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Book online «Super Affiliate Wizard - 100 Magical Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions by Shanika Lakmali (most interesting books to read .txt) 📖». Author Shanika Lakmali

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Not" Spell


Tell your prospects they would be crazy not to purchase the product. Your prospects will think it must be a good product because you are calling them crazy if they don't buy and you could lose money in the future insulting them that way.




29. The "Than It Promises" Spell


Tell your prospects that the product actually delivers more than the business promises. Your prospects like to hear about hidden benefits of a product that is not advertised on the sales page. It will give your prospects even more reasons to buy the affiliate product.




30. The "Outdone Themselves" Spell


Tell your prospects that you knew the business put out quality products but that they've outdone themselves this time. Your prospects like to do business with people that over-deliver on their product. They especially will like it if they know how reliable the business is before they release the new product.




31. The "Percentage Bribe" Spell


Tell your prospects that you will give them a percentage of your affiliate commissions if they buy the product through your link. Your prospects will relate it to getting a rebate for buying the product.




32. The "It's A Joke" Spell


Tell your prospects that comparing this product with other similar products is a joke and why. Your prospects will be persuaded by you that comparing the benefits of the affiliate product with a similar product just doesn't stand up to it.




33. The "Long Term" Spell


Tell your prospects specifically how long ago you purchased the product and all the long-term benefits you've gained and continue to receive. Your prospects will be influenced to purchase the affiliate product because of you telling them about all the long-term benefits that you have received from it.




34. The "Another Scam?" Spell


Tell your prospects that before you bought the product you thought it was just another scam, but that you were totally wrong. Your prospects have likely been scammed by other businesses in the past so they might feel the same way. They will be at ease that you have had similar experiences and maybe buy your affiliate product.




35. The "Pays For Itself" Spell


Tell your prospects that the product will pay for itself fast. Your prospects will buy an affiliate product quicker if you can show proof of how it has paid you back. They will want to get the same payback as you.




36. The "Scared Of Competition" Spell


Tell your prospects that you are scared to endorse the product because you don't want your competitors finding out about it. Your prospects will definitely think that they have to own the product because you are actually taking a big risk promoting it and they may be your competitors.




37. The "One Word" Spell


Tell your prospects it only takes one word for you to describe the product, for example, ‘superb.’ Your prospects won't have to spend a lot of time reading your affiliate offer for them to get the point. Just make sure the word is really persuasive.




38. The "Minutes Ago" Spell


Tell your prospects you just purchased and started using the product minutes/hours ago and you just had to tell them about it. Your prospects will think that the affiliate product has to be good because you couldn't wait to tell them about it.




39. The "Living Without It" Spell


Tell your prospects you don't know how you ever lived without the product and a good reason why. Your prospects will want to experience having a product that they can't live without because of all the benefits it offers.




40. The "Told Loved Ones" Spell


Tell your prospects that you are not only recommending the product to them but to your family members and close friends. Your prospects will really trust your offer because you are even endorsing it to the people you really, really care about.




41. The "Seconds Away" Spell


Tell your prospects it took you only seconds to buy the product because the product owner always delivers on their promises. Your prospects will think you have had good experiences with the business owner and their products and have never been displeased with any purchase from them.




42. The "Rarely Do" Spell


Tell your prospects you rarely endorse products but the product is astounding. Your prospects will think the affiliate product must be good if you are endorsing it. They will feel anyone that rarely endorses products is telling the truth.




43. The "Anyone Serious?" Spell


Tell your prospects that, in your opinion, anyone who is serious about gaining the benefits should buy the product. Your prospects are probably serious about improving their lives so they would be disagreeing with themselves if they didn't buy the affiliate product.




44. The "Use It A Lot" Spell


Tell your prospects you can't believe how much you actually use the product to get your desired benefits. Your prospects will feel they will get a lot of use out of the product. They want to own a product that they will actually use more than once.




45. The "Professional Opinion" Spell


Tell your prospects that, as a professional, you can't simply imagine a better investment and why. Your prospects will trust your offer more if you have the same profession as them or have a profession that is related to the affiliate product.




46. The "Take It With You" Spell


Tell your prospects you keep the product with you wherever you go. Your prospects will consider the affiliate product a requirement considering you always have it with you when you complete a certain action or project.




47. The "Honest Owner" Spell


Tell your prospects that, in your own opinion, the business owner is one of the most honest people you know. Your prospects will trust you because you are telling them your opinion and not actually trying to sway their opinion. They will also be more open to believing your statement because you actually know the business owner.




