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s connection to seek examples outside the House of Bedford, since the name of Lord William Russell in the seventeenth century and that of Lord John in the nineteenth stand foremost amongst the champions of civil and religious liberty. Hugh du Rozel, according to the Battle Roll, crossed from Normandy in the train of the Conqueror. In the reign of Henry III. the first John Russell of note was a small landed proprietor in Dorset, and held the post of Constable of Corfe Castle. William Russell, in the year of Edward II.'s accession, was returned to Parliament, and his lineal descendant, Sir John Russell, was Speaker of the House of Commons in the days of Henry VI. The real founder, however, of the fortunes of the family was the third John Russell who is known to history. He was the son of the Speaker, and came to honour and affluence by a happy chance. Stress of weather drove Philip, Archduke of Austria and, in right of his wife, King of Castile, during a voyage from Flanders to Spain in the year 1506, to take r

to take in the fortunes of the Macaulays. He,likewise, during the famous tour in the Hebrides, came across thepath of Boswell, who mentions him in an exquisitely absurdparagraph, the first of those in which is described the visit toInverary Castle. ["Monday, Oct. 25.--My acquaintance, the Rev.Mr. John M'Aulay, one of the ministers of Inverary, and brotherto our good friend at Calder, came to us this morning, andaccompanied us to the castle, where I presented Dr. Johnson tothe Duke of Argyll. We were shown through the house; and I nevershall forget the impression made upon my fancy by some of theladies' maids tripping about in neat morning dresses. Afterseeing for a long time little but rusticity, their lively manner,and gay inciting appearance, pleased me so much, that I thoughtfor a moment I could have been a knight-errant for them."] Mr.Macaulay afterwards passed the evening with the travellers attheir inn, and provoked Johnson into what Boswell calls warmth,and anyone else would call brutal

ter written by Lord Cochrane to the Secretaryof State of Brazil on the 3rd of May, 1824. - 400THE LIFE






Thomas, Loud Cochrane, tenth Earl of Dundonald, was born at Annsfield,in Lanark, on the 14th of December, 1775, and died in London on the31st of October, 1860. Shortly before his death he wrote two volumes,styled "The Autobiography of a Seaman,"

ch was paid byGovernment. Owing to the kind services of Mr. J. C. Melvill,Secretary of the India House, many small parcels of seeds, etc., wereconveyed to England, free of cost; and I have to record my greatobligations and sincere thanks to the Peninsular and Oriental SteamNavigation Company, for conveying, without charge, all small parcelsof books, instruments and specimens, addressed to or by myself.

It remains to say something of the illustrations of this work.The maps are from surveys of my own, made chiefly with my owninstruments, but partly with some valuable ones for the use of whichI am indebted to my friend Captain H. Thuillier, DeputySurveyor-General of India, who placed at my disposal the resources ofthe magnificent establishment under his control, and to whoseinnumerable good offices I am very greatly beholden.

The landscapes, etc. have been prepared chiefly from my own drawings,and will, I hope, be found to be tolerably faithful representationsof the scenes. I have always ende

oreground. p.73Fig. 7. Women's head-dresses--the two outer, Lepcha girls; the twoinner, Tibetan women. p.86Fig. 8. Tibet marmot. Sketched by J. E. Winterbottom, Esq. p.93Fig. 9. Lachoong valley (looking south), larch tree in theforeground. p.103Fig. 10. Conical ancient moraines in the Lachoong valley, with Abiesbrunoniana and smithiana. p.104Fig. 11. Head and legs of Tibet marmot. Sketched by J. E.Winterbottom, Esq. p.106Fig. 12. Block of gneiss with granite bands, on the Kinchinjhowglacier. p.135Fig. 13. Summit of forked Donkia mountain, with Goa antelopes in theforeground; from 17,500 feet elevation. p.139Fig. 14. View of the eastern top of Kinchinjhow, and Tibet in thedistance, with wild sheep in the foreground; from an elevation of18,000 feet. p.140Fig. 15. Head of Chiru antelope, the unicorn of Tibet. From a sketchby Lieut. H. Maxwell. p.158Fig. 16. A Phud, or Tibetan mendicant. Sketched at Dorjiling by MissColvile. p.187Fig. 17. Tea (brick of), tea-pot, wooden cup,

ts projected payment in a depreciated currency--and, had it not been for the intervention of Lord Clarendon, and of the Hon. Mr. Scarlett, British Minister at Rio de Janeiro, of whose zealous exertions in my favour I cannot speak too warmly--this further injustice would have been perpetrated without the knowledge or sanction of His present Imperial Majesty.

