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Pelides, in close fight, had taken away his life with the sword, had not earth-shaking Neptune quickly perceived it, and immediately addressed this speech to the immortal gods: Footnote 659:(return) See on ver. 168. Footnote 660:(return) Cf. Buttm. Lexil. p. 83. The Schol. and Hesych. t. i. p. 296, interpret it "man-encircling."

"Ye gods! certainly there now is grief to me, on account of magnanimous Æneas, 661 who will quickly descend to Hades, subdued by the son of Peleus, foolish, being persuaded by the words of far-darting Apollo; nor can he by any means avert 662 sad destruction from him. But why now should this guiltless 663 man suffer evils gratuitously, on account of sorrows due to others, for he always presents gifts agreeable to the gods who inhabit the wide heaven? But come, let us withdraw him from death, lest even the son of Saturn be angry, if indeed Achilles slay this man: moreover, it is fated that he should escape, that the race of Dardanus, whom Jove loved above all the children that were descended from him and mortal women, may not perish without offspring, and become extinct. For already hath the son of Saturn hated the race of Priam, and the might of Æneas shall now rule over the Trojans, and the sons of his sons, who may be born in after-times."

Footnote 661:(return) The remarks of Grote, vol. i. p. 428, sqq. on the character and position of Æneas throughout the Iliad, deserve much attention. Footnote 662:(return) "The examples of χραισμεῖν are frequent enough in Homer to enable us safely to assert, from a comparison of them, that it never has (at least in his writings) the more general meaning of to be useful, to help, but, without an exception, the more definite sense of to ward off..... by examining passages we find, that even where no accusative is expressed, the evil to be warded off may always be inferred from the context."--Buttm. Lexil. p. 542. Footnote 663:(return) He had wished to restore Helen. See Liv. i. 1.

But him large-eyed venerable Juno then answered:

"O earth-shaker! do thou thyself reflect within thy mind, with respect to Æneas, whether thou wilt withdraw him, or suffer him, being brave, to be subdued by Achilles, the son of Peleus. For already we two, I and Pallas Minerva, have sworn many oaths amongst all the immortals, that we will never help to avert the evil day from the Trojans, not even when all Troy, fired, shall burn with consuming flame, and the warlike sons of the Greeks fire it."

But when earth-shaking Neptune heard this, he hastened to go through the battle and the clash of spears; and came where were Æneas and renowned Achilles. And immediately he shed a darkness upon the eyes of Achilles, son of Peleus, and he drew out the ashen spear, well guarded with brass, from the shield of magnanimous Æneas; and laid it before the feet of Achilles, and pushed on Æneas, lifting him high up from the ground. But Æneas leaped over many ranks of men and many of horses, impelled by the hand of the god, and came to the rear of the troubled fight, where the Caucones were arrayed for war. But very near him came earth-shaking Neptune, and addressing him, spoke winged words:

"O Æneas, which of the gods commanded thee, thus mad, to combat against Achilles, who is at once more valiant than thou, and more dear to the immortals? But retire whenever thou shalt be opposed to him, lest, even contrary to fate, thou arrive at the habitation of Pluto. But when Achilles shall have attained his death and destiny, then again, being confident, fight among the front ranks, because no other of the Greeks shall slay thee."

So saying, he left him there, when he had told him all, and immediately afterwards dissipated the thick darkness from the eyes of Achilles, and he then saw very clearly with his eyes; whereupon groaning, he addressed his magnanimous soul:

"Ye gods! certainly I behold this, a great marvel with mine eyes. The spear indeed lies upon the ground, nor do I at all perceive the man at whom I hurled it, desiring to kill him. Undoubtedly Æneas, too, was dear to the immortal gods, although I supposed that he boasted thus idly. Let him go; there will be no spirit in him hereafter to make trial of me, who even now rejoicing, has escaped from death. But come, having encouraged the warlike Greeks, I will make trial of the other Trojans, going against them."

He spoke, and sprang into the ranks, and cheered on every man:

"No longer now stand off from the Trojans, O noble Greeks, but on! let man advance against man, and let him be eager to engage. Difficult is it for me, although being valiant, to attack so many warriors, and to fight with them all. Not even Mars, who is an immortal god, nor yet Minerva, could charge and toil against the force of such a conflict. Yet whatever I can do with hands, with feet, and with strength, I declare that I will no longer be remiss, not ever so little; but I will go right through their line, nor do I think that any Trojan will rejoice, whoever may come near my javelin."

Thus he spoke, encouraging them; but illustrious Hector, upbraiding, animated the Trojans, and said that he would go against Achilles:

"Ye magnanimous Trojans, fear not the son of Peleus. I, too, could fight with words even with the immortals, but with the spear it is difficult, for they are far more powerful. Nor shall Achilles give effect to all his words; but one part he shall fulfil, and the other leave half imperfect. Against him will I go, even though he were like to fire as to his hands; and to shining iron, as to his might."

