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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Enid Blyton stories. by Enid blyton enid blyton, enid blyton (black authors fiction txt) 📖

Book online «Enid Blyton stories. by Enid blyton enid blyton, enid blyton (black authors fiction txt) 📖». Author Enid blyton enid blyton, enid blyton

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it wouldn't wear out. Keys never'did. He watched his Httle clown dancing, and then he went to see an ant-hill that Harry had found. They watched the busy little ants for a long time, and then Bobby looked at his watch. He was very proud of it, for it always told the right time." Half-past two," he said. " It's time we all went home, and gotready for the circus. Come along!" " I must wind up my clock­work clown to dance for the last time," said Robin, and he felt in his pocket for the key.It wasn't there! He felt a hole in his pocket—and he knew that the key must have dropped out of it. Now the little clown wouldn't be able to dance any more!Robin was only six, and he was dreadfully upset. He opened his mouth and howled. Lucy ran up to him, thinking that he had hurt himself." I've lost my clown's key! I've lost his key! " wept Robin. " I won't go home till I've foundHe felt in his pocket for the"" But you must! " said Lucy. " Why, it's almost time to set off for the circus, Robin—and you must wash your face and hands first, and let your mother brush your hair."" I won't go to the circus! " wept Robin. " I'll stay here all afternoon by myself and look for my clown's key."" You're silly, Robin," said Harry. " Come on, every one. Leave Robin. He'll come along soon enough when he finds we're gone."So Harry, Bobby, and Katie ran off, but Lucy didn't really like to leave poor Robin when he was so unhappy. She was a kind little girl." Don't cry any more, Robin," she said. " I'll help you to look for your key. Hurry up and help me."So the two of them began to hunt in the grass, but, dear me, it seemed as if that key was nowhere to be found! Lucy began to be worried, for the time was slipping on, and she knew that she couldn't go to the circus if she was much later." Robin, let's go now," she said. " Come along. We shall be too late for the circus in a minute."But Robin wouldn't go. He stood there, clutching his clock­work clown in one hand and wiping his eyes with the other. He didn't care about anything except finding his lost key."Oh, well! " said Lucy. "If you won't come I'll stay with you —but I do hope we find the key soon! "In a little while the other chil­dren ran out of their houses down the lane, waved to Lucy, and went off to the circus. Tears came into the little girl's eyes. Now she was too late to go! She went down onher hands and knees again andlooked carefully for that tiresome "I've found a four-leaved clover."         key.And what do you think she found? She found a four-leaved clover! Now, as you know, a four-leaved clover is supposed to be very lucky indeed, for it has magic in it! Lucy and the other children had often hunted for one, and had never found one—and now here was a fine one, with four green leaves, a really-and-truly four-leaved clover!"Look, Robin! " said Lucy joyfully. "I've found a four-leaved clover! Now 1 shall have some luck! "" It's too late to be lucky," said Robin. " We've missed the circus now—and haven't found my key."" Why, here's the key, under this dandelion! " cried Lucy. And so it was! " My four-leaved clover has brought us luck already! "" But it's too late for the circus," said Robin again." Hurry, and we'll see! " said Lucy. So they hurried. Robin went to his home and Lucy went to hers. And it was too late for Lucy; but do you know, when Robin told his father how kind Lucy had been to him, he jumped up and said:" Well, that kind little girl shan't miss the circus! I'll get outthe van and run both of you along to the circus straightaway. Then you'll be in time."So he got out the van in which he took his fruit to the market, called for Lucy, popped her in with Robin and tore down the lane to the circus. He paid for Lucy's ticket as well as Robin's, and they were given two good seats. They sat down just as the circus began! Wasn't that lucky?It was a lovely circus, and when the clown came in to give away balloons, who do you suppose got the biggest? Yes, Lucy! And when the big chimpanzee went round shaking hands with the children, who do you suppose he gave a hug to? Yes, Lucy! Didn't she feel proud!" My four-leaved clover really is bringing me luck," said the littleThe clown came in to give away balloons.girl happily. " I'm glad I stayed behind to help Robin."On the way home Lucy found a silver sixpence! Wasn't that good luck! And when she got home, there was her Uncle Jim, her very favourite uncle, come to take her out to tea with him in his motor-car. "Oh, Uncle Jim! This is all because of my four-leaved clover! " said Lucy happily. " Where are we going? "" We're going to the town to have tea and ice-creams," said Uncle Jim. " And then we're going to an old man I know who has a dear little puppy for sale, and It was a little black spaniel.              I want to buy it for a nice littlegirl called Lucy." " Uncle! " squealed Lucy, who wanted a puppy more than anything else in the world. " Uncle! You dear kind uncle! "Well, she had a lovely tea and two ice-creams, and then they went to fetch the puppy. It was a little black spaniel, with long, drooping ears, the dearest Httle thing Lucy had ever seen." What will you call her? " asked Uncle Jim as they drove back in his car, with Lucy cuddHng the puppy, feeHng very sleepy and very happy.Lucy had a name for her, of course. Can you guess what it was? It was Clover! Lucy thought it would be such a lucky name.Didn't she have a lot of luck? Do you want some as well? Well, just hunt about for a four-leaved clover and maybe you'll have some too. Imprint

Text: Arfa Alim
Images: Arfa Alim
Editing: Arfa Alim
Translation: Arfa Alim
Publication Date: 11-17-2013

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