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Book online «Mr. Midshipman Easy by Frederick Marryat (reading tree .TXT) 📖». Author Frederick Marryat

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submit to the punishment, and then apply to me for redress.”

“Certainly, sir,” replied Jack, “now that I am aware of your wishes.”

“You will oblige me, Mr Easy, by going on the quarter-deck, and wait there till I come up.”

Jack made his best bow, and exit.

“Old Jolliffe told me that I should have to go,” said Jack to himself, “and he was right, so far; but hang me if I hadn’t the best of the argument, and that’s all I care about.”

Captain Wilson sent for the master, and reprimanded him for his oppression, as it was evident that there was no ground for punishment, and he forbade him ever to masthead another midshipman, but to report his conduct to the first lieutenant or himself. He then proceeded to the quarter-deck, and, calling for Mr Easy, gave him what appeared to be a very severe reprimand, which Jack looked upon very quietly, because it was all zeal on the captain’s part to give it, and all zeal on his own to take it. Our hero was then ordered up to the masthead.

Jack took off his hat, and took three or four steps, in obedience to the order-and then returned and made his best bow-inquired of Captain Wilson whether he wished him to go to the fore or to the mainmast head.

“To the main, Mr Easy,” replied the captain, biting his lips.

Jack ascended three spokes of the Jacob’s ladder, when he again stopped, and took off his hat.

“I beg your pardon, Captain Wilson-you have not informed me whether it was your wish that I should go to the topmast, or the top-gallant cross-trees.”

“To the top-gallant cross-trees, Mr Easy,” replied the captain.

Jack ascended, taking it very easy; he stopped at the maintop for breath; at the main-topmast head, to look about him; and, at last, gained the spot agreed upon, where he seated himself, and, taking out the articles of war, commenced them again to ascertain whether he could not have strengthened his arguments. He had not, however, read through the seventh article before the hands were turned up- “Up anchor!” and Mr Sawbridge called, “All hands down from aloft!’ Jack took the hint, folded up his documents, and came down as leisurely as he went up. Jack was a much better philosopher than his father.

The Harpy was soon under way, and made all sail, steering for Cape de Catte, where Captain Wilson hoped to pick up a Spanish vessel or two, on his way to Toulon to receive orders of the Admiral.

A succession of light breezes and calms rendered the passage very tedious; but the boats were constantly out, chasing the vessels along shore, and Jack usually asked to be employed on this service; indeed, although so short a time afloat, he was, from his age and strength, one of the most effective midshipmen, and to be trusted, provided a whim did not come into his head; but hitherto Jack had always been under orders, and had always acquitted himself very well.

When the Harpy was at Tarragona, it so happened that there were several cases of dysentery in the ship, and Mr Asper and Mr Jolliffe were two of those who were suffering. This reduced the number of officers; and, at the same time, they had received information from the men of a fishing-boat, who, to obtain their own release, had given the intelligence, that a small convoy was coming down from Rosas as soon as the wind was fair, under the protection of two gunboats.

Captain Wilson kept well off-shore until the wind changed, and then, allowing for the time that the vessels would take to run down the distance between Tarragona and Rosas, steered in the night to intercept them; but it again fell calm, and the boats were therefore hoisted out, with directions to proceed along the shore, as it was supposed that the vessels could not now be far distant. Mr Sawbridge had the command of the expedition in the pinnace; the first cutter was in charge of the gunner, Mr Linus; and, as the other officers were sick, Mr Sawbridge, who liked Jack more and more every day, at his particular request gave him the command of the second cutter. As soon as he heard of it, Mesty declared to our hero that he would go with him; but without permission that was not possible. Jack obtained leave for Mesty to go in lieu of a marine; there were many men sick of the dysentery, and Mr Sawbridge was not sorry to take an idler out of the ship instead of a working man, especially as Mesty was known to be a good hand.

It was ten o’clock at night when the boats quitted the ship; and, as it was possible that they might not return till late the next day, one day’s biscuit and rum were put on board each, that the crews might not suffer from exhaustion. The boats pulled inshore, and then coasted for three hours without seeing anything: the night was fine overhead, but there was no moon. It still continued calm, and the men began to feel fatigued, when, just as they were within a mile of a low point, they perceived the convoy over the land, coming down with their sails squared, before a light breeze.

Mr Sawbridge immediately ordered the boats to lie upon their oars, awaiting their coming, and arranging for the attack.

