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and take a little walk in a certain area and he’d meet me there.  I still wasn’t sure if the telepathy was REAL, or I was just having sick conversations in my own head.  In my lifetime experience, I *HAVE* to ask myself these questions ALL of the time in order to keep my sanity and not do anything stupid or dangerous.  MKULTRA specializes in this kind of torture of it’s victims.



It was a cool Las Vegas night and I went for a stroll.  The fresh air felt good, and even if there was no “William”, I was sure the walk would set me up for a nice and restful night.  Across the street from a local Denny’s Restaurant, I met William near the corner.  He was about my height (6’5”)… you see: *I* am a “tall blond”, but I really didn’t understand that quite the same back then.  William has thin, sandy colored hair and what we used to call, “thick, Coke bottle glasses” that made his eyes look unusually large.  We talked for a little bit under the streetlamp, and during our chat, William slipped off his glasses and was wiping them off with a napkin under the lights.  I watched and noticed how the lenses failed to make his fingers look bigger.  They were not much more than window pane glass.  I looked back up at his face, and his eyes still looked about twice the size of my own!  


“We gotta talk, brother,”  I said.


“We certainly do,” William replied.  â€śI hear that you are very fond of coffee,” he said.  â€śCare to join me across the street for a cup and a conversation?”


There are a number of local people, who knew all about these alien sorts, so I took it in stride, being a bit more confident that I was NOT responding to some kind of psychosis in my own mind.  We talked about the Black Jack Squadron and the dangers we were facing, and discussing some people who needed help leaving the planet that they were looking for.  I agreed to making a big scene for the benefit of our watchers for later that week, and drawing LOADS of attention from the Black Jacks, and in the confusion, William’s people got to where they needed to go without incident.  I was feeling a whole lot better about all of this now than I ever had before, and fully confident in my own sanity, and cleverness to manipulate “spooks” into a corner for all of their interference.  I was also not chasing off the Plieadians when they would check in on me.  Some things were difficult for me to assimilate or even to believe, but I understood these talks were LONG overdue, and I listened without arguing,.. much.


It was the Ides of March, of 2017, and for about the third time in my sicknesses, I started dropping massive weight again and getting sicker and sicker.  I was awakened one morning by a very concerned Medicine Bear (his name) and I was puking and retching and passed out in my room.  Bear had called immediately for an ambulance, and a few big guys had an awful time trying to lift my ravaged and thin body up into the ambulance. For some odd reason that I can’t explain, it turns out that when I am unconscious, that I seem to weigh a great deal MORE than my usual 230 pounds.  That should be easy enough for two or more  strong men to carry to an ambulance.    I didn’t come to, until I was in the Emergency Room and they had me strapped down on a gurney and trying to shove a big tube down my throat.  I thought I was back in an MKULTRA lab and in danger of my life,.. or WORSE!  Even in my weakened state, I managed to break my right hand free of the leather restraint strap and tried to finger strike the doctor in his larynx, but some quick technician behind me had loaded the anesthetic into my IV and I blacked out into a coma that lasted ten days, in the Mountain View Hospital in Las Vegas.


During my time in the coma, I was wandering through a darkened hallway towards an open door to a lit room.  Walking up to it, I was half expecting to find the “Pearly Gates of Heaven” or some such type of thing.  I knew this was VERY bad that happened to me this time.  Outside of me, in the coma ward, specialists had me hooked up to every kind of monitor imaginable and watching my kidneys, liver and other organs diminishing in function over the ten days, and then down to ZERO!  Within my coma, I was walking into a conference room that appeared to be on the top deck of a very large flying saucer, and a large C-Shaped table set with chairs all around it and a chair in the space in the middle.  The walls could be made to seem to disappear so that we could observe space unrestricted.  It could also be narrowed down to a single “bay window”, because I kept getting distracted by the view.  I was not afraid.  I figured I was already dead, or worse in an MKUTRA laboratory, so what did I have to lose here?


