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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » If Only by Amani Grace (management books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «If Only by Amani Grace (management books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Amani Grace

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go. As I started packing my bag Aaron came up me and handed me a ripped piece of paper I looked at him and he said its my number….how about you call me sometime and we can hang out. Sure I said back it would be nice to get out of work. He smiled as I walked out the door. As I walk to my house all I could think about is how nice it would be to have a normal life, one where my mom was still here and it was just us. The only sad thing about that is if brad was never in our life neither would mona and I love my little sister. When I walk in the house I could hear brad talking to someone. I walk up the stairs and saw a blonde hair lady about 5’4 she looked as if she couldn’t be no older than 24. When brad saw me he told me to come in the room. The young lady looked at me and said you must be grace I shook my head well I am lisa and its very nice to meet you. I didn’t say anything back I just stared at her then I looked at brad and he told me that him and lisa was going away to get married and that they would be back in 2 weeks. MARRIED MARRIED!!! I yelled (of course I didn’t mean to it just slipped out) The young lady jumped and brad looked like he wanted to hit me, but instead he remand clam and said yes lisa and I have been going together for a while now and I decided to marry her. (how come I didn’t know about this) I thought. The whole time that the lisa was talking to me all I could think about is my mom of course lisa wasn’t ugly but I still didn’t want anyone else to replace her. Brad then looked at me and said we will be leaving tonight. Ok was all I said and then went to my room, a few minutes later I heard a knock at the door before I could say come in lisa walk in the room. I looked at her and then turned my head. She begin to talk… I know you don’t know me and it must be strange having a young women you don’t know marry your dad. Before she could finish I turned to her and said he’s not my dad. Ok step dad. How old are you I asked her…25 she said to me. Don’t your family care about you dating an older guy. Well I don’t really have anyone left my mom and dad died in an air plane crash and all I have left is me my big house and money. (oh so this is why he wants her for the money). She then continued to talk…. Well now after the wedding I will have 2 children and a loving husband and yall can come and live with me. Wait what did she just say come live with her and that brad was loving oh she didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Brad has anger problems I told her you don’t wanna get on his bad side. I know she said he told me about how after his wife died he got angry and would drink a lot but he has changed. And when was this change I asked her (of course I didn’t tell her he beat me just last night.) before she could say anything brad came in the room ok babe lets go then he walked out lisa looked at me and said don’t worry about anything everything will be ok then she handed me a a package whats this I asked this is just something for you while we are gone just until we get back I looked in it and it was a lot of money all of this just for two weeks? We then walked down the stairs lisa got into the car and brad came up to me and said mona will be at my mother’s house while we are gone and then he grabbed my arm and said don’t ruin this and then let go got in the car and they drove off. I walked inside and went to my room and laid down so much to think about a new mom who wasn’t that far off of my age a new house. I can think about all of that later right now I had a lot of money, two weeks in the house by myself and a cute boy number in my pocket. So I took out the paper and called Aaron.

Chapter 3

Hello Aaron this is grace, hi grace how are you he says back, I am ok how about we hang out tonight I ask. Sure that sounds great pick you up at 7:30. Ok I say back and hang up the phone. I look at the clock and it is already 5:30 where did the time go, I go to the bathroom and shower and do my hair I look at the time again and its already 6:15 then I go to my room to try and find something to wear I haven’t really been the type of girl to dress up so I just pick a pair of shorts and a gray tee I knew we weren’t going somewhere fancy so it really wouldn’t matter what I wear. I go to the bathroom and take on final look at myself, I guess I look alright hair is in a tight pony tail my tee and shorts fit my body just right. My bruise isn’t there anymore thank God. I turn off the light and go down stairs its only 6:30 so I turn on the tv and watch my favorite show revenge. Just when the show is getting good there is a knock at the door I looked at the time and its 7:14 he’s a little early I go to the door and answer it. There stands Aaron with a hand full of flowers wow this wasn’t what I expected he looks at me and say you look nice and then hands the flowers to me I invite him in and go to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase and off we go. So where are we going I ask Aaron as we drive off. Ill let that be your choice we can go to the movies or skating or bowling or anywhere else you want to he says. Ok lets go bowling. When we got to the bowling place it was a little bit pack but we got our shoes and a table. Ok so are you ready to lose Aaron says. I look at him and laugh aren’t you suppose to let the girl win I say to him. Says who Aaron says with a laugh, what he doesn’t know is my mom was a bowling campaigning and so am I it’s the only reason I picked this game. Ok I tell him it’s on. Lady’s first he says ok as I go up to the line I role my pink ball as hard as I could STRIKE! I turn to Aaron your turn I say with a laugh. That was just a lucky strike now watch a master. He goes up to the line and rolls the ball and gets a strike. This was really gonna be a quick game. He turns to me and laughs and say beat that. We go on and on though the game taking and laughing and now it was our last roll he had 210 points and I had 211 this was a tight game I took my last roll and it was a strike of course and he didn’t I guess he let me win when we finished he asked me where did I want to eat I told him it didn’t matter so he took me to a Chinese food store I got my favorite general tso chicken and fried rice and he order the same. We then drove to a nearby park and we ate and talked some more. I told him about brad and the wedding and he told me that brad was selfish not to take us but I told him I didn’t really care and he asked did me and brad get along well ( of course I wasn’t going to tell him the truth) somewhat I mind my own I say with my head down. Aaron picks my head up and looks at me it must be hard to lose someone you love and have to grow up so fast. Yea I guess it is but I deal with it. Aaron looks at the time and then says I think I should take you home. When we reach my house we say our fair wells. I go in the house and think about how nice Aaron was how he cared about me how he didn’t push his self up on me and didn’t steal a kiss on the first date if this was even a date. I go and take a shower and get ready for bed, as I climb into bed I look at my phone and it’s a message from Aaron… thank you for a lovely evening I had a lot of fun I know you have a lot on your plate and I wouldn’t want to be a bother its just something about you I just cant keep you off my mind well anyways I hope im not being to forward by saying I hope we can have another date soon. Ps: sweet dreams. A tear fell down my face it was a happy tear I crawled under the cover and fell asleep with Aaron on my mind.

Dear readers: I promise to be back soon thank you for everyone who has read my book so far. Please comment thank you!


Publication Date: 09-08-2011

All Rights Reserved

I Dedicate this book to my love one Grace.

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