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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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about to me.

"Don't worry about me little one, I am stronger than you think, I will be fine," I said smiling at her. She eats her food and kept the utensil in the corner of the. She grabs the blanket from the bed and sleeps beside me, snuggling with me after covering both of us with a blanket. I feel all the tiredness caught up with me and I fall asleep in no time.


I was walking in the ground barefoot, in the soft grass not knowing where I am going but I just keep walking and following my guts, as I walk a little more further, I saw a beautiful woman in a white long gown and white long hair which reaches to her waist, sitting on the chair with a cup of tea in her and patting my wolf Rondy.

But how is this possible and who is she, I thought and then she suddenly turns and looks at me smiling at me. She looks like an elder version of Nikki only with different hair color and eyes.

"Ah, my child, you're finally here, please come and seat with me," she said smiling at me.

"Who...Who are you?" I shutter still standing in my place.

"I am what you call moon goddess, but you can call me Serina," she said smiling at me.

"Your highness," I said going on my knees. 

"There is no need for formalities please get up and have a seat," she said pointing at the seat in front of her. I stand up and sit in front of her.

"Here, have some tea, it's a herbal tea, it will help you to heal sooner," she said passing me another cup of tea.

"Now you must be wondering, why I come into your dream right?" she asks and I nodded my head and have a sip of my tea, its taste like basil, cinnamon, honey, and other herbs.

 "I guess you have already meet Nikki right?" she asks and I nodded my head again.

"You see, Nikki is not a normal girl, she is a very special girl and that's why the king of vampires and the alpha of rogue pack has kidnapped her, I want you to look after her and protect her until her mates come and find her, I want you to be her protector until and after her mate finds you and Nikki, can you do that for me?" she asks me.

"Yes, moon goddess, I am already attached to her," I said to her.

"That's what I expect from you, and I almost forgot you can trust Ryan, he is one of my soldiers who keeps an eye on Alok for me," she said smiling at me.

"If you don't mind can I asks you a question," I ask her.

"Yes, what is it?" she asks me.

"Is Nikki your daughter?" I ask her.

"That my child you will know when the times come, now you need to leave, Nikki is trying to wake you up, worried that you died and leave her alone in the dungeon," she said to me. I stand up from my seat bow in front of her and walk back my steps.

*Dreams end*

 I wake up feeling someone shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up.

"Thank god, you wake up Kelvin, you almost scared me when I tried to wake you up, I thought you died on me, " she said and a lone tear falls down from her eyes.

"Here, as promised Ryan brought food for you," she said passing a plate to be filled with steak and mashed potatoes.

"Don't worry I have checked it, it was not positioned, you can eat it," she said when she saw me hesitated to eat it and I eat it not because Nikki taste it to conformed Ryan did not try to poison me but because I trust moon goddess words.

After eating I crush the plate made of paper and throw it away and fall asleep snuggling with Nikki.


Searching for my mate


(Cole P.O.V)

I sighed, glaring down at the paperwork in front of me. It contained the details on the latest search for my mate. We had failed to find her once again.

It’s has been more than 5 months since they kidnapped Nikki and we were not able to find the clue about their whereabouts. For a few weeks, someone gave us some clue about were about to find her, I don’t know who but I was great full to him or her.

But it all goes to waste when we reach there only to find an empty building or ground with the smell of my mate in one of the tents or a basement, it was like they know that we are coming for them before we even reach there.

It only means one thing that either someone is playing with me or there is a traitor in my pack. But I will bet on the last one. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on the door.

“What?” I shouted with a growl.

“Alpha, we have got another clue,” Richard the warrior who leads the search party said peeking inside the office.

“Show me,” I said getting up from my seat and walking towards him.

“We found it, in the doorstep of the packhouse when we are returning from our search,” he said passing a paper to me.

“A bridge in a hollow,

And a hundred going over it,

No blacksmith, nor mason,

nor carpenter built it.” I read it aloud for him.

“What does it mean?” I wonder.

“It said a bridge no one built it, and still people walk in it,” Richard said looking lost in his thought.

“Aroze river or now known as the frozen river,” dad said walking towards us.

“But how can we know what river he is talking about, its winter right now, and at this season all the river were frozen, so how did we know which river he was talking about?” I ask him.

“Do you know, I and your mother used to tell you about the story of spiritual moon coven which was extinguished 100 years ago, there is a river near that coven which was frozen forever since the day Vampire’s and Rogues attacked them, no matter what the season is it was always frozen to the core, it was also that it was the purest and clearest rivers of all, you will find it easily, I will find out the location for you guys, but just give me a day to find it, until then why don’t you have some rest and get ready to leave tomorrow,” dad said and we nodded our head at him. They walk out of my office.

“After a few days, We will have our mate in our arm,” I said to my wolf.

“Only if they were, really there,” my wolf said with a whimper and I sigh in exhaustion.

“Let’s hope we find her this time,” I said and walks towards my room. I take a hot shower and get dressed. I grab the only t-shirts which have her scent because her other clothes have my scent because I have hugged them while sleeping so many times that her scent was covered by mine. Her things were the only thing that kept me sane while she was away from me.

The next morning my father comes into my office with the map in his hand and guides me and Richard the way to the coven. It’s not far from The crystal moon pack, ruled by Alpha Xavier, I called him and informed him about our arrival and gathered our packs warriors to leave for his territory. We decided to take unmated warriors only because the full moon is coming and all the mated wolf will go crazy if they don't have their mate by their side and the other mated wolf who is coming with us have female warriors as their mate.

If you are wondering that, how did I survive the full moon after she gets kidnapped then let me, tell you they made me unconscious and chained me in the dungeon so that I didn't create havoc in the packhouse. That has been the most painful full moon night of my life.

It takes us a whole day to reach there when we reach there Alpha Xavier was already waiting for me.

"Thank you so much to have us here, Alpha Xavier," I said shaking hands with him.

"It's my pleasure to have you here, Alpha Cole, please come in," he said inviting us inside the packhouse. I order my warriors to wait and walk inside his office with my father.

"So what brought you here?" Alpha Xavier asks me and I explain everything to him.

"I have seen some vampires roaming a little far away from my pack territory, but I didn't pay much attention since they didn't come anywhere near my territory but, know I know why they were here, my warrior will help you if you going to need them," Alpha Xavier said to us and I wanted to go there immediately but knowing my warriors were tried of running so long with minimal rest I know I can't, and besides I must be well rested too so that I can kill those f**kers and get my mate back.

"Some Omegas were waiting for you outside my office for you, they will show you your rooms," Alpha Xavier said to us and we walk out of his office. The Omega shows us our room, and I go to the washroom to take the much-needed shower. After a shower, I dried myself, get dressed, and get inside the bed with one of Nikki's T'shirt.


Searching for my mate - 2

(Nikki P.O.V)

It's has been 6 months since I was kidnapped and Cole still wasn't able to find us. A lot of things happened in these 6 months. Kelvin has started to trust Ryan and, they have become good friends. Ryan keeps helping us by providing a good amount of food and medicines to help Kelvin heal faster. He said, he wanted to help us escape from this prisoner, but he can't because it was impossible to escape because the security of their territory is very tight and that it is almost impossible to break through it.

Ryan said he is helping Cole to find us but he cannot find us because when he is near to find us, we move to another place. He said that he suspects that there is a traitor in the pack who is informing Alok about Cole's every moves and action, and if you are wondering that why didn't we tried to escape when we

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