sassing another FBI agent who has seniority over me. He really seems to enjoy my deep undying hatred for anyone who tries to control me or anyone who will act the majority over me.

“Okay miss Sassy pants, with this good news comes what I would call a bit of bad news. To you and hillbilly deluxe over there, this could be considered good news. Lukas broke several peace laws coming here on a terrorist threat; he also broke more laws when he brought ten of his finest hit men with him. Now, I still cannot get the permit to shoot down Devon, but Lukas and his hit men? They are walking targets, free game; in fact you get a bonus check for each one you shoot. Each one of the ten has a history almost worse than Devon’s and those bad deeds are just here in the US; don’t even bring up other countries.” Rodney explains then gives a muffled cough away from the phone, I can tell by the hacking sound he’s been lacking sleep and drinking too much coffee.

“That is good news, what can we do as of now?” I ask Rodney who sighs. “If I might make a suggestion, instead of passing up that airport, you might want to take the next interchange and uh, go east bound and down? The FBI can have a track the star page up in about six minutes that literally will show yours and Barrette’s location until you don’t want them to know where you are in which case you would just hit a series of numbers and it will give a false location.” Rodney gives his advice on what he would do in this situation, I look at Barrette who looks back at me, neither of us agrees that this exact plan will work.

“That just might work.” I confirm with Rodney but continue piecing together one elaborate plan to lure the cats in the trap. “However, we are tweaking the plan a little. Before the web page goes up, can you send someone to a meeting point with a bow and arrows?” I ask of Rodney who remains silent for the longest time, even Barrette looks at me clearly confused by why I’m thinking of a bow and arrows, both men think that right now we are beyond the point of fighting cowboy and Indian style.

Then I point to a massive factory off to the left of the freeway just down past the interchange, a massive sign stands tall in front of rather tiny factory. On the front of the sign is a very angry looking bull that appears to be running from something, or running at you, the logo on the sign reads in big red bold letters. They recalled the Lawn Dart, man! I remember the seemingly useless words my grandfather wrote as Barrette takes the needed off ramp to get over to the factory across the road.

“I still don’t understand why a lawn dart, plus a bow and arrows can help with this mission.” Barrette and Rodney says in unison, all I can do is laugh at the two men. “Okay, once your done there I’ll be sending a local patrol to the Gas ‘N’ Go four miles up the road, stop in there.” Rodney says then gives a sigh. “And Bonnie? Don’t blow anyone up; the state is already in a lot of money after the Floyd Louisiana problem.” Rodney says, before I can object and remind Rodney that I didn’t start that; the FBI agent is gone, he has hung up on me.

“That jerk! I didn’t cause the Floyd dilemma!” I shout as I get out of the Mustang. “I know Bonnie; now explain to me what is going through that pretty little head of yours?” Barrette says as he is joining me on the walk to the front office of the factory. “It’s a long story.” I reply irritably as Barrette reaches past me to open the office door, part of me wants to yell at him for always holding the door but I know very well that his manners are fully engraved so I take a deep breath. “Thank you.” I amend as I pass by heading into the office.

“Need I remind you we are stuck in the same car until further notice; I think there is time for a long story.” Barrette adds causing the woman at the desk to look up. “Can I help you?” She inquires rather politely, so as not to waste precious time I flash my FBI badge at her, her eyes become fearful. “I’m agent Parker; this is my partner agent Green. We need to get three cases of low impact, with tactical center.” I say to the woman whose badge reads Velma. “Sure thing, how low impact is we talking though?” Velma questions tying her raven colored hair into a pony tail, after her shoulder length hair is in a bun she reaches to tap the keys on her computer key board.

“As in, I’m throwing them off a building roof top; they need to explode on impact.” I reply as I think of the Georgia town layout. “Um, okay I think we can do that.” Velma says just as a middle age man with a bald head comes inching into the room via the back door, he’s covered in what appears to be gun powder with burn marks in his jeans, he isn’t looking too pleased as of this very minute. “Rocky, is there anything we can do for extreme low impact?” Velma asks, Rocky gives a confused basil green eyed look to Velma. “FBI.” Velma says as Barrette now shows his badge. “Oh, uh, yeah. We have a special mix up for that, how much do you need? We don’t exactly keep that in stock, it’s not a common occurrence to get FBI agents in here?” Rocky asks silently moving Velma aside to get to the computer.

