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id="pgepubid00215">154.—HAM LOAF
1 pound raw ham 2 beaten eggs 1 cup dried crumbs ¼ teaspoon mustard 1 cup boiling water ¼ teaspoon salt

Put ham, including the fat, through meat chopper; add crumbs, water, eggs, and seasonings; mix well, and bake in a small bread pan, in a slow oven, an hour and a half; or cook in steamer two hours.


Have a pocket cut in veal, wash, dry, and stuff with Crust Stuffing (see No. 209); skewer neatly into shape, dredge with flour, season with salt and pepper, and cover with two thin slices of fat salt pork; place on rack in dripping pan, and roast in a moderate oven two hours, basting often. Serve with gravy made from drippings in the pan, three tablespoons of flour, and one and one-half cups of water. Season with salt and pepper, and strain.

3 pounds knuckle of veal 2 cups hot water ½ cup each of finely chopped onion, carrot, turnip, and celery 1¼ teaspoons salt ¼ cup pearl barley ¼ teaspoon paprika

Order veal cut in three-inch lengths; remove meat from bone, and put in a casserole dish; add vegetables, barley (which has been soaked for an hour in cold water), hot water, and seasonings; place the pieces of bone, cut edge down, on top; cover closely, and bake in a moderate oven two and a half hours. Remove the bones before serving.

157.—VEAL LOAF (Baked)
2½ pounds raw veal 1 cup dried and sifted crumbs ¼ pound salt pork ½ cup boiling water ½ teaspoon pepper ½ cup milk 2 teaspoons salt

Put veal and pork through the meat chopper; add pepper, salt, crumbs, water, and milk. Mix well, press into a deep pan, cover with paper, and bake slowly for two hours. Serve hot or cold. A teaspoon each of poultry seasoning and grated onion may be added.

158.—VEAL LOAF (Boiled)
4 pounds knuckle of veal 4 cups hot water 1 onion ½ package gelatine 1 bay leaf ¼ cup cold water 4 cloves Juice of 1 lemon 2½ teaspoons salt 1 hard-boiled egg ½ teaspoon pepper 2 gherkins

Cook veal with seasonings in hot water until meat is very tender; strain, remove fat and bone, and chop meat; soak gelatine in cold water, add to strained stock in which meat was cooked, add meat and lemon juice, cool, and turn into deep pan which has been garnished with slices of hard-boiled egg and pickles sliced lengthwise. Put in the ice-box for several hours before serving.

1 calf's head ½ teaspoon paprika 1 pound lean fresh pork 1 teaspoon onion juice 6 cups boiling water 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1¾ teaspoons salt

Have head split and dressed at the market; singe, wash well, put in kettle with pork and boiling water, cover, and simmer three hours. Remove bones, and put meat through chopper; reduce stock to one and one-half cups, strain, and add, with seasonings, to the meat. Press into a bread pan and put in a cold place. Serve sliced cold, or dip slices in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat.

3 pounds liver ½ teaspoon salt 1½-inch cube salt pork 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/3 cup onion finely chopped 2 cups boiling water 1/3 cup celery finely chopped ¼ cup flour 1/3 cup carrots finely chopped

Soak liver in cold salted water for half an hour, scald, remove skin, and dredge with flour; cut pork in thin slices, and try out in frying pan; brown liver in pork fat, and place in an earthen dish or kettle, add vegetables, seasonings, and water which has first been put in the frying pan; cover closely, and bake three hours in a slow oven, adding water if necessary; remove liver, and thicken gravy and vegetables with one-fourth cup of flour mixed to a paste with cold water.

1 pound liver 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups boiling water ¾ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons bacon fat ¼ teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon grated onion 6 slices of toast

Cut liver into half-inch cubes, and soak in cold salted water fifteen minutes; drain; cover with the boiling water, and simmer six minutes; cook bacon fat, onion, and flour until brown; add seasonings, and stock in which liver was cooked; stir until smooth; add liver, and pour over toast or small, thin baking powder biscuit.


Cook chicken livers in boiling salted water fifteen minutes; put each liver on half of a slice of bacon, fold other half over liver, and bake in a hot oven until bacon is crisp; moisten slices of toast with the stock in which livers were cooked, and serve two pieces of bacon and livers on toast for each person.


Cut liver in one-third-inch slices; soak in cold water for half an hour; drain, dry, and cook in hot deep fat, with six slices of bacon, until brown.

6 lambs' kidneys ¼ teaspoon paprika 1½ cups boiling water ½ teaspoon onion juice 1½ tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 3 tablespoons flour Few drops kitchen bouquet ½ teaspoon salt 6 slices of toast

Split kidneys and soak in cold water half an hour; drain; cover with boiling water, and simmer five minutes; skim out of water, and cut in small dice; brown the butter, add the flour, and brown well; add the water in which the kidneys were cooked, and stir until smooth; add kidneys and seasonings, and serve on toast.

