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Book online «My talent by Jordan Brunswick (popular ebook readers .txt) 📖». Author Jordan Brunswick

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The hill

I woke up in my bed, I don’t know how I got there but I did. I climbed out of bed into the cold area of my room, I got dressed in my clothes for that day that I was going to wear to school, I washed my hands and face it the bathroom which was the size of my room. I walked down the old creaky stairs into the kitchen, I made lunch for myself, got a bottle and shoved it into my bag, along with my journal, my drawing book and my pencil case. “Good bye” I yelled, up the stairs and I left. I walked out the front door and along the little path that was a shortcut to school and the hills, I walked down the path to the two intersections and that's where I met Ben.

“Hello Nina, have a good day at school, oh and ye remember what I told you last night”?

“Yeah, you said that I should stick to drawing people” I said in an inconsiderate tone.

“No, I did not say that I said-” I cut him off before he could finish his sentence

“I know what you said”

He nodded and let me past without saying anything, I took the path to school he left once I had gone down the path. I should just skip school and go to the hills I conceled this thought and so I ran back down the path and checked for uncle Ben, but no one was there so I ran up the path to the hills.


It took for ever but I finally got to my favorite hill, I sat down under my favorite tree and put my bag next to me, took out my pencil case and my journal and my drawing book, I put my journal next to on the ground and got my drawing book and started to draw, but I was drawing without knowing seeing and memory in my head, the drawing was very detailed and so I drew it that way, it took an hour but when it was finished it looked like…

when I looked at it it looked like mum’s friend that had died in a bom explosion when she was little, the girls name was Siome which was a pretty name now I think about. But I guess I’m weird because I’m a girl and I have noise that other people can hear, which is not common, but now that I think about it no other girl I know has noise that someone else can hear, but then again uncle Ben just says it because I’m special and talented, but I don’t think he thinks that drawing stuff you don’t know about like the war drawing or this one a talent. I decided I wanted to see what else I could draw so I did. The next thing I drew was a picture of…

I didn’t why I drew it, but it felt important, I had only drawn’ two things, I checked my watch and saw that it was afternoon, the time that I would of gotten home but I was still here. I shoved all the stuff in my bag and cut diagonally across the ground keeping close to the to the ground remembering the council talking about me running down the hill yesterday, I decided to run straight to the square and say I took the long way home I was still running when my phone rang, it was Mum so I answered it.

“Hello Nina, we are wandering we you were”?

“Um… hi, just taking the long way back” I replied trying to not sound like I’m running, but she spotted it

“Are you ok, you sound a little exhausted”

“Nah, I’m fine almost there, be there in a minute” I say

“Ok” when she said that there was obvious worry in her voice

Just as I reached the square she had hung up, I saw a lot of people I knew walking in the square, I slowed down, then I spotted my friend she was running up to me, she skidded to a stop as she reached me and said “Oi where were you today, why weren’t you at school”?

“Oh… I was up at the old tree that we usually sit at, please don’t tell my parents, or anyone that are friends with my parents”! I replied with urgency in my voice

“Don’t ye worry about that”

“Do you want to walk me home”

“Good idea”

So together we walked down the road, around people passing by, and carts on the road, thats when we both saw Wilf on his cart.

“Yoo need a ride home” he asked

“Yes please, Wilf” I said, his oxes noise had Wilf in their noise, so we got onto the cart and held on for the ride to my place, Issy’s place was near mine, next to Shantell’s place. What felt like years later we arrived out in front of my house, Issy and I jumped down from the cart and so surprisingly so did Wilf. Issy said goodby to both of us and walked off in the opposite direction, Wilf knocked on the door of my house and mum opened it, she was surprised to see us standing there, she let us both in, once we were inside she hugged me much to my disgust, I pulled back and she let go then said to Wilf

“Thanks for bring her here”

“Thats ok Hidy” he said, I don’t know why he called her that, maybe it was a nickname

“I saw this we one and a friend wandering up the hill to this house, so I gladly gave the we ones a lift” he said “Yoo know she looks a lot like you and…”

“Me” said dad cutting Wilf off

As he walked into the room, I instinctively took a steep towards mum until I was standing right next to her. Dad stop in front of Wilf and they had a private conversation with their noise. A minute or so later we all said goodby to Wilf.

The drawing that I regretted

Dad looked at me, we were standing there in the middle of the kitchen near the table. Dad was still looking at me then he looked at the bag on my shoulder then his eyes flickered to the table, but I just stood there, Put the bag on the table his noise rang through my head, so I did what I was told, I put it on the table, he immediately took out all it’s contents and put on the table next to my bag. He looked at my journal, picked it up and flicked through it but found nothing, then he pick up my drawing book and turned the pages one by one until he got to the newly drawn artworks, mum was looking at the drawings next to him. I sunk down in my chair when they looked at me,  dad didn’t say anything he just left the room, he came back a minute later, he put something in front of me, when I looked closely I saw it was a piece of paper and a pencil, I shoved the pencil away and reached into my pocket, both of them watching my every move. I took out my drawing pencil, I looked up at mum and she gave a slight nod so I put the pencil to the paper, I took in and deep breath and stared at the paper, and started to draw without any recolonization of what I was doing, just looking at the detailed image in my head. Agian after a hour I finished, I blinked once and looked at what I had drawn, very much to my horror, as I looked at it I recognized it so I quickly folded it up and shoved it into one of my pockets. Can I see? dad’s noise said, I shook my head.  Are you sure? his noise asked again, and again I shook my head.

“Can I see, please”? mum asked, I shook my head, then what we all heard next made us all turn around.

“Can I see” said a small voice, it was my little sister, she had only one talent and that was to control people when she didn’t get what she wanted but only for good, but only I knew that.

“Um… ok” I said, then I whispered to her “Only if you don’t show dad, ok” ?

Ella nodded, that was my sister’s name Ella.

I took the drawing out of my pocket and gave it to her, she looked at it, she had a puzzled look on her face, she obviously didn’t know what it was. The she gave it to mum and whispered something in her ear, which she nodded to, mum glanced down at the drawing and almost dropped it in shock, then she whispered “holy shit” but I covered Ella’s ears for that. Mum folded it back up and handed it to me, then she and me went up the stairs, and we entered my room, sat down on my bed, and she shut the door.


“I don’t know what I drew” I said immediately when the door was shut

“I know, of course you don’t, I don’t know how you even managed to control you tallent” mum said

“What do you mean”?

“I have the same power as you, but your more advanced than me”

I frowned and looked up into her eyes, just then I realized how beautiful her eyes were, they were kinda greenish-blueish with a bit of grey, I got my drawing book, and drew her eye’s then showed her, she loved them and I said she could keep it.

We both went to sleep after that, getting ready for the next day.

The teaching and pacticing

I got up just as the sun was rising, I'd just gotten dressed as I heard a nock on my door.

Today I was going to ask dad about controlling my noise, and mum about my special talent, I walked

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