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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Wild Tribe by Crystal Chen (ebook reader library TXT) 📖

Book online «Wild Tribe by Crystal Chen (ebook reader library TXT) 📖». Author Crystal Chen

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clouds overhead, magnificent shafts of light pouring its warmth onto the camp. I breathed in the crisp, fresh air, trying to take weight off my grieving heart. But it burdened me like a stone, almost crushing my fragile soul.

Movement caught my eye ad I turned to see Amber and her mother step out into the chilly late autumn air. Willow emerged from the main teepee on the other side, a blood shot Pepper following. Chive dropped down silently from a small maple sapling growing at the edge of the clearing. I peered around for Mica, but she was no where in sight.

"Where is she?" Willow asked, approaching me. "I don't know." I answered, feeling as puzzled as she looked.

"Could she have run away?" the leader wondered. "Maybe we should send a search party after her."

I disagreed. "Did you check the teepee yet?"

"Oh right. I saw a black lump in the corner of it...I'll go check."

I watched her disappear through the flap. I puffed out a frustrated sigh and crossed my arms, looking around the clearing. Amber and her mother were chatting happily on a log bench, awaiting Mica's arrival. Pepper was sniffling sorrowfully on the ground, staring blankly into the trees. Chive sat beside her, mute with an air of sadness. I myself was feeling pretty down, but fair's fair. Mica had to go.

"Hey guys!" Willow called as she exited the main teepee, dragging a tearful Mica by the arm. "A little help?"

I rushed over and took her other arm. "Everything's going to be alright." I murmured soothingly. "Come on. We'll make sure they are good to you."

Mica stood shakily and wiped her eyes. We helped her to a log bench on the opposite side of her family. Willow strode to the center and cleared her throat. Amber and her mother quieted down and turned to face the leader.

"Today is the day of Mica's release." announced Willow. "She is free to go with her family now. They must never, ever, come back." She emphasized the word, fixing her gaze on the twosome. Straighteneing, Willow stepped back and waved for Mica to come over. Eyes downcast, she trudged over. Amber bounced to her feet and jumped by her sister's side, her mother following more slowly.

"Reunite." Willow declared. I saw Mica swallow very hard. Pepper bit her lip. Chive wrapped her arms around her friend, eyes shut.

"You may go now." said Willow. Mica took a shaky breath and took Amber's hand. Amber's eyes weren't glinting with their usual sneer. They wer brownie soft, lips curved in a gentle smile. "It's going to be alright." she said softly.

My breath caught in my throat. Did she just say that? I watched as Mica lifted her face to gaze into her sister's eyes. Suprise and joy flitted in her eyes like a butterfly set free. She said nothing, but turned her head. Her eyes locked on mine. Her lips moved. Thank you.

It was as if I was jolted out of a dream. My muscles moved, set afire with alarm. "Wait!" I shouted as Mica started to turn away. "Wait! I have something for you!"

I raced up the old oak tree, fast as a diving eagle. Carefully, I removed the precious stag horn. Tucked under my arm, I leapt nimbly from the branch and ran over to Mica. "Here." I said, breathless. She took it, happiness lighting her eyes. "Thank you so much." she breathed.

"It was no problem." I said. I took a deep breath and gently squeezed her arm. "Goodbye, Mica." I said. "I will always remember you."

"As will I." Her eyes twinkled with joy. She craned her neck to gaze at the rest of the Tribe. "Live long and happily for me." she said, emotion shaking her voice. She winked at Pepper, who was no longer sobbing. "Goodbye, everyone." As she turned away for the second time, Pepper's voice rose up in a shrill squeal. "Wait, Mica!" Mica turned araound, rolling her eyes playfully. Pepper bounded over and handed her a braided reed necklace with shimmery pink shells dangling from the string. "Thanks, Pepper." Mica gasped in delight. The young warrior grinned and trotted back to her place next to Chive.

"Bye, Wild Tribe!" she called as she disappeared into the wood.

"Bye!" We anwered in unison. Willow's voice rose. "Thanks for coming! You taught us so much!" But Mica was gone.

I sighed happily. Suddenly there came a sharp, high bark. "Twilight!" I cried, turning as the wolf cub barreled into me. My face became wet with wolf slobber, and in between laughs I tried to order him to stop. My family around me was howling with laughter.

I finally got Twilight off me. It was getting dark. We gathered around the fire pit to eat, share, and laugh. The cold fall air was swirling with happy emotions. This time, when we sang the Tribe song, I was the one to start it off:

Walking towards a wishful dream,

By my side a crooked stream,

The clouds break forth in shafts of light,

Darkness falls and brings forth night,

Stars twinkle like my sister's eyes

Sweeping 'cross the navy skies

At my tribe mates' side I'm not alone

We fight through cold and bitter snow

By the fire we gaze above

Knowing our trust is bound with love

As my Tribe mates' voice faded, I closed my eyes and added a verse of my own, sung from the very bottom of my heart:

Midnight skies and broken stars

These words are from my very heart

Like scars on skin they're tightly sewn

We wish you, dear, a loving home

I ended my song with a flourish. Willow smile warmly at me. "Beautiful." Chive murmured. Pepper grinned with delight. I acknowledged their compliments with a slight nod, and gazed distantly up at the sky. My heart flooded with peace. At last.

"We are strong." My voice echoed through the air, causing the whole clearing to tremble. "We are loyal. We are powerful. We are the Wild Tribe. We are,"

"We will," Chive and Pepper chorused.

Willow finished, "And we always will be."


Publication Date: 09-24-2013

All Rights Reserved

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