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Book online «5000 Praises to GOD from Bible by JACOB GEORGE (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) 📖». Author JACOB GEORGE

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-- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 1:24

3718 God the fear of Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 31:42

3719 The Mighty one of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 60:16

3720 The portion of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:16

3721 He who loved Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 9:13

3722 He who had accepted Job. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:9

3723 The Lord who restored Job’s losses. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:10

3724 The Lord who gave Job twice as much as he had before. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:10

3725 The Lord who blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:12

3726 You are wonderful in counsel and You are excellent in guidance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:29

3727 You are great in counsel and mighty in work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:19

3728 The hills from where my help comes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:1

3729 The one who makes crooked places straight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 42:16

3730 The only begotten of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:14

3731 The Angel of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:19

3732 The Messenger of covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 3:1

3733 Servant chosen by the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt12:18

3734 Commander of the army of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 5:14

3735 Our Captain. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor13:12

3736 Our Protector. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor13:12

3737 Our Mediator. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:5

3738 Our Brother. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 3:35

3739 Our rising Sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:79

3740 Our Holy sanctuary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 8:14

3741 Worthy of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:12

3742 Crown of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:5

3743 Diadem of beauty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:5

3744 A Child and Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 9:6

3745 Gracious and full of compassion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 111:4

3746 The desire of every nation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hag 2:7

3747 O God, to you belong all nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 82:8

3748 The Most High who divided their inheritance of the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:8

3749 Heir of all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:2

3750 He who upholds all things by the word of His power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3751 He who bore us on eagle’s wings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 19:4

3752 He who keeps me as an apple of an eye. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 17:8

3753 Your right hand shall hold me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:10

3754 You are my shade at my right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:5

3755 The Blessed and only potentate. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:15

3756 One who is immortal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:16

3757 The unseen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:16

3758 The Brightness of His glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3759 The last Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor15:45

3760 Father, the vine dresser. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:1

3761 The true vine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:1

3762 The sower of good seeds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 13:37

3763 He who prunes the branch to bear more fruits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:2

3764 Author and Finisher of our faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:1

3765 The Breaker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mica 2:13

3766 The Lord who fights for me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:14

3767 Consuming fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:29

3768 You are like refiner’s fire and like fuller’s soap. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mala 3:2

3769 The great and awesome God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 7:21

3770 You are awesome in Your doing toward sons of men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:5

3771 The shield of my help. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 33:29

3772 Heavenly Bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:32

3773 The Potter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 18:6

3774 God with no partiality. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 2:11

3775 A tried, precious cornerstone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:16

3776 A sure foundation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:16

3777 You are anointed with oil of gladness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:9

3778 The Ancient days. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 7:9

3779 Lord, who is slow to anger. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:13

3780 The express image of God’s person. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3781 Your are of purer eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Haba 1:13

3782 Head of the body of Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:18

3783 The Lord who nourishes and cherishes the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:29

3784 Lion of the tribe of Judah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:5

3785 Man of war. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:3

3786 Mighty in battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:8

3787 Mighty in strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9:4

3788 The one who crushed satan’s head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 3:15

3789 Christ the victor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 16:33

3790 The Lord who has triumphed gloriously. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:1

3791 God who always lead us on triumph in Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 2:14

3792 The great King above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:3

3793 Lord, You are greater than all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 18:11

3794 Lord, You are exalted far above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 97:9

3795 You are to be feared above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 96:4

3796 Lord, You are above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 153:5

3797 You are greatly to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:3

3798 The Lord who bestows His riches upon all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 10:12

3799 Who gives us power to get wealth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 8:18

3800 Both riches and honor come of You. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chro 29:12

3801 You don’t despise Your own that are in bonds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 69:33

3802 He who hears the groaning of the prisoners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:20

3803 He who brings out those who are bound to be prosperity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:6

3804 He who sets free those appointed to death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:20

3805 The Lord who upholds all those who fall. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:14

3806 The Lord who raises up all those who are bowed down. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:14

3807 He who heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:3

3808 He who raises the poor out of the dust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 113:7

3809 Lord You are a refuge for the oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:9

3810 Lord You have heard the desire of the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 10:17

3811 He who hears the cry of the afflicted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 34:28

3812 Lord who maintains the cause of the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 140:12

3813 Lord who delivers the poor from him that is too strong for him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:10

3814 Lord who delivers the poor and the needy from him who spoils him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:10

3815 Him and sustain him on his sick bed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 41:1-3

3816 Lord You will save the humble people and You will bring down haughty looks. – “” Ps 18:27

3817 The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:6

3818 There is none like You O Lord to help both the mighty and the weak. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2Cor 14:11

3819 Lord You will place the poor in the safety. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 12:5

3820 You do not regard the rich more than the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 34:19

3821 You have been strength to poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3822 You have been strength to the needy in his distress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3823 A refuge from the storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3824 A shade from the heat. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3825 Lord, You set the poor on high far from affliction. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:41

3826 Lord You have delivered the life of the needy from the hand of the evil doers. – “” Jer 20:13

3827 Lord You makes the families of the poor like a flock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:41

3828 Lord, You stand at the right hand of the poor to save him. LORD I Praise Thee Ps 109:31

3829 Lord, who lifts the needy out of the dust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 113:7

3830 Lord, You make the poor to sit with the princess of his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 113:8

3831 Lord, You maintain the justice for the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 140:12

3832 Father of the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:5

3833 Defender of widows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:5

3834 Helper of the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 10:14

3835 Lord, You will regard the prayer of the destitute. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:17

3836 He who upholds the widows and the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:9

3837 The Lord watches over the strangers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:9

3838 He who loves the stranger giving him food and clothing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 10:18

3839 God who gives the desolate, a home to dwell. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:6

3840 God You provide from Your goodness for the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:10

3841 The Lord who has compassion on His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 135:14

3842 The Lord who delights in the welfare of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:27

3843 Lord who confirms the words of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 44:26

3844 Lord who performs the counsel of His messengers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 44:26

3845 Lord who redeems of the soul of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:4

3846 Lord who will avenge the blood of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:43

3847 The Lord who makes His face shines upon His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:16

3848 The steps of a good man are ordered by You O Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:23

3849 Lord, You uphold him with Your right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:24

3850 God who saves the upright in heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:10

3851 The Lord who weighs the heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 21:2

3852 God who tests the heart and mind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:9

3853 God who tests the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 11:5

3854 God who is with the generations of the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 14:5

3855 The Lord hears and delivers the righteous out of their troubles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:17

3856 Lord You deliver him out of them all. … -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:19

3857 The Lord guards all the bones of the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:20

3858 The righteous will not be forsaken nor will his descendants beg for bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:25

3859 Lord, with favour, You will surround the righteous as with a shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 5:12

3860 The Lord who upholds the righteous. -- LORD I

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