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Appendix Pg 153

Falshood,  Vanitie,  And Prophannes,  In A Libell Entitled Eikonoklastes.

[London],  1651,  4to.


Johnson,  Samuel.--Prefaces To Milton And Butler. (_Prefaces To The Works

Of The English Poets_,  Vol. Ii.) London,  1779,  8vo.


---- Court And Country: A Paraphrase Upon Milton. [In A Dialogue.] By

The Author Of Hurlothrumbo [_I.E._,  Samuel Johnson]. London [1780],  8vo.


Jortin,  John.--Remarks On Spenser's Poems. London,  1734,  8vo.

      Remarks On Milton,  Pp. 171-186.


Keightley,  Thomas.--An Account Of The Life,  Opinions,  And Writings Of

John Milton. With An Introduction To Paradise Lost. London,  1855,  8vo.


Keogh,  Rt. Hon. William.--Milton's Prose. (_Afternoon Lectures On

Literature And Art,  Delivered In The Theatre Of The Museum Of Industry,

Dublin_,  1865,  3rd Series.) London,  1866,  8vo.


Lamartine,  M.L.A. De.--Héloïse Et Abélard [Biographies]. Paris,  1864,  12mo.

      Includes A Biography Of Milton,  Pp. 113-215.


Lauder,  William.--An Essay On Milton's Use And Imitation Of The Moderns

In His Paradise Lost. [With A Preface By Dr. Johnson.] London,  1750,  8vo.


---- A Letter To The Reverend Mr. Douglas,  Occasioned By His Vindication

Of Milton,  Etc. [Written By Dr. Johnson.] London,  1751,  4to.


---- An Apology For Mr. Lauder [Written By Himself] In A Letter Most

Humbly Addressed To His Grace The Archbishop Of Canterbury. London,

1751,  8vo.


---- Delectus Auctorum Sacrorum,  Miltono Facem Prælucentium. 2 Tom.

London,  1752,  8vo.


---- King Charles I. Vindicated From The Charge Of Plagiarism Brought

Against Him By Milton,  Etc. To The Whole Is Subjoined The Judgment Of

Several Learned And Impartial Authors Concerning Milton's Political

Writings. London,  1754,  8vo.


L'estrange,  R.--No Blind Guides,  In Answer To A Seditious Pamphlet Of

Milton's,  Intituled Brief Notes Upon A Late Sermon Titl'd The Fear Of

God And The King,  Preach'd And Since Publish'd. By M. Griffith,  Etc.

London,  1660,  4to.


Letters.--Letters Concerning Poetical Translations And Virgil's And

Milton's Arts Of Verse,  Etc. London,  1739,  8vo.


Liebert,  Gustav.--Milton. Studien Zur Geschichte Des Englischen Geistes.

Hamburg,  1860,  8vo.


Lotheissen,  Ferdinand.--Studien Über John Milton's Poetische Werke.

Appendix Pg 154

Budingen,  1860,  4to.


Lowell,  James Russell.--Among My Books. Second Series. London,  1876,  8vo.

      Milton,  Pp. 252-302.


M.J.A.--An Introduction To The Study Of Shakespeare And Milton. [By

J.A.M. With Selections From Their Works.] London [1884],  8vo.


Macaulay,  Thomas Babington.--Critical And Historical Essays Contributed

To The Edinburgh Review. 2 Vols. London,  1854,  8vo.

      Milton,  Vol. I.,  Pp. 1-28.


---- The Miscellaneous Writings Of Lord Macaulay. London,  1860,  8vo.

      Conversation Between Mr. Abraham Cowley And Mr. John Milton

      Touching The Great Civil War,  Vol. I.,  Pp. 101-124.


---- An Essay On The Life And Works Of John Milton,  Together With The

Imaginary Conversation Between Him And H. Cowley. London,  1868,  8vo.


---- Milton's Essay On Milton. From The Edinburgh Review. With

Introductory Notice And Notes. London,  1872,  16mo.


---- John Milton. [A Biographical Sketch.] Boston,  1877,  16mo.


---- Macaulay's Milton,  Edited To Illustrate The Laws Of Rhetoric And

Composition,  By Alexander Mackie. London,  1884,  8vo.


