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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The Knight of Azteca by Nick Venom (books for 9th graders txt) 📖

Book online «The Knight of Azteca by Nick Venom (books for 9th graders txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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being remastered, eventually, while getting a second part. The second part isn’t connected to the characters in the first part. The franchise is an anthology of sorts. 

Author’s Note #3: Aeryn is pronounced: Air-rin / Zedo is pronounced: Zee-dough

Episode Twelve "Second Chance At Life"

Aeryn stood up, wearing his dented armor, and brandished his weapon. The poison that nearly killed him had dissipated, but, however, the wound remained. Splice---who watched above on the tops of trees---was confused by Aeryn's sudden revival.  “He is still alive? How is this? The poison should be in full effect by now.” He mumbled to himself.

Aeryn turned to his side and noticed Roxie---who broke down in tears upon his revival. “You’re alive!” She shouted, pouncing on him. Zedo and Rain stood nearby, focusing more so on the assassin threatening their life than Aeryn returning from the land of the dead. 

“Focus, Splice is somewhere nearby!” Zedo shouted.

“I know,” Aeryn remarked. “I’ll kill him!” 

“Four weak people think they’re gonna topple a high-tier assassin?”

“High-tier? I would say low-tier. I have never heard your name before.” Zedo taunted him.

“You’ve never heard of me? I. Am. Splice!” He shouted, revealing his location

“Gotcha!” Rain muttered as she let go of the string, launching an arrow towards Splice. The arrow---infused with Wind Arrow---catapulted towards Splice and nicked him. Splice was forced off his hiding place by the arrow. He fell and landed on the ground with a large ‘thud’ sound. 

Now with an advantage in their hands, the group moved in to secure their victory. Roxie---angered by Splice---awakened her bloodthirsty mode and charged towards him. Aeryn stood up straight, watching as Zedo and Roxie attacked Splice first. He carefully observed as they unleashed their attacks, denting Splice’s health. Rain fired bundles of arrows at Splice---dodging trees and rocks to meet him. 

“This is what you get for trying to kill us!” Zedo shouted as he wailed on Splice.

“You tried to kill my master!” Roxie shouted, emitting an animalistic growl, in contrast to her heavenly look. 

“Unleash my fury upon my targets,” Rain muttered under her breath. Splice wasn’t able to fend off the constant attacks, his defense breaking down with every hit. Splice---unable to defend himself---used Air Dash to retreat. However, the attacks weren’t relenting. 

“Stop!” Aeryn shouted, attracting the attention of everybody. “I’ll finish him.” He took a few steps forward. Rain lowered her bow and stood back. Aeryn took a few more steps forward. Roxie---blinded by bloodlust---retracted her figurative claws and backed away from Aeryn’s prey. Zedo backed away and lowered his hammer. “Activate Void!” He shouted, activating his new skill. The straight path in front of him turned night-black. His eyes turned blackish purple. Every plant died in his path. Splice was nearing death and couldn’t muster the strength to escape. The knight raised his sword as Splice was at arms-reach. Void had flanked Splice and turned into chains, pinning Splice to the ground.

“You can’t kill me! If you kill me, then my master will track you down and slaughter you like animals. Dragon will see my death avenged.” 

“I’ll be waiting for him,” Aeryn declared as he brought down his sword, slicing Splice's chest open. He pierced his kidneys then lungs, making his way around his heart. Splice howled in pain, attracting some sympathy from the others, but they didn’t act on it. Aeryn took his time dissecting Splice until one final jab ended his life. Splice and Vicious were no longer on the land of the living.

Aeryn turned around and stared at his group. Roxie’s eyes were admiring him while the two others were a mix of creeped out and proud. They had ended two threats but earned a new one. The infamous Dragon would be hearing about his disciple’s death and would arrive to claim the incomplete quest. The quest of killing Aeryn was assigned by an unknown individual, masking themselves in the darkness to avoid being caught.

Ignoring the stares of his comrades, Aeryn looked up at the sky. His eyes reverted to its normal color. He was thankful to Mina for his second chance at life. He never thought that a goddess had favored him. Moreover, one that could bend Father Time’s arm to allow him to return to the land of the living. Aeryn then glanced back at his comrades. “I think it’s about time we return. Oh, and let me reintroduce myself. I’m Aeryn.”


The group returned to Marksberry. Hollister heard of their feats and rewarded them handsomely. Zedo rushed off to pay his bar tab and indulge himself in exotic foods. Meanwhile. Rain saved her share of the money, spending it wisely. 

Unlike his comrades, Aeryn had decided how to use it. He purchased a mansion in Marksberry, a sign that he has decided to remain in the town. Roxie followed him with her head held high. She was proud to be serving him. Aeryn had also thanked Roxie for her help and complimented her wings. Roxie had morphed from a burnt and damaged slave to a pure, strong, and vicious angel.

“I will cherish my second life. I thank the gods for this life… and Roxie.”

Hello All!


The first season of The Knight of Azteca has finally wrapped. The series has been renewed for a second season, but don’t expect it anytime soon. It’s been filled with high and lows, but the finale tops off everything.

This story has been interesting to write. Generation V wasn’t my favorite generation to write due to the near-lifeless remasters of several series, but Eternity and The Knight of Azteca had brought my interest up as they were the only originals for this generation.

Side note, both series mentioned are a part of a shared universe; Tales of Azteca. Expect new seasons for both series. 

That’s all for today, so, until next time, I bid you all a good day.


Generation V:


Eternity S1: The Magic War Arc [Monday]

Uncontrolled S1: Sam & Jake [Tuesday]

Legend S1: The Legend of The Bodyguard [Thursday]

Kristian: The Miner S1 Remaster / Demon Hunter S1 Remaster [Friday]

Terror Hell S1 [Saturday]

The Knight of Azteca S1 [Sunday]


Publication Date: 08-09-2020

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