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cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary=""> ½ cup shortening ¼ teaspoon salt 1 cup brown sugar 1¼ teaspoons ginger 2¼ cups bread flour ½ cup milk ½ teaspoon soda

Cream shortening and sugar; sift soda, salt, and ginger with flour, and add alternately with milk; chill; roll thin on baking sheet; mark in squares, and bake in a moderate oven eight or ten minutes. Remove from pan while warm.


Arrange thin crackers or wafers on a baking sheet, place a marshmallow on each one, and bake in a moderate oven for a few minutes until marshmallows melt; into each one press half a nut meat, raisin, cherry, or a bit of candied fruit.

1/3 cup shortening 1 beaten egg 1/3 cup sugar ½ teaspoon baking powder 1/3 cup molasses 1 cup flour 2 squares melted chocolate ¾ cup chopped nut meats

Cream the shortening, add other ingredients in order given, drop from spoon on greased pan, and bake about twelve minutes in a moderate oven.

1 egg 1 cup rolled oats ½ cup sugar 1/3 cup shredded coconut 1 tablespoon melted butter ½ teaspoon salt

Beat egg until light, add other ingredients in order given, beat well, and drop from spoon on greased pan; bake about fifteen minutes in a moderate oven.

White of 1 egg 1 cup powdered sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup finely chopped peanuts

Add salt to the egg, and beat until stiff; add sugar and nuts, and mix well; drop from a teaspoon on a greased baking sheet two inches apart, and bake in a slow oven about fifteen minutes.

3 tablespoons shortening 1 cup flour ½ cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg well beaten 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons milk ½ cup raisins seeded and chopped

Cream the shortening and sugar; add egg and milk, and beat well; add flour, baking powder, and cinnamon sifted together; add raisins; beat well, drop from a teaspoon two inches apart on a greased baking sheet, and bake in a moderate oven about twelve minutes.

2 eggs ¼ teaspoon salt 1 cup brown sugar ¼ teaspoon baking powder ½ cup flour ¾ cup chopped nut meats ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Beat eggs until light; add sugar, and beat well; add dry ingredients sifted together; beat well, add nuts, pour into a greased dripping pan, and bake in a moderate oven about ten minutes. Cut in squares while hot. Mixture may be baked in tiny scalloped tins if preferred.

1/3 cup boiling water White of 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar

Boil water and sugar to 240° F., or until the sirup forms soft ball when tried in cold water; add cream of tartar and vanilla, and pour slowly upon the stiffly beaten white of egg, beating constantly until thick enough to spread without running. For caramel flavor melt one-third of the sugar first.

1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon butter 1/3 cup milk Few grains salt

Put ingredients in saucepan, and boil to 240° F., or until a soft ball can be formed when tested in cold water. Beat until creamy, and spread while warm. Chopped nut meats may be added.

2 squares chocolate Confectioners' sugar ¼ cup boiling water ½ teaspoon vanilla

Melt chocolate, add boiling water, and mix well; add confectioners' sugar until of right consistency to spread; add vanilla and beat well. Coffee may be used in place of water.

1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons cocoa 2 tablespoons milk Confectioners' sugar

Heat butter and milk in a saucepan, remove from fire, add cocoa, and enough confectioners' sugar to thicken. About one cup of sugar will be required.


Follow directions for Boiled Icing (see No. 521), using strong coffee in place of water. Or to recipe for Quick Icing (see No. 528) or Cream Icing (see No. 526) add one teaspoon of instantaneous coffee.

1¼ cups confectioners' sugar ¼ teaspoon vanilla Heavy cream

Sift sugar and add cream until of right consistency to spread (about two tablespoons); add flavoring, and beat well.

Juice of ½ orange Confectioners' sugar Grated rind of ¼ orange

Mix sugar with orange juice and rind until icing is firm enough to spread.

1 tablespoon butter Confectioners' sugar 2 tablespoons boiling water ¼ teaspoon flavoring

Pour boiling water over butter; stir in sugar enough to thicken; add extract, and beat well before spreading. (A little more than one cup of sugar will usually be required.)

3 baked apples 1 cup confectioners' sugar White of 1 egg

Press apples through a sieve; beat white of egg until stiff; add half of sugar, and beat well; add apple and remaining sugar gradually, and beat until very light. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Two tablespoons of tart jelly may be beaten with the apple.


Follow recipe for Cream Filling (see No. 531), but use one-half cup strong coffee in place of one-half cup of milk. Or add one teaspoon of instantaneous coffee to the recipe.

1½ cups milk 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1 egg slightly beaten ¼ cup cornstarch 1 teaspoon flavoring

Scald milk, mix sugar, cornstarch, salt, and egg; add to milk, and cook over hot water, stirring constantly until mixture thickens; cook fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool and flavor before spreading.