Maceuen,  Malcolm.--Celebrities Of The Past And Present. Philadelphia,

1874,  8vo.

      Milton And Poetry,  Pp. 195-202.


Mackenzie,  Sir George.--Jus Regium: Or,  The Just And Solid Foundations

Of Monarchy In General Maintain'd Against Buchanan,  Dolman,  Milton,  Etc.

Edinburgh,  1684,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1684,  8vo.


Mcnicoll,  Thomas.--Essays On English Literature. London,  1861,  8vo.

      Milton And Pollok,  Pp. 65-111.


Marquis,  G.A.--Select Poetical Pieces,  With A Logical Arrangement,  Or

Practical Commentary On Milton's Paradise Lost. Second Edition Enlarged.

Paris,  1842,  12mo.


Marsh,  John F.--Papers Connected With The Affairs Of Milton And His

Family. Edited By J.F. Marsh. Manchester,  1851,  4to.

      In Vol. I. Of The Chetham Miscellanies,  Published By The Chetham



---- Notice Of The Inventory Of The Effects Of Mrs. Milton,  Widow Of The

Poet. Liverpool,  1855,  8vo.

      Extracted From The Proceedings Of The Historic Society Of

Appendix Pg 155

      Lancashire And Cheshire.


---- On The Engraved Portrait And Pretended Portraits Of Milton.

Extracted From The Transactions Of The Historic Society Of Lancashire

And Cheshire. Liverpool,  1860,  8vo.


Martyn,  W. Carlos.--Life And Times Of John Milton. [Published By The

"American Tract Society." With Portrait.] New York [1866],  12mo.


Mason,  W.--Musæus; A Monody To The Memory Of Mr. Pope In Imitation Of

Milton's Lycidas. London,  1747,  4to.


Massey,  William.--Remarks Upon Milton's Paradise Lost,  Etc. London,

1761,  12mo.


Masson,  David.--Essays Biographical And Critical: Chiefly On English

Poets. Cambridge,  1856,  8vo.

      Milton's Youth,  Pp. 37-52; The Three Devils: Luther's,  Milton's,

      And Goethe's,  Pp. 53-87.


---- The Three Devils: Luther's,  Milton's,  And Goethe's. London,  1874,  8vo.


---- The Life Of John Milton; Narrated In Connexion With The Political,

Ecclesiastical,  And Literary History Of His Time. 6 Vols. Cambridge,

1859-80,  8vo.


---- New And Revised Edition. London,  1881,  Etc.,  8vo.


---- John Milton. (_Encyclopædia Britannica_,  Vol. Xvi.,  Pp. 324-340.)

London,  1883,  4to.


Meadowcourt,  Richard.--A Critique On Milton's Paradise Regained. London,

1732,  4to.


---- A Critical Dissertation,  With Notes,  On Milton's Paradise Regain'd.

The Second Edition Corrected. London,  1748,  8vo.


Milton,  John.--An Answer To A Book [By John Milton],  Intituled,  The

Divorce And Discipline Of Divorce,  Etc. London,  1644,  4to.


---- Carolus I. Britanniarum Rex,  A Securi Et Calamo Miltonii

Vindicatus. Dublini,  1652,  12mo.


---- Areopagitica Secunda: Or,  Speech Of The Shade Of John Milton On Mr.

Sergeant Talfourd's Copyright Extension Bill. London,  1838,  8vo.


---- Comus,  A Mask: (Now Adapted To The Stage) As Alter'd [By J. Dalton]

From Milton's Mask. London,  1738,  8vo.


---- Second Edition. London,  1738,  8vo.


---- Third Edition. London,  1738,  8vo.


Appendix Pg 156

---- Another Edition. Dublin,  1738,  8vo.


---- Sixth Edition. London,  1741,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1750,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1759,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1760,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1762,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1777,  8vo.


---- Comus,  A Masque [Altered By J. Dalton From John Milton],  London,

1791,  8vo.

      In Vol. I. Of "Bell's Theatre."


---- Comus [Altered From Milton By J. Dalton]. London,  1811,  8vo.