It may be asked, why--with the clear documentary evidence in my possession--and now adduced--I have for so many years endured an amount of obloquy and injustice, which might at any time have been set aside by its publication? The reply is obvious. The withholding of my claims by the Governments of both sides the South American Continent, and the ruinous expense to which I was put on account of Chili, entailed upon me many years of pecuniary difficulty. To have told even the truth--unbacked as I then was, by the British Government--would have been to have all my claims set at defiance, so that compulsory discretion was a sufficient reason for my sile

ted, and was shortly afterwards invested with the title of "Perpetual Protector and Defender of Brazil."

Meanwhile the Cortes, confident in their own power, were enforcing their obnoxious decrees by the despatch of ships of war and troops to the Northern provinces. As the intention of this step was unmistakeable, His Royal Highness the Protector promptly issued a manifesto, declaring the wish of Brazil to maintain an amicable union with Portugal, but at the same time calling on the Brazilians to secure their independence by force, if necessary. In furtherance of this determination, an attack was made by the Brazilian troops upon General Madeira, the Portuguese commandant at Bahia, but from want of proper military organization, it proved unsuccessful.

Despatches now arrived from Portugal, which cut off every hope of reconciliation, and on the 12th of October, Don Pedro was induced to accept the title of "Constitutional Emperor of Brazil," with Bonifacio de Andrada as his Minister of the Interior,

ribute to the better understanding of the narrative of the events which plunged the English into war in 1745, if we take a bird's-eye view of the peninsula generally, particularly of the southern portion, as it appeared in the year preceding.

Of India generally it is sufficient to say that from the year 1707, when the Emperor Aurangzeb died, authority had been relaxing to an extent which was rapidly bringing about the disruption of the bonds that held society together. The invasion of Nadír Sháh followed by the sack of Delhi in 1739 had given the Mughal dynasty a blow from which it never rallied. Thenceforward until 1761, when the third battle of Pánípat completed the catastrophe, the anarchy was almost universal. Authority was to the strongest. The Sallustian motto, 'Alieni appetens sui profusus,' was the rule of almost every noble; the agriculturists had everywhere abundant reason to realize 'that the buffalo was to the man who held the bludgeon.'[1]

[Footnote 1: Th

scientific women and teachers, who have been thoroughly successful in the work they have undertaken, though it has not been that which has usually fallen to the lot of women?

At the time of writing these words, the largest congregation in London is mourning the loss of a woman who, Sunday by Sunday, gathered together eight hundred members of a Young Woman's Bible Class, to listen while she spoke to them of things pertaining to their present and eternal welfare. And who is there but would earnestly wish such women God-speed? Their work may be a little different from some of that of their sisters, but it is good work all the same. And as such it ought to be done. Why should not the labourers be allowed to proceed with their tasks without opposition and hindrance from those who look on? It cannot be denied that much of this work never would be performed if the women did not do it. Are they not right to step into vacant places, and stretch out their hands to help, when help is needed? Whether they are rig

ey have eaten the small body by now, and enjoyed it. Always worms enjoy a body to eat.

And also the Devil rejoiced.

And I rejoiced with the Devil.

They are more pitiable, I insist, than I and my sand and barrenness--the mother whose life is involved in divorces and fights, and the worms eating at the child's body, and the wooden headstone which will presently decay.

And so the Devil and I rejoice.

But no matter how ferociously pitiable is the dried-up graveyard, the sand and barrenness and the sluggish little stream have their own persistent individual damnation. The world is at least so constructed that its treasures may be damned each in a different manner and degree.

I feel about forty years old.

And I know my feeling is not the feeling of forty years. They do not feel any of these things at forty. At forty the fire has long since burned out. When I am forty I shall look back to myself and my feelings at nineteen--and I shall smile.

Or shall I indeed

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