48. The "Recommend It Too" Spell


Tell your prospects that most people you talk to recommend the product too. Your prospects will usually agree with the majority. Most people like to use popular products and don't want to feel left out.




49. The "Barely Scratching" Spell


Tell your prospects you have barely scratched the surface of how great the product is. Your prospects will want to know the rest of the benefits of the product after you left them hanging for more. They will have to buy it in order to find out this mystery.




50. The "Biggest Complaint" Spell


Tell your prospects your biggest complaint about the product is that it wasn't available sooner. Your prospects will be a little confused because you’re starting to complain but not actually about the product. Many people let down their buying defenses when they are confused.




51. The "Feel Sorry" Spell


Tell your prospects you feel sorry for those who don't believe what you are saying about the product. Your prospects will really think about buying the affiliate product because you’re not directly selling to them but actually pitying them for "maybe" not buying the product.




52. The "X's The Price" Spell


Tell your prospects that you told the business owner that they are selling the product far too cheap and you would have paid 10 times the price. Your prospects may want to hurry up and buy before the business owner comes to their senses and raises the price.




53. The "Meet Me Halfway" Spell


Tell your prospects you will give them a 50% discount off any of your own products if they buy the product through your affiliate link. Your prospects would be highly persuaded to purchase the product if one of your products could improve an aspect of their life.




54. The "Best Thing Since" Spell


Tell your prospects that you truly believe the product is the best thing since a similar good product. Your prospects will likely buy if you compare the affiliate product to another product that has received good reviews or endorsements.




55. The "You Realize It Now" Spell


Tell your prospects you now know that the product is as good as everyone says it is. Your prospects will see that you heard other people saying how good the affiliate product was and that persuaded you to purchase it. Your prospects now feel they are in the same position you were in.




56. The "Wasn't Sure" Spell


Tell your prospects you weren’t sure whether to order the product at first but you’re so happy you did. Your prospects are likely to think the same thing. They will be persuaded to buy because they will want to be happy also.




57. The "Jealousy" Spell


Tell your prospects that you are jealous of the business's new product. Your prospects will like the fact that you can openly admit it. They will want to buy it and see why you are jealous.




58. The "Seen It All" Spell


Tell your prospects that you thought you've heard and seen it all. Your prospects have likely said the same thing about other products at least once in their lives. They will be interested in seeing what all the fuss is about.




59. The "A Little Extra" Spell


Tell your prospects that you will give them some bonus products if they order the product through your affiliate link. They would have to be crazy to order the product through another affiliate’s link.




60. The "Long Time Ago" Spell


Tell your prospects you wished the business had created this product a long time ago. Your prospects have likely said that same thing about another product in the past. It will trigger them to feel that same feeling about your affiliate product.




61. The "Free Promotion" Spell


Tell your prospects you will give them a form of free advertising or a joint venture opportunity if they order the product through your affiliate link. A large percentage of people on the Internet have some type of business to promote.




62. The "Better Than Nothing" Spell


Tell your prospects that you will give them the next product you create (a future bonus) for free if they buy the product through your affiliate link. Your prospects will think at least that's better than ordering and getting zilch.




63. The "I'll Train You" Spell


Tell your prospects you will give them free advice, consulting or training using the product if they order it through your affiliate link. Your prospects will like the fact they won't have to learn how to use the product alone.




64. The "Right For You?" Spell


Tell your prospects you're not sure whether the product is right for them. Your prospects will then want to find out if the affiliate product is right for them. They won't want to feel less of a person for not buying.




65. The "Made A Deal" Spell


Tell your prospects that you made a deal with the owner of the product to give you a discount if they order through your affiliate link. Your prospects will feel grateful that you are trying to save them some money.




66. The "Know From Experience" Spell


Tell your prospects you know from experience the product is what they've been looking for. Your prospects will consider you somewhat of an expert on the type of affiliate product you are recommending to them. They will likely be persuaded quicker by someone who has had the same experience as them.




67. The "Bought It Again" Spell


Tell your prospects the product works so good you almost bought it again. Your prospects will be stunned by that statement and lower their buying defenses. They will wonder who in their right mind would purchase a product again that didn't have too.




68. The "I Won't Sell It" Spell


Tell your prospects you wouldn't sell or get rid of the product for any price. Your prospects will think the affiliate product must be really valuable. They will think the product will give them benefits that can't be bought with money.




69. The "First To Hear" Spell


Tell your prospects you made a special deal with the business owner and they are the first to hear about the product. Your prospects may want to purchase the affiliate product before everyone else does. They will want to be one of the first people to experience the benefits.




70. The "Over And Over" Spell


Tell your prospects they will use the product over and over again. Your

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