      In The "Modern British Drama," Vol. Ii.


---- Comus: A Mask,  Altered From Milton. [By J. Dalton.] London,  1815,


      In Vol. X. Of Dibdin's "London Theatre."


---- Comus. [Adapted To The Stage By J. Dalton.] London,  1826,  8vo.

      In The "British Drama," Vol. Ii.


---- Comus: A Masque [In Two Acts]. Altered From Milton [By G. Colman].

As Performed At The Theatre-Royal In Covent Garden. The Musick Composed

By Dr. Arne. London,  1772,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. London,  1774,  8vo.


---- Comus: A Masque. Altered By Mr. Colman. (_Bell's British Theatre_,

Vol. Ix.) London,  1777,  12mo.


---- Comus: A Masque. Altered From Milton [By G. Colman]. Edinburgh,

1786,  12mo.

      Vol. Iv. Of The "British Stage."


---- Comus. Altered For The Stage By Colman. (_Modern British Drama_,

Vol. V.) London,  1811,  8vo.


---- Comus: A Masque. Altered From Milton,  By G. Colman. (_Inchbald's

Collection Of Farces_,  Vol. Vii.) London,  1815,  12mo.


---- Milton's Comus: A Masque,  In Two Acts [Altered From Milton],  As

Revised At Covent Garden,  April 28,  1815. London,  1815,  8vo.

      There Is A Copy In The British Museum With The Autograph Of Sir

      Henry Bishop.


---- Comus: A Masque. Altered From Milton [By G. Colman]. London [1824],


Appendix Pg 157

      Vol. Ii. Of "The London Stage."


---- Comus. Altered From Milton. [By G. Colman,  The Elder.] London,

1872,  8vo.

      In The "British Drama," Vol. Xii.


---- Comus: A Masque. Altered From Milton. (_Supplement To Bell's

British Theatre_,  Vol. Iv.) London,  1784,  12mo.


---- Miltonis Epistola Ad Pollionem. Edidit Et Notis Illustravit F.S.

Cantabrigiensis. Londini,  1738,  Folio.


---- Editio Altera. Londini,  1738,  Folio.


---- Milton's Epistle To Pollio. Translated From The Latin,  And

Illustrated With Notes. London,  1740,  Folio.


---- Milton Restor'd And Bentley Depos'd,  Containing,  I. Some

Observations On Dr. Bentley's Preface. Ii. His Various Readings And

Notes On Paradise Lost And Milton's Text,  Set In Opposite Columns,  With

Remarks Therein. Iii. Paradise Lost,  Attempted In Rime. Book I.,  Numb.

I. From Dean Swift. London,  1732,  8vo.


---- Paradise Lost: A Poem Attempted In Rhime. [Altered From Milton.]

London,  1740,  8vo.


---- Paradise Lost. An Oratorio [In Three Acts And In Verse] Altered And

Adapted To The Stage From Milton [By B. Stillingfleet]. London,  1760,  4to.


---- Paradise Lost. An Oratorio In Four Parts. The Words Selected From

The Works Of Milton By J.L. Ellerton. London [1862],  12mo.


---- Paradise Lost. Oratorio In Three Parts,  From The Poem Of Milton.

English Version By J. Pittman. London [1880],  8vo.


---- The State Of Innocence And Fall Of Man Described In Milton's

Paradise Lost. Render'd Into Prose With Notes From The French Of Raymond

[Or Rather Nicolas Francois Dupré] De St. Maur. By A Gentleman Of Oxford

[George Smith Green?]. London,  1745,  8vo.


---- Another Edition. Aberdeen,  1770,  12mo.


---- A Verbal Index To Milton's Paradise Lost; Adapted To Every Edition

But The First,  Etc. London,  1741,  12mo.


---- An Essay Upon Milton's Imitations Of The Ancients In His Paradise

Lost. With Some Observations On The Paradise Regain'd. London,  1741,



---- A New Occasional Oratorio [On The Suppression Of The Rebellion],

The Words Taken From Milton,  Spenser,  Etc.,  And Set To Musick By Mr.

Handel. London,  1746,  4to.

      The Words Only.

Appendix Pg 158
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