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authenticity and is pure as though. And when you know that you can give it away. you can give out the very thing you want, the very thing your craving for you can give it away, the very thing that seem most important, because you have it already and it will come back to you.

You can give kindness to a stranger and it will come back to you, you can give compassion to the undeserving and it will come back to you, you can bring love to a person who has only known hurt and that love will come back to you.

look around you love is an act of faith it’s not a gamble, it’s not something you squeeze or hold on to, love is something you give away because you have so much of it already in you, and if people want to take it away from you let them take it. It that hurts yes, if it’s confusing, yes at times it will, let them take it and you keep giving it. Give it to strangers, to people who left you, hurt you, give it to those who stay, those who need it and those who forgotten how to find it. Give it freely and in return seek nothing.

Love is always there it never leaves and when you remember that, it always stays. you become something else, more than what your chasing, be good to yourself be good to each other and live the best portion of love.



Love is a word that can have as many definitions as the number of people who attempt to define it, love is also an action that can be expressed by everyone in his or her own way, it can also be expressed differently by anyone according to the measure that he or she experiences it in the course of daily life. Simply one can say, Love is an emotion of strong attraction and personal attachment, it is a virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection. It acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships.

Sometimes we struggle with the concept who should we love the most? Our parents? And if them who do I love the most my mama or my Daddy? Should I love my wife, girlfriend/boyfriend more than those around me? Whom should I give more of my attention? Should I love me more than anybody else? Or should it be, my Job or my best friend?

This turns to be a controversy to many of us, and it happens when we consider love to be a whole perhaps with a measure of 100%, we have love in us how do we use the 100% of love in us, because as long as we have love then we ought to love. We can’t deny that there are people we feel we love them more than other people, though sometimes we say we love everybody and hate no one which in fact is also very true. Because we don’t hate the others but we feel we love somebody more than we love the other. Example a friend you meet just today and your mother whom you spent all your time with and bearing in mind she gave birth to you, how would you love these two people would it be the same?

I can dare say, “If you think you love one member of your family more than the other then something is not right somewhere”

Let’s clear this definition first before I explain my point.

Love is total, fully and complete in itself as we highlighted before. if love is 100% it doesn’t mean you can make it into portions like 20% to your brother 15% to friends until you complete everyone around your life and say you have loved fully. It is impossible to portion love, divide it or remove any element of love from love and call it love. Love is love, when it is given exactly the way it is, fully. Everyone has to receive and give love fully100% because the nature of love itself does not allow that. As I have highlighted before “Love is an emotion of strong attraction and personal attachment, it is a virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection. It acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships”.


Love is a law and laws have no feelings, it is simply commandment so we can say we can’t even give it measures as we have done in a few lines above. Our creator gave us this law in

john 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you: love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another” furthermore verse 35 says “by doing so all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.

these verse point out that love is a commandment that we have to choose to practice, it’s not simply a feeling otherwise it stands as a debt that is outstanding in our lives as it’s also written in the book of romans 13:8 “let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another”. We are obligated to love one another and that is what we should do.





Personality of love

It’s about time now we should stop calling love “IT” but rather acknowledge the personality of love. Yes, we began with considering love as an object so that we can move perfectly into understanding its personality.

GOD say’s and the scriptures say, “GOD is Love” God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God lives in him. Now we can explain my point that we don’t really love someone than the other and we can’t really divide love into portion. For if you have to present someone in different places at once that is impossible all you can do is to choose a single place and present the person and forgo the rest of the places. And here is where God comes in he who can do all, knows all, and be everywhere at once, because he is God and furthermore he is love. There is a big difference between love and a feeling because God is not a feeling but God is Love.

Now the only reason Love is can be given to everyone exactly the same is because God is Love he lives and dwells in each of us who believe and accept him. That is why the same way we love our parents or a wife and a husband is the same way we have love (God) for our friends and everybody else. But there is a difference that makes us feel we love someone more than the other and here it is.

Love builds an interpersonal relationship with those around us, as highlighted in our previous definition. That is why you don’t do/act the same way with your teacher as you act with your mother. you don’t do with your mother what you do with your wife, you don’t talk the same way to a friend you have known for 10years the same way you talk to a friend you just introduced yourself to. you can here and accident in the news and perhaps some death announced and all you feel is just a sorry or compassion but it quite different if you here your little brother is very ill and almost dying.

Why is all this? It doesn’t mean we love some people more than the others. Love is the same has never changed and will never change it is given in the same portion to everyone. The only difference is the personal relationship we have with all this people that sets a limit of actions and deeds making it easier to give your life for your mama than a person you don’t even know his name. Love can decide anything in its will at any moment, I mean (God) we don’t decide for him he decides in us, that is clearly saying Love decides in any circumstance what to do and what not to do, love decides for us but only if we give Him (Love) a chance. Once again this is to say if we give God a place in our daily life.

otherwise it now our personal relationships that take over, and based on our thoughts and further feelings and emotions we decide and make decisions that look as decisions made out of love but no we decided for love and Love didn’t make that decision himself for love is a complete personality of God.

I bet the quest is answered though not fully but now you can discuss it in your mind and find a good answer for your own self. but I have an advice accept Love in your heart, accept him if you haven’t then you will realize what it means because if you want to know how honey tastes you just don’t ask you give it a try.












When you look into someone’s eyes you see your own reflection starring back at you, but I know there’s more than my own reflection there’s more than just that. I know it even if I can’t prove it because I can feel it.

In the book of Luke 6:20, JESUS said “Do unto others as you would like them do to you” but that is the exact question that raise the other questions, and how is that possible? How can you react to the needs of everyone else the same as your own, even for one day? This is what disturbs when the word love is mentioned but if we fail to fulfill this scripture then we are actually not loving. But only wanting to be loved without loving. Because love binds people into one feeling of joy with happiness and peace.

“Dear lord am not quite sure what to say, but thank you for your great love, I ask that you forgive me of my sins, please come into my heart and guide me in everything I do and that I have to do. AMEN

These words might be too few but when they come out truthfully from the heart, it turns out to be a new story and chapter of a life. It’s more than impossible to speak of true Love before making that step of accepting God in your life. You Know God is indeed love himself and you can’t truly Love unless Love lives within you. When two people come together and they both Love God more than anything the love they have for God will generate a true love between them for they will both see the God they truly love than anything in each other.

It takes time to reveal the inner person, that secret person of the heart. You have to hold back a little bit emotionally, until you are sure that you are going to bring out the best from each other. When it’s about love it might seem everyone else is falling in love but you, but it’s said wisely enough “Enjoy your singleness while you still have it and then when that special someone comes along, you will get to start a whole new chapter in your life”.

I consider love being a gift and a blessing, it’s something that we can’t really define, but all we can do is say what love does, every human has this in common we all out to love and more than all feel loved, either by our families, friends, the society and mostly those we count to be the closest people in our daily lives. Love is given to us freely no one knows the price to pay someone for the love they show to us, at least we can love back, and that’s the glory in loving one another just as the greatest commandment say.

I asked LOVE why is he so persistent? Why he never gives up? sometimes I told him you know I don’t deserve anything, he answered “of Course you don’t deserve anything that’s why am not really

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