“How much do you have and what are you packing?” I ask before Barrette can comment.

“Eh, Tannerite, and Ammonium nitrate? Why?” Rocky wonders almost seeming illusive, he probably thinks that we are here investigating him. “We need that exact mixture and…” I let the sentence fall as I look at the chart on the wall for how much of each ingredient is added to the case. After doing a little bit of basic math I look back at Rocky. “I need exactly twelve point eight ounces of Sulfur powder if you have it.” I say with a smile, Rocky gives a weary look but doesn’t argue. “Velma, go run this out to Gunter, tell him it’s needed now.” Rocky says pointing to the printer that is spitting out the order form, Velma leaps from her seat to run for the printer then out the same door Rocky came in from.

“Take this number down and call it in about twenty minutes, he will pay for the tab. And thank you for being so quick about this.” I say as I fish my cell phone out and head for the door to call Rodney back, Barrette follows me curious still about the plan.

I hit redial on the phone number that Rodney called from and he answers on the second ring. “What’s wrong?” Rodney asks. “Nothing is wrong, we have the lawn dart targets, I need you to put the website up on our current location at the factor in about ten minutes. Once that location goes up I need it to crash after Devon has read it. Here, talk to Barrette he’ll give you exactly what he needs for the bow and arrow.” I speak urgently to Rodney then shove the phone to Barrette while I go back inside to take the three small boxes of explosive targets and a large durable bag of neon yellow powder.

“Thank you Rocky.” I say as I scribble down Rodney’s number and then my badge number down on a piece of paper. “Rocky takes it and nods. “Twenty minutes?” Rocky confirms, I nod my head yes and walk out the door to find Barrette just now hanging up with Rodney.

“Is everything on go?” I ask Barrette who reaches to take two of the boxes off my hands. “Yes mam.” He confirms, with a more of a relaxed sigh we both walk back to the mustang where I stuff the boxes to the back seat and slide into the driver’s seat. “I thought I was driving?” Barrette complains. “No offense sweetie but your driving is slow; we need to get through Florida in a hurry. We need to be inside the Georgia Border no later than eight.” I say to Barrette who gives a wide eyed look back to me, as I’m reaching into the driver’s window to pop the hood on the car.

“It’s three o’clock on the dot, and I’ve been driving a hundred and fifty the entire time!” Barrette exclaims objectively back to me as I walk around to the hood of the car, my only response is to open the inner latch on the hood and prop the hood open. “Yes I know that, but like I said we will be getting into Georgia no later than eight o’clock. For right now I suggest that you call Montgomery and tell him that around seven he should be getting everyone in town to the community center, the old one outside of town. Everyone needs to leave their lights on, we want Devon, the Duke, and Hugo to think everyone is still home.” I say to Barrette as I move to the ground arching my back over the parking brick in order to slide under the Mustang.

“What are you planning, Bonnie?” Barrette asks pointedly and urgently as he looks down through the engine as I start messing with unconnected wires and two tubing lines, all of which need to be connected. “I’m planning to install the…hyper drive thing on the car.” I reply with a coy smile, Barrette glares back at me. “No I mean, when we get to Georgia.” Barrette says through gritted teeth. “I’ll explain on the way, can you turn the two valve on those blue tanks?” I ask Barrette who looks to the engine then down at me with panic even leaning down closer to the engine with his reply. “Tell me those are not-

“Oh they are, I told you. Illegal racer, daddy knows his baby girl.” I say to Barrette who shakes his head begrudgingly reaching over to turn both valves to the on position. “This is a horrible idea.” Barrette mutters then abandons me here under the car which is fine because I have everything hooked up properly and the two lines fueling the tank to the Carburetor and the pistons isn’t leaking.

Inside the car I see that Barrette is properly positioned in the passenger’s seat already locked into the racing harness with my cell

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