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will be darkened by the smoke that arises from the hole, and out of the smoke will come locust-like creatures with faces like people, teeth like lions and stingers like scorpions. These creatures are only allowed to attack, for five months, (the same exact time between the beginning of the flood of Noah's time and when the ark settled on ground), those without the Lord's seal upon their forehead (Revelation 9:4).  Though their sting is not allowed to kill, the sting's pain is so great that one stung will wish to die and many will try, but the LORD will not allow that to happen; they will have to live with it.  It is during times like these that believers, now being hunted by the Antichrist's henchmen, could venture out in relative safety to forage because the mark of the Lord on their foreheads protects them from the attacking swarms of these locust-like creatures.




The sixth angel will sound The Sixth Trumpet and a massive army of fierce horsemen will descend upon the earth.  Fire, smoke, and sulfur will come from the horses' mouths and kill one-third of those now left.  It is presumed that these horsemen can be seen only by true believers and that those killed are of the very wicked that would not come to believe no matter what.  Those with the LORD's mark are again protected from this devastation.   


    The seventh angel will sound The Seventh Trumpet and ushers in the remaining seven angels holding bowls of wrath to be dispensed at the appropriate time.  These judgments will last 42 months.  Well before the first angel was released to pour his bowl on mankind, the Lord had sent down to earth two Witnesses (some believe Moses and Elijah while others believe them to be Elijah and Enoch, the only two biblical people not to have yet died) who would prophesy, in Jerusalem, for 1,260 days.  Because these two witnesses were protected by the Lord until their foretold time and their prophesy was heard by so many, many were converted to the great disdain of the Antichrist.  The two witnesses were given the power to withhold the rain over Israel for their 1,260 days and to turn water into blood, which they did.


    At about this time the Antichrist is slain by a sword and dies, only to come to life again in three days.  There is now one big difference, though, and that is the fact that Satan himself has now taken over the body of the previous Antichrist.  In mimicking Jesus, he tells all that he is the true GOD and his rising from the dead now proves such and he is believed and hailed as GOD by most.   It is at this time that the boldness and arrogance in him emerges to its fullest and he has HIS mark forced on all those left.  His mark is to be placed on one's forehead or right hand and with it, that person is allowed to buy and sell as needed.  Though Satan thought virtually everyone would jump at the chance to get the mark, many will resist.  To solve this problem Satan will then bring in guillotines to help "persuade' those unwilling to take the mark, to take the mark.  Just seeing all those guillotines will bring many more to the side of Christ.  Satan will then order that all those without the mark could be killed on site by anyone with the mark and be rewarded for such.  The guillotines will then be used to their fullest, with many becoming martyrs for Christ.









Around this time a Sanctuary is provided the people of Israel (Revelation 12:6) and others to which they could flee to, not to be touched by Satan, and to be provided for, for 1,260 days.  Though this sanctuary is not named in the bible it could very well be, and many people believe it to be so, a place called "Petra" (see map below).  Petra is about 10 miles across Israel's southern border in the country of Jordan.  Many people will flee to the sanctuary, wherever it may be, for the safety it will provide.  Try as he might, Satan will not overcome the LORD's protection over such a place or those en route to it.  Now comes the Bowl Angels.


The First "Bowl" Angel then pours out its bowl and terrible sores will come upon all those that now bore the mark of the beast.  The sores will produce such pain that those with such will be rendered  incapacitated, which in turn again allows those still left without the mark of the beast to forage.  It also allows many of those still in doubt to come over to the Lord's side.  Still there are many that will not believe, but the Lord again will not give up on them, for he knows with each additional judgment, he will get more converts.


    The Second "Bowl" Angel then pours out its bowl, which then turns all the seas to blood, killing all creatures in its waters.  The vast numbers of dead sea creatures that then wash upon the shores will cause such smell and disease that those living in the immediate area will have to move inland.  And again the Lord gives time for more to see the folly in their ways because He so loves His people.  And an angel in Heaven proclaims that the blood in the sea was in response to the blood shed by believers at the hands of evil.


    The Third "Bowl" Angel then poured its bowl, and all the rivers and springs also turned to blood.   And though the number of converts was now diminished, the Lord still waits for those few more to join in His belief.  Those with the mark of the LORD will have clean water to drink.


     The Fourth "Bowl" Angel then pours its bowl, and the sun will grow so hot it will scorch the people with fire and still the vast majority of those left will refuse to repent.  Those with the mark of the Lord will be unaffected by the scorching heat.








The Fifth "Bowl" Angel then poured it's bowl, which has a specific purpose and that was to plunge the domain of the Antichrist (Babylon, the hub of all Evil) into complete and total darkness.  No light whatsoever is allowed to shine in the entire city, and that even includes matches.  People in such darkness tend to go crazy in but a few hours.  The city of Babylon will now be useless.  With this judgment the Lord will begin preparing for the final battle between good and evil about to take place.


    The Sixth "Bowl" Angel then pours its bowl on the great river Euphrates, which in turn dries it completely up, thus preparing an easy route for the Kings of evil and their many millions to proceed from the place of their gathering to the vast Valley of Megiddo (Armageddon) for their attack on Israel/Jerusalem.  This will allow Satan to show his arrogance to prophecy.  


  The Seventh "Bowl" Angel then pours its bowl, which will be the last of the bowl judgments.  Jesus will then emerge on a magnificent white horse as will his legions of mounted angels and will descend upon the evil forces gathered at Armageddon.  At the same time an earthquake much greater than that which had previously devastated the earth, flattens all the mountains and takes away all the islands and seas.  A vast hail storm then sends hail stones weighing 100 lb. and more that devaste the remaining armies amassed at Armageddon while Jesus and his angels cut the remainder to pieces.  Satan, the Antichrist and the false prophet who worshiped him will all be judged and thrown into the "Bottomless Pit" for the next 1,000 years.  Jesus and His army of angels will then finish off the remaining forces of evil.


A short time later Jesus will descend in all His glory, on the Lord His father's behalf, with the new city of  Jerusalem upon the very spot from which He had ascended into heaven after His death and resurrection, which in turn redeemed mankind.  And there will be no more sun light because the goodness of the Lord will illuminate everything.  All the remaining people on earth will be judged and those that took the mark of the beast (the unpardonable sin) are reunited with Satan in the Bottomless Pit.








Jesus will reign for 1,000 years at which time Satan will be let out but for a short time, then thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity.  Why the 1,000 years?  Because children will have been born during the preceding time and they too will be given the chance to choose between Jesus and Satan.  Those that choose Satan and some will, will then be defeated once again and then will be permanently thrown into the Lake of Fire.

    The judgments are there to show man his folly and to win those remaining souls by persuading all that the path of evil has but one judgment, a judgment so terrible that, should you experience it for but for a few seconds, you too would do your best to save others, even your worst enemy, from such a fate.



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Publication Date: 08-23-2015

All Rights Reserved

My intension of writing this book is only to Praise GOD and give thanks to Him, who is Almight and all powerful. I personaly have recived many bessings by Praising GOD. I spoke to many persons who have been blessed when they Praised GOD. Our God will do great things for You.

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