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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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my face in her hair and fall into a dreamless slumber.


A visit from a Vampire king


(3rd Person P.O.V)

Very early in the morning Nikki and Cole were sleeping peacefully without caring about what was happening in the world while snuggling with each other. There, on the other hand, Alok enters their room in his bat form hiding his scent so that others weren't able to know about his occurrences. He slowly walks towards Nikki and looks at her with a smirk on his face. He bends towards her and takes a sniff of her scent and his eyes light up in delight.

“Now I understand why is that Rogue is after want her so much, she is something special, something very special I can say that by just taking a single sniff of her, she smells so delicious so pure that it takes all of my self-control not to drink her dry, so what that rogue has told was true I guess,” he said with a chuckle.

“Sleep little girl sleep all you want until I have all of you for myself,” he said trailing one of his fingers on her face. Nikki wakes up with a startled and started looking everywhere while panting heavily but did not find anyone.

“What happen Nikki?” Cole asks sleepily.

“Someone was here, hovering over me,” Nikki said to him, all the sleep from his eyes were gone and he has gotten into alert mode. He moves his head upward and started sniffing everywhere to find a smell that can tell him who was there but did not find any expect his and Nikki’s scent.

His mind links his warrior to look all over the packhouse to find something looking suspicious. He gets out of the bed and start looking everywhere but find nothing. After some time he heard the footsteps and turn with the growl and the warrior bow down in front of him as a sign of surrender. When he saw that it was the warrior he takes a large breath and calms himself down.

“Find anything?” Cole asks them.

“No, alpha we have search every Conner of the packhouse but didn’t find anything,” one of the warriors said to him. He runs his hand on his hair and turns to see a hair, a bats hair to be specific.

“You all can leave now,” Cole orders them and they walk away from there. Cole picks the hair from the floor and sniffs it smelling the metallic smell of blood from it... He looks everywhere when his eyes reach the bat sitting in the tree who was no other than the king vampire himself sitting on the branch of a tree and watching all the commotion happening there conforming Coles doubt. As soon as his eyes saw the bat, the bat flew away from there.

“You all can leave now,” Cole orders them and they walk away from there. Cole picks the hair from the floor and sniffs it smelling the metallic smell of blood from it.

“It was...” Cole said.

“A hair of a bat, king of vampire bats hair for specific,” his father said completing his sentence.

“It means...” Cole said but cut off by his father.

“The king of the vampire himself pays a visit here, which is not a good news at all, which means you have to be even more careful,” His father said to him cutting him off.

“But why didn’t I sense his presence here, or smell him here?” Cole asks his father.

“Higher class vampires can hide their smell and presence so that nobody can find them,” his father explains to him.

“Is there any way to protect Nikki from there,” Cole asks him.

“No, I don’t think so, I will advise you to put the web or bar in the windows and balcony so that they can not able to enter here in their bat form,” his father advised him.

“I will, anyway when did you come back from visiting the council?” Cole asks him.

“Just half an hour before when I was the warrior searching for god knows what and when I ask one of them they told me everything, so when I reach here I saw a bat hair in your hand and I know it was a vampire in his bat form,” his father said to him.

“So did you find anything from them?” Cole asks him and his father shakes his head as no making him sigh in frustration.

“They said they will call us or try to get in contact with if they find anything,” his father said to him and he nodded his head in understanding.

“Okay, you should go and rest now, you must be tired from your long journey,” Cole said to his father. His father nodded his head and walk away from there. He turns around to see Nikki shaking in fear while clutching a pillow tightly to her chest. He walks towards her with a small smile on his face.

“Hey, it’s alright everything is fine, I am here to protect you, I will not let anything happens to you okay?” Cole asks while holding her in his arms and she nodded her head to him. He rocks her back and front to make her fall in sleep back then tuck her back in the bed. He closes all the window and door and covers it with curtain then walks in the washroom to get fresh and start his day, not in the mood to sleep anymore.

After having a shower, he changes into fresh clothes and walks to his study room to do some pack business. He saw the clock to see it 7:30, he was craving for coffee, so he walks into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. After having coffee he mined link his Albert to send the warriors who were at petrol duties to come and meet him at his office to give them a piece of his mind.

After a few minutes, he heard the knock on his door.

“Come in,” he said in a hoarse voice and a warrior enters his office.

“So you guys were in the petrol duties yesterday?” Cole asks them while glaring at them and they nodded their heads while looking down on the floor in shame knowing very well what was coming in the next moments.

“So this is how you perform your duty, letting anyone pass our brooder, to come and harm us,” Cole shouted at them and they just stand there speechless.

“I am asking you something, answer me,” Cole shouted at them.

“S—so—sorry Alpha,” the warrior's shutter in front of him.

“Sorry, my ass, Albert, take their warrior position from them, and I want you to heir new warriors who know how to perform their duties perfectly,” Cole said to Albert while glaring at the warriors.

“But Alpha they are the best warriors of our pack,” Albert argued with him.

“If these are the best warriors of our pack, then I don’t want to know how the worst warriors will be, I want highly trained and alert warriors, and any more mistake from them or you will cost you your position Albert, am I clear,” Cole asks to him in a serious voice.

“Yes, Alpha,” Albert said looking down on the floor.

“You all are dismissed now,” Cole said to them and they walk away from there. Cole decided to go for a run to cool himself and his wolf down. 


A mating hunt


(Cole P.O.V)

“I don’t know why I have to participate in it when I already have found my mate, ” I argued with my father.

“Mating hunt was for the people who don’t find his/her mate yet, right, then why do I have to go there and participated in it? ” I ask my father frustrated. Yesterday, I received a mail from the council to attend a mating hunt where all the unmated male and female werewolf gathered to find their mate.

“I know but you haven’t mated with Nikki that is why you have to go there to attend it, it’s mandatory,” my father tried to explain to me.

“Right now, when a vampire king has just paid my mate a visit to my mate in my territory at night, are you in your right senses of your mind,” I ask him while running my hand through my hair frustratedly.

“Mind your language soon, I may have retired from my pack duties as an Alpha but I still am your Alpha,” My father said to me in his Alpha tone while narrowing his eyes at me.

“I am sorry dad, but you have to understand, I can’t attend it with all this thing going on here, ” I said sighing and slumping down at my seat.

“I can understand your concern very well Cole, but it’s not like she will be alone here, we will be here to protect her, and you just have to show your presence there, just let them know that you have come to attend it and come back next day if you want,” my father said to me and I nodded my head in agreement.

“Fine then. I will do the same,” I said to him and he patted my back and walk out of there. I reply to the council letting them know I am going to attend it but leave early due to some important matters and they agree with me.

“Are you going somewhere?” Nikki asked me while seating beside my bed with a pout.

“Yes,” I said while keeping my clothes in my bag.

“Where?” she asks me.

“To attend an important meeting,” I lied to her and my wolf whimpered in my head not feeling good for lying to her but I can’t tell her the truth because it will upset her and I can’t see her upset.

“When will you come back home?” she asks me.

“In two or three days,” I said to her.

“Promise?” she asks showing her pinky finger to me.

“I promise,” I said with a chuckle and hold her pinky finger with mine and she hugged me and I hugged her back.

“Can you spend time with me until you leave for your flight?” she asked me.

“sure, why not, what do you “want to do?” I ask her.

“let’s watch some movie together,” she suggested looking exited making a smile come to my face.

“Cool, which movie do you want to watch,” I ask her.

“Frozen 2,” she said jumping up and down in excitement. Of course, I thought gloomily. I lead her to the theater room and arrange the room. I mind link one of the omega to bring some snacks and popcorn to go with the movie. Nikki watches the movie

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