The white lateen sails of the gunboat in advance were now plainly distinguishable from the rest, which were all huddled together in her wake. Down she came like a beautiful swan in the water, her sails just filled with the wind, and running about three knots an hour. Mr Sawbridge kept her three masts in one, that they might not be perceived, and winded the boats with their heads the same way, so that they might dash on board of her with a few strokes of the oars. So favourable was the course of the gunboat, that she stood right between the launch on one bow, and the two cutters on the other; and they were not perceived until they were actually alongside; the resistance was trifling, but some muskets and pistols had been fired, and the alarm was given. Mr Sawbridge took possession, with the crew of the launch, and brought the vessel to the wind, as he perceived that at the alarm all the convoy had done the same, directing the cutters to board the largest vessels, and secure as many as they could, while he would do the same with the launch, as he brought them to: but the other gunboat, which had not yet been seen, and had been forgotten, now made her appearance, and came down in a gallant manner to the support of her comrade.

Mr Sawbridge threw half his men into the launch, as she carried a heavy carronade, and sent her to assist the cutters, which had made right for the gunboat. A smart firing of round and grape was opened upon the boats, which continued to advance upon her; but the officer commanding that gunboat, finding that he had no support from his consort, and concluding that she had been captured, hauled his wind again, and stood out in the offing. Our hero pulled after her, although he could not see the other boats; but the breeze had freshened, and all pursuit was useless: he therefore directed his course to the convoy, and after a hard pull, contrived to get on board of a one-masted xebeque, of about fifty tons. Mesty, who had eyes as sharp as a needle, had observed that, when the alarm was given, several of the convoy had not rounded the point, and he therefore proposed, as this vessel was very light, that they should make short tacks with her, to weather the point, as if they were escaping, and by that means be able, particularly if it fell calm again, to capture some others. Jack thought this advice good. The convoy who had rounded the point had all stood out to seaward with the gunboat, and had now a fresh breeze. To chase them was therefore useless; and the only chance was to do as Mesty had proposed. He therefore stood out into the breeze, and, after half an hour, tacked inshore, and fetched well to windward of the low point; but, finding no vessels, he stood out again. Thus had he made three or four tacks, and had gained, perhaps, six or seven miles, when he perceived signals of recall made to leeward, enforced with guns.

“Mr Sawbridge wants us to come back, Mesty.”

“Mr Sawbridge mind him own business,” replied Mesty, “we nebber take all dis trubble to ply to windward for noting.”

But, Mesty, we must obey orders.”

“Yes, sar, when he have him thumb upon you; but now, must do what tink most proper. By de powers, he catch me ‘fore I go back.”

“But we shall lose the ship.”

“Find her again, by-and-bye, Massa Easy.”

“But they will think that we are lost.”

“So much the better, nebba look after us, Massa Easy; I guess we have a fine cruise anyhow. Morrow we take large vessel-make sail, take more, den we go to Toulon.”

“But I don’t know my way to Toulon; I know it lies up this way, and that’s all.”

“Dat enough, what you want more? Massa Easy, ‘pose you not find fleet, fleet soon find you. By God, nobody nebba lost here. Now, Massa Easy, let um go ‘bout ‘gain. Somebody else bum buscuit and boil kettle tomorrow for de gentlemen. Murder Irish! only tink, Massa Easy-I boil kettle, and prince in my own country!”

Easy was very much of a mind with Mesty; “for,” argued Jack, “if I go back now, I only bring a small vessel half-full of beans, and I shall be ashamed to show my face. Now it is true, that they may suppose that we have been sunk by the fire of the gunboat. Well, what then? they have a gunboat to show for their night’s work, and it will appear that there was harder fighting than there has been, and Mr Sawbridge may benefit by it.” (Jack was a very knowing fellow to have leant so much about the service already.) “Well, and when they discover that we are not lost, how glad they will be to find us, especially if we bring some prizes-which I will do, or I’ll not go back again. It’s not often that one gets a command before being two months at sea, and, hang me, now I’ve got it if I won’t keep it; and Mr Smallsole may masthead whom he pleases. I’m sorry for poor Cossett, though; if Vigors supposes me dead, how he will murder the poor little fellow-however, it is all for the good of the service, and I’ll revenge him when I come back. Hang me if I won’t take a cruise.”

“I talk to the men, they say they all tick to you like leech. Now dat job settled, I tink we better go ‘bout again.”

A short time after this decision on the part of our hero, the day broke: Jack first looked to leeward, and perceived the gunboat and convoy standing in for the shore about ten miles distant, followed by the Harpy, under all sail. He could also perceive the captured gunboat lying-to inshore to prevent their escape.

“Harpy hab um all, by Gosh!” cried Mesty; “I ab notion dat she soon settle um hash.”

They were so busy looking at the Harpy and the convoy that, for some time, they quite forgot to look to windward. At last Mesty turned his eyes that way.

“Dam urn, I see right last night; look, Massa Easy-one chip, one brig tree lateen-dem for us. By de power, but we make bon prize tonight.”

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