1 cup figs ½ cup boiling water 1 cup dates Juice ½ lemon ½ cup sugar

Wash, dry, and chop figs; wash, dry, stone, and chop dates; mix fruit with sugar, water, and lemon juice, and cook over hot water until thick enough to spread.

1½ cups brown sugar 1/3 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter Few grains salt 1 square chocolate ½ cup nut meats chopped

Put sugar, butter, chocolate, milk, and salt in a saucepan; heat slowly to boiling point, and boil to 240° F., or until a soft ball can be formed when tested in cold water; remove from fire, add nuts, and beat until smooth and creamy.

1 cup sugar ½ pound marshmallows 1/3 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon vanilla

Boil sugar and water to 240° F., or until a soft ball can be formed when tested in cold water; soften marshmallows over hot water, add sirup, and when partly cooled add vanilla and beat until stiff enough to spread. Chopped nuts, dates, figs, raisins, or candied fruits may be added.

2 tablespoons hot black coffee ½ teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup confectioners' sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa

Mix coffee, butter, cocoa, and vanilla, and add sugar enough for mixture to spread without running.

½ cup sugar ½ cup orange juice 3 tablespoons flour 1 beaten egg Grated rind ½ orange 1 teaspoon butter

Mix sugar, flour, and rind in the top of double boiler, add orange juice, egg, and butter, and cook over hot water for twelve minutes, stirring often.


To recipe for Boiled Icing (see No. 521) add two-thirds of a cup of cooked prunes which have been stoned and cut in small pieces, and the chopped meats from six of the prune stones. Spread between layers of cake.


Use recipe for Baking Powder Biscuit (see No. 424); roll dough very thin, brush with melted butter, and spread with one cup of chopped apple, mixed with one-fourth cup of sugar, and one teaspoon of cinnamon; roll firmly like a jelly roll, cut in three-fourths-inch slices, place in buttered pan, and bake in a hot oven fifteen minutes. Serve with hot liquid sauce.

1½ cups flour ½ cup milk 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons melted shortening ½ teaspoon salt 3 apples 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar; add egg well beaten, milk, and shortening; beat well, and spread in a greased pan, having mixture about an inch deep; core, pare, and quarter apples, cut in thick slices, and arrange in rows on top of cake; sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, and bake in hot oven half an hour. Serve with liquid sauce.

6 apples 3 teaspoons baking powder ½ cup sugar ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons shortening 1½ cups flour ¾ cup milk

Pare, core, and slice apples; place in a greased pudding dish, and sprinkle with sugar and nutmeg mixed. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt; rub in shortening with finger tips, and mix with milk; spread over apples, and steam for one hour. Turn out of dish, and serve with apples on top. Serve with Soft Sauce (see No. 617).


Mash and sweeten bananas, heap on rounds of buttered toast, and heat in oven. Serve hot with cream or rich milk. Garnish with split cherries, nuts, or bits of jelly.


Add one cup of blackberries to recipe for Cottage Pudding (see No. 549) and serve with Blackberry Sauce (see No. 618).


To recipe for Cottage Pudding (see No. 549) add one cup of blueberries.

2 cups soft bread crumbs ¼ teaspoon clove 4 tablespoons butter ¼ teaspoon nutmeg 4 apples 2 tablespoons molasses 1/3 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons hot water ½ teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon salt

Mix crumbs with melted butter; pare, core, and slice apples; mix sugar and spices; arrange crumbs and apple in layers in a greased baking dish, sprinkle each layer with sugar; mix molasses, water, and salt, and pour over all. Bake slowly for an hour and a half.

2 cups soft bread crumbs 1 cup sugar ¼ cup butter ½ cup sultana raisins 1 cup chopped cranberries ¼ cup boiling water

Mix crumbs with melted butter; add cranberries, sugar, and raisins, and put into a greased baking dish; add water, and bake in a slow oven one hour. Serve with Soft Sauce (see No. 617).

2 cups boiling water 3 cups hot milk 1 teaspoon salt ¼ cup molasses 5 tablespoons fine corn meal ½ teaspoon ginger

Add salt to boiling water, sift in corn meal very slowly, and boil ten minutes, stirring often; add milk, molasses, and ginger, pour into a greased earthen dish, and bake very slowly for three hours. Serve with rich milk, cream, or Ginger Sauce (see No. 611).

¾ cup sugar ¼ teaspoon salt 2 slices toast ½ teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups hot milk 1 egg 1 tablespoon butter

Caramelize sugar; cut each slice of toast in quarters, dip in caramel, and arrange in baking dish; add milk to caramel remaining in pan, and stir until dissolved; add butter, salt, nutmeg, and egg slightly beaten; pour over toast, and bake in slow oven about half an hour. Serve with cream, rich milk, or liquid sauce.

½ cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon melted butter 1½ teaspoons baking
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