Read books online ยป Bibles ยป 5000 Praises to GOD from Bible by JACOB GEORGE (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซ5000 Praises to GOD from Bible by JACOB GEORGE (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author JACOB GEORGE

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who blots out your transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.25

2350 He will keep us as an apple of his eye. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 17.8

2351 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 17:14

2352 High priest of good things to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 11

2353 I [am] the first, and I [am] the last. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

2354 If I go up to heavens, you are there. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 139.7

2355 Jehovah-Rapha - The God who Heals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:26

2356 Jehovah-Shalom - The LORD of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 6:24

2357 Jesus Christ lives within believers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 2:20

2358 Light of the Glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee IICor4 46.Jn 17 5

2359 Lord is with me like a mighty warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 20.11

2360 LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.4

2361 Lord was with Joseph and he prospered. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 39.2

2362 LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.12

2363 New Beginning, He (GOD) makes all things new. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:5

2364 The head of the body, the church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:18, 24

2365 The LORD hath called me from the womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49.1

2366 The LORD rules over the deep waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2367 The LORD your God has blessed you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 12:5-7

2368 The Lord, King of Israel, is with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3.15

2369 The north and the south thou hast created them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2370 The Secret of the Lord. Ps. 25 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 13 18

2371 The whole earth is full of his glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.3

2372 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:105

2373 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pr. 3.5

2374 We have access into the grace of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:2

2375 Who trust in the Lord will prosper. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 28.25

2376 Worship the LORD in the holy mount. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 27.13

2377 YHVH Nissi - The LORD My Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 17 15

2378 You make an agreement with all of us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2379 Your righteousness will go before us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.8

2380 Adam, The Last or The Second Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 15 45

2381 Advocate (Mediator and High Priest). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 2:1

2382 But my God shall supply all your need. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 4:19

2383 Creator of the New Heavens and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66 22

2384 Elohay Selichot - God of Forgiveness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 17

2385 Elohay YIsh.i - God of My Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 46

2386 First that should rise from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 26:23

2387 God says my salvation shall not tarry. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 46.13

2388 Great and awesome name; Holy is He (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:3

2389 He destroys the children of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

2390 He hath made the earth by his power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:12

2391 He listened to her and opened her womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 30.22

2392 He preached deliverance to the captives. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:18

2393 He removed our transgressions from us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:12

2394 He turned us from darkness to light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 60:19-20

2395 He was pierced for our transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.5

2396 He will save his people from their sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:31

2397 His name shall be called The mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2398 Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.3

2399 Hope of His People Israel. Joel 3 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 1 23

2400 I [am] the LORD which exercise judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 9:24

2401 I will do whatever you ask in my name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh. 14.13

2402 I will remember the deeds of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 77:11

2403 JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH - the Lord of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6:1-3

2404 Jehovah-shammah - The Lord is There. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 48 35

2405 Jesus began to preach, saying, Repent. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 4:17

2406 Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Hos. 11 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 5

2407 Lord of Heaven and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 28 18

2408 Lord of the Second Advent. Heb. 9 28. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 2 15

2409 Make your face shine on your servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:16

2410 May you be richly rewarded by the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ruth 2.12

2411 Messenger of the Covenant. Mal. 3 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 21 12

2412 My portion in the land of the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 142 5

2413 The LORD is there - Jehovah-Shammah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 48 35

2414 The Lord upholds all who are falling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:14

2415 The multitudes of heaven worship you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:1-11

2416 The way, the truth, and the life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 5-6

2417 Therefore He can help when tempted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:17-18

2418 Thou [art] the God, [even] thou alone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 37:16

2419 Trampler of the Young Lion and Dragon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91 13

2420 True and Faithful Witness. Jer. 42 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 14

2421 We have an advocate with the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 2:1-29

2422 We will sing and praise Your power. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 21:13

2423 Who comforts us in all our troubles. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3-4

2424 Worship the LORD in holy array. . -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 16:29

2425 Yahweh is My Banner [Yahweh-nissi]. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 17:16

2426 Awesome in praises, working wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15:11

2427 Bless the LORD your God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 9:5

2428 But I (GOD) say to you Love your enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 5:43-48

2429 Chiefest among Ten Thousand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5 10

2430 Declare His (GOD) praise in the coastlands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42:12

2431 El Yeshuati - The God of my Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12 2

2432 Elohiym or Elohim or Aleim - Strong One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 1

2433 For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

2434 For thou wilt save the afflicted people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:27

2435 He is the only God worthy of our worship. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:4

2436 He leads out the prisoners to prosperity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:6

2437 He never lets honest people be defeated. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

2438 He said to them, Go into all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 16:15

2439 He will never leave you nor forsake you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det. 31.8

2440 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21:4

2441 Him that maketh the day dark with night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

2442 I (God) go to prepare a place for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:2-3

2443 I will be his God and he shall be My son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:7

2444 I will make darkness light before them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:16

2445 I will praise the LORD while I live. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:1-2

2446 I will sing praises to Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:50

2447 I, your God, will show my power to save. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

2448 If God is with us who can be against us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8.31

2449 It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2450 Jesus has always been, from everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 5:2

2451 Let them praise His name with dancing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:3

2452 Let your requests be made known to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 4:6

2453 Redemption (PAID) by his own blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9:12

2454 Restores them from their bed of illness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41:3

2455 Righteous and Very Faithful Testimony. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 138

2456 Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:32

2457 The author and perfecter of salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:10

2458 The Father seeketh such to worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:23

2459 The God who shows me loving-kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 59:17

2460 The holiest by the blood of Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 10:19-20

2461 The LORD my Shepherd - YHWH-Ro'i. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 1

2462 The Lord sits enthroned over the flood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2463 The LORD will be the hope of his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

2464 The sky above proclaims his handiwork. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63:3-4

2465 The time of His arrival was prophesied. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:25

2466 This Man was our substitute sacrifice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 10:12

2467 Thou hast made man a little lower than the angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2468 Victorious King and Lord. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 18

2469 We're espoused (engaged) to Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 11:2

2470 Whose throne is above the stars of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.13

2471 You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2472 All the earth sing praises to your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:4

2473 All the others fear and greatly honor you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89:7

2474 Beloved, White and Rudy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5 10

2475 Christ the First Fruits. I Cor. 15 23. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 27 5

2476 Completely good to those who are perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2477 Elohay Kedem - God of the Beginning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 27

2478 Elohim - God (plural) as in the Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1:1

2479 Establisher of the Ends of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 30 4

2480 Every tithe it is holy to the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 27:30

2481 For his steadfast love endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 136:26

2482 For You, Lord, have made me glad through Your work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2483 Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33:1-3

2484 Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty. Ps. 145 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 3

2485 God who gave the limits for water in river and sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee

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