Thus he spoke, inciting them; but the Trojans opposite quickly raised their spears; their strength was mingled together, and a shout arose. Then also Phœbus Apollo, standing near, addressed Hector:

"Hector, do not at all fight in the van with Achilles, but receive him in the crowd, and from the tumult, lest by any chance he hit thee, or strike thee with the sword in close combat."

Thus he spoke, and Hector sunk back again into the thick body of men, dismayed when he heard the voice of the god speaking. But Achilles leaped among the Trojans, clad with courage as to his soul, shouting dreadfully; and first slew gallant Iphition, son of Otrynteus, the leader of many people, whom the nymph Naïs bore to Otrynteus, the sacker of cities, under snowy Tmolus, in the rich district of Hyda. 664 Him, eagerly rushing straight forward, noble Achilles struck with his javelin in the middle of the head; and it was entirely split in two. He gave a crash as he fell, and noble Achilles boasted over him:

Footnote 664:(return) A town of Mæonia in Lydia. See Steph. Byz. s. v.

"O son of Otrynteus, most terrible of all men, thou liest; death is here upon thee. Thy birth, however, is at the Gygæan lake, where is thy paternal land, beside fishy Hyllus, and eddying Hermus."

Thus he spoke, boasting; but darkness covered his (Iphition's) eyes, but the horses of the Greeks tore him with the tires of the wheels in the front ranks. After him Achilles smote Demoleon, son of Antenor, a brave repeller of the fight, in the temples, through his brazen-cheeked helmet. Nor indeed did the brazen casque resist it, but through it the eager javelin broke the bone, and the whole brain within was defiled; and he subdued him, ardent. Next he wounded with his spear in the back, Hippodamas, as he was leaping down from his chariot, while flying before him. But he breathed out his soul, and groaned, like as when a bull, dragged round the Heliconian king, 665 bellows, as the youths drag him; and the earth-shaker is delighted with them: so, as he moaned, his fierce soul left his bones. But he went with his spear against godlike Polydorus, 666 the son of Priam; but him his father did not permit to fight, because he was the youngest among all, and dearest to him, and surpassed all in speed. Then, indeed, through youthful folly, exhibiting the excellence of his speed, he ran among the front ranks till he lost his life. Him noble swift-footed Achilles smote rushing by, in the middle of the back, where the golden rings of his belt clasped together, and the doubled corslet met. Right through at the navel pierced the point of the spear, and uttering a groan, he fell upon his knees; a black cloud enveloped him, and stooping down, he gathered his intestines in his hands. But when Hector perceived his brother Polydorus holding his intestines in his hands, and rolled on the earth, a darkness was immediately poured over his eyes, nor could he any longer be employed afar off, but advanced towards Achilles, like unto a flame, brandishing his sharp spear. On the other hand, Achilles, as soon as he saw him, leaped up, and boasting, spoke:

"Near is the man who has most stung my soul, who has slain my cherished companion; no longer indeed let us dread each other through the bridges 667 of war."

Footnote 665:(return) Neptune was a favourite god among the Ionians (cf. Müller, Dor. vol. i. p. 417), but derived this name from Helice, a town in the northern coast of the Peloponnese, out of which the principal Achæan families were driven by Tisamenus, whose tomb was shown there. See Müller, id. p. 74. Footnote 666:(return) This is not the Polydorus of Virgil and Euripides, but the son of Laothoe, daughter of Altas, king of the Lelegans. Footnote 667:(return) See iv. 371.

He spoke, and sternly regarding [him], addressed noble Hector:

"Come nearer, that thou mayest the sooner reach the end of death."

But him, not daunted, crest-tossing Hector addressed:

"O son of Peleus, do not expect to terrify me now like a little boy, at least with words; since I myself also well know how to speak both revilings and reproaches. I know that thou indeed art brave, and that I am inferior to thee. But these things indeed are placed at the knees of the gods, whether, although being inferior, I shall take away thy life, striking thee with my spear, since my weapon also is sharp at the point."

He spoke, and, brandishing, sent forth his spear; and Minerva with a breath turned it back from glorious Achilles, having breathed very gently; but it came back to noble Hector, and lay before his feet. But Achilles, eager to slay him, rushed furiously on, shouting dreadfully; but Apollo, as a god, very easily snatched him away, and covered him with abundant haze. Thrice indeed swift-footed noble Achilles rushed on with his brazen spear, and thrice he smote the deep haze. But when he rushed on the fourth time, like unto a god, he, dreadfully chiding, addressed to him winged words:

"Dog, now again hast thou escaped death. Assuredly evil came very near thee, but Phœbus Apollo has now again preserved thee, to whom thou art wont to pray, when going into the clang of spears. Yet will I certainly finish thee, meeting thee hereafter, if indeed any of the gods be an ally to me also. At present, however, I will go after others of the Trojans, whomsoever I can."

So saying, he struck Dryops with his spear in the middle of the neck, and he fell before his feet.

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