6 lambs' kidneys, split 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 3 tablespoons drippings 1 teaspoon mustard 1 tablespoon chopped onion ¼ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons flour Dash of cayenne 1 cup water or stock

Scald, skin, and split kidneys; cook with fat and onion five minutes, and remove from the pan. To the fat in the pan add flour, and stir until brown; add liquid, and stir until smooth; add seasonings and kidneys. Serve on toast or with mashed potato border.

1 pound fresh boiled tripe ½ cup chopped white cabbage ½ can tomatoes ¾ teaspoon salt ½ onion chopped Few grains cayenne ½ green pepper chopped 2 slices bacon

Cut tripe in small pieces for serving and put in greased casserole dish; scald tomatoes, add onion, pepper, cabbage, and seasonings; pour over tripe; cut bacon into bits, put on top, and bake in a moderate oven one hour.

1 pound fresh boiled tripe 1 cup flour 1 slice onion 1½ teaspoons baking powder 2 cloves ¼ teaspoon salt ½ bay leaf 1 egg well beaten 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/3 cup water

Cut tripe in pieces the size of a large oyster, cover with boiling water, add seasonings, simmer fifteen minutes, and drain. Make a batter of flour, baking powder, salt, egg, and water. Dry each piece of tripe, dip in batter, and fry in deep fat for one minute. Serve with Sauce Tartare (see No. 202) or Russian Dressing (see No. 341).


Prepare tripe as for Tripe Fried in Batter (see No. 167); dip each piece of tripe first in tomato ketchup, then in crumbs, then in beaten egg, and then in crumbs again. Fry in deep fat for one minute, and drain on soft paper.

1½ cups tomatoes 1½ cups cold roast beef 1/3 cup beef gravy 2 cups cooked spaghetti ½ onion ½ cup bread crumbs 4 cloves 2 tablespoons beef drippings 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1/8 teaspoon pepper

Simmer tomatoes, gravy, and seasonings for fifteen minutes, and press through a sieve; add beef cut in small pieces, and spaghetti, and pour into a greased baking dish; cover with crumbs which have been mixed with the drippings and butter melted together. Bake in a moderate oven about fifteen minutes. A can of condensed tomato soup may be used in place of the tomato sauce. Any meat may be used.

2 tablespoons beef drippings 1 cup corned beef stock 5 tablespoons flour ¾ cup hot milk 1 teaspoon grated onion 1½ cups corned beef cut in half-inch cubes ¼ teaspoon paprika ½ cup Buttered Crumbs (see No. 472) ¼ teaspoon celery salt

Melt drippings, add flour, onion, and seasonings, and cook two minutes; add stock and milk, and stir until smooth; add meat, and put into a greased baking dish; cover with crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown.

3 cups well-seasoned mashed potato 6 pimolas chopped 1 cup chopped cooked ham ½ cup hot milk 1 teaspoon grated onion ¼ cup crumbs 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon bacon fat ½ teaspoon mustard

Mix potato, ham, seasonings, and milk, put into a greased baking dish, cover with crumbs which have been mixed with melted bacon fat, and bake in a hot oven until brown; or prepare half of mixture, spread in egg shirrers, make a depression with the back of a spoon, and into it carefully break an egg; cover with crumbs, and bake until egg is set.

1½ cups chopped cooked ham 1 teaspoon mixed mustard ½ cup soft bread crumbs ¼ teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon gelatine Whites of 2 eggs 1 cup hot milk

Mix ham with bread crumbs; dissolve the gelatine in the hot milk, and add to crumbs with mustard and paprika; beat the whites of eggs very stiff and fold lightly into mixture. Put into a deep pan or mold, and place on ice until firm. A little salt may be needed.

1½ cups corned beef ¾ teaspoon salt 2 cups cooked potatoes 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ½ cup cooked beets ¼ cup stock or water 1 teaspoon grated onion 2 tablespoons beef drippings

Have meat, potatoes, and beets coarsely chopped; add seasonings and stock; melt fat in frying pan, and, when very hot, add hash; cook slowly until a rich brown crust is formed; fold, and serve on a hot platter. If meat is very fat, use less fat in frying pan.

174.—SAVORY HASH (Baked)
1 cup cold meat cut fine 1 cup tomatoes 2 cups cold cooked potatoes ¾ teaspoon salt ½ onion finely chopped 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 stalks celery chopped, or 2 tablespoons melted bacon fat or beef drippings ¼ teaspoon celery salt

Mix, and bake in casserole in moderate oven forty-five minutes.

4 raw potatoes ¾ cup stock or water 2 green peppers 1½ cups cold chopped beef 2 tomatoes Salt and pepper 1 onion Toast points

Put vegetables through the meat chopper, using coarse cutter; cook in the stock, covered, until tender; add beef, salt, and pepper, and when hot turn on a platter and garnish with toast points. If corned beef and stock are used, use salt with care.

2 cups chopped cooked liver Salt and pepper 2 cups mashed potato Coarse stale bread crumbs 2 tablespoons finely chopped pickles

Mix liver, potato, and pickles, and season with salt and pepper. Grease patty pans or cups; sprinkle with crumbs, and fill with mixture. Bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven, turn out on serving dish, and serve with Brown Sauce (see No. 185) or Tomato Sauce (see No. 203).

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