Around this table, sat maybe eight or nine of those “tall blond supermodels” I had been talking about earlier, and most of them wearing those blue jumpsuits we see in the pictures for a lot of those channeled messages that I used to ignore as I saw them.  I was directed to take a seat, or stand or pace as I needed, in the middle of the table.  There was a blond woman in the center, that looked vaguely like the actress, Kate Blanchet.  I’m not sure of how that’s properly spelled.  I just use it for a reference here.  She seemed to be directing this meeting.  It looked a lot like me being “on trial” for something, but I felt very comfortable in their presence, and nobody treated me even a little bit unkindly.  Each of them had questions, and answered mine as well.  It seemed as if we all had worked together before somewhere and were simply discussing the events of our mutual jobs together.  I noted one woman, at the far right hand of the table from me, that had white hair and light brown skin, which was a different tone from most of the rest, an assortment of blonds, strawberry blonds, pale brunettes as such.  I noted in our conversations, that there was a noticeable kind of “wince” when I referred to them as “aliens” .  Near the end of our ten days of talks, the “Kate” looking woman came and sat close beside me and didn’t take her eyes off of mine, to make clear that it was important that I understand what she was telling me.


“Where do you think your race came from?” she said, with a level gaze.  â€śDo you really believe you came from a test tube wielded by tiny, bulbous headed gray creatures?  Or are you going to insist upon calling us aliens?”


I can’t deny it.  They don’t look like us at all.  WE look like our stellar ancestors.  We can even reproduce without any test tubes or manipulation.  We are the same, only different in that we’ve been “chop shopped” by our true “alien overlords” into the over sexed, psychopathic slaves we are today.  I was in “heaven” after all, I thought and these are my family, my ancestors.  Any of them could have stood beside me here on Earth and looked like my better looking cousin, sister or brother!  I felt almost “ape man stupid” for what I thought before this, but none of them ridiculed me in any way for it.  They endured me, patiently and lovingly and I was finally getting the message that Dr. George Estabrooks had fortified my mind against in the MK program.  Remember that guy?  I did.


Well, I was starting to feel very much at home here, and I was also noticing in our talking, that people would stop just short of addressing me as a titled sort of person.  These people made my genius-ness look dumb, and yet, I was being treated like I was an important person.  Maybe now, you’re getting the “Commander” part of this story’s title.  But it’s a little more complicated than just that.  I’ll explain later, why I chose to allow that silly sounding moniker as I had.


The Plieadians themselves, seem to stop aging somewhere near thirty.  They don’t even consider marriage until they are around seventy-five.  SOME of them are physically immortal and seen the Universe when it was young.  MOST live a few thousand years and their soul migrates to another body, species, gender or whatever seems appropriate to them at that stage.  Time really doesn’t translate well for Fifth Density beings.  It is ONLY relevant HERE.  So, those years I mentioned here are approximations to make it easier to understand.  I’d been taught many things that had turned my whole idea of “reality” upside-down, and inside-out.  But, I had been prepared little bit, by little bit over the years.  Had they sprung this on me even back in the 1990s, I’m sure it would have engendered a helluva nervous break down.  



We had discussed how when I was a boy of only ten, that I had the use of a three hundred foot wide, three level, flying saucer, that I used to take my sisters and cousins into on special nights for an adventurous “mutual dream”, or so my Grams and I reasoned back then.  But it was a lot more than that, and I would never think differently, because I was already programmed by the most formidable Black Project on Earth to never even consider the possibility of that being real.


They told me a bit about the history of our world and galaxy and how the human form has never been a stranger in this universe since time began.  Why all of these ships were parked all over our solar system and near Earth, and how they were working in unison with other races to liberate those of us waking and evolving away from our slavery here, and what our parts in this “Ascension process” would be.  That was sobering and awesome at the same time.  They told me about the Prime Creator/GOD, and that didn’t surprise me so much as I’ve read the Bible and GOD even told Job, that he couldn’t “bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades”, so I figured that was a great recommendation for them.  Those who dedicate themselves to the beauty and safety of the Multiverses are called “First Cause”.  We used to call them “angels” here.  I was greatly attracted to this kind of service, but I have a history I don’t know.  In fact, nearly ALL of us represent an entire species with amnesia.  At first, I thought it had something to do with multiple planetary extinction scenarios happening here over the eons of time, but that wasn’t it either.  There had been a war over this piece of space ages ago, and the Reptoids won it, and run it.  But that’s all changing now.



We had discussed how and why I “chose” to come here and live this life.  I had to be one ballsy and reckless maniac to do something like that, I thought.  A couple of the men in the room laughed at this jibe and shook their heads as if they knew a secret that was going to blow my socks off.  And the we got into the state of being my body was currently in.  I was in no pain while I was with them.  I was really enjoying my stay, but I was going to have to return here, and it wasn’t going to be pleasant

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