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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Bloodwolf by not telling why should i tell you, really? not telling (dark books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Bloodwolf by not telling why should i tell you, really? not telling (dark books to read .TXT) 📖». Author not telling why should i tell you, really? not telling

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is obviously an enemy.", I whispered. Sparky looked unsure,"Or maybe, we can have some fun." A small smirk appeared in the corner of my mouth. I thumped my tail lightly in agreement.  We ran back to the den. Zi seemed quite weary, so I had her lay down when we returned. While Sparky and Zi rested I hunted. My claws needed sharpening, and my fangs were dimming. Meat would sharpen my fangs and hunting would edge my claws. As I returned from the forest I heard the accustomed sound of a distant snore. I held my prey in my mouth and walked on. Setting it down, my ears perked hearing a crackling leaf. I snarled,"Hello? Is anyone there?!".  Chapter 2. A New Pup

A small shadowy image of a wolf appeared before my eyes, peering her head from behind a tree. I snarled slightly,"Who are you!?", I barked. She showed her full self and nervously lowered her head gulping,"Well I-I am Coza. I ran from my dad after an arguement and trust me, Im not going back. Plus my mother is dead so you know." I nodded, noticing her stomach grumble and growl,"Lets get you some food, by the way Im Rose.", I whispered. As I walked to the den site, her stomach was in a non-stop growl. I sped up a little, trying to block the noise. As we approached the den site, I heard again the farmiliar sound of a silent snore. I tilted my head to the meat as Coza padded swiftly over to the meat. She barely chewed as she ate. Zi's nose twitched as she awoke. She faced Coza, then me,"Who's that!", she grumbled. I raised my tail in alarm,"Her name is Coza, I found her wandering. She is very hungry.", I said, calming Zi. Her eyes were weary as she talked," Oh, well where'd she come from?".

"She ran away from her dad, and her mother is dead. Her dad was abusive...", I grumbled silently under my breath. Zi nodded and awoke Sparky, telling her Coza was a guest. Over the next few days of preparing for an attack, and trying to find a new den, I grew attatched to Coza. It was like I wanted to protect her. She had no idea we were bloodwolves, but I knew she would find out. Coza grew more humble, bigger over the few days. On the third day of training I finally broke the silence," I think we should find a new den.", I pointed my snout to the fresh green leaves on the tree as I shook my steamed fur. Sparky nodded,"We move today.", she spoke humbly. I threw pelts over my back as Coza sharpened her claws, we had trained her too just in case. I hoped that after we found a Spring and Summer den, I'd get the chance to increase her stamina. She had cracked open her shell of shyness on the second day of training. Her fur was a sparkling grey, her eyes Pacific Blue. As Coza sharpened her claws, Sparky stretched, extending her rippling bones. Zi was limp,"Hey Zi, something wrong?", I asked curiously. She turned her head,"Well, Greeneyes really got me good.",she coughed. I looked at her, and stared into her eyes, letting her know I cared. Sparky sunk her fangs into a pelt and placed it onto her back, she learned now how to walk, holding her limp paw in the air. We were all ready to move, so we started traveling. I kept my eyes peeled at the front of the group, while I stayed in back, I figured someone would plan to attack at the back. I tilted my nose in the air for a big whiff of air, trying to keep note on the wolf scents, or caribou. As we approached a stable den, Sparky sat, lowering the pelts to the ground. Two bushes sat next to the opening of the cave-den. Herbs and tree's created an opening . Coza then repeated Spark, Next Zi. I finally managed to return to this world, I had drifted off into a daydream. I set down the pelts and immediately padded torwards the herbs. I sniffed and picked them. I then swiftly lowered myself to Sparky and attempted to wrap a leaf around her paw. I held the herb on the tip of my snout and gave it to Sparky, Then I did the same to Zi. Coza was gnawing on a bone as I inspected the den. Inside there was a soft pad of thickened moss on the flooring. Vines crawled up the side. I went out and nodded. It was big enough for a family of bears! We all settled inside as I covered a section of the ground in ek pelts. One elk's carcass had been scraped to the bone of meat. An idea sprouted from my brain. I took a bone and started to gnaw a section of it, making sure the lines were perfectly aline. I created a scene of the three of us, Sparky, Zi, and I. I did not include Coza because I wasn't sure If we could trust her yet. Broady hadn't come back, probably because we moved. When I finished I set it on a flat surfaced white-mineraled rock. It was a dirty white, brown included with spots of black. I turned my head, seeing Coza sleeping like a log on the elk pelt. Her eyes were drooped, I could tell she hadn't had a sleep like this in days. I walked to my elk pelt and circled twice. I then lay down, setting my head on my two front paws. My tail curled onto my exterior. Sparky and Zi were wide awake. As I drifted off into my sleep I heard nothing but the soothing rythm of my own heart, dimming as I closed my eyes.

   As I woke I felt coza's fur brush against mine, her boney spine against my back. I lifted my snout and took a deep whiff of the atmosphere. I had detected a fresh smell of prey. My mouth watered at the alluring scent of prey. I leaped up feeling the dry feeling of pelt under my paws. I lunged onto the large white boulder, the bone I had gnawed in the corner of my eye. I didn't become distracted, my eyes stayed at target on the small mouse curled up beside the stump of an oak tree. I unsheathed my claws and let all my weight on my haunches. If I approached differently, the mouse would have heard my pawsteps. I crouched forward, my face hidden under the tall lime grass, barely hiding my sparkling white fur. I leaped onto the mouse, my claws digging into the prey. I felt the small body go limp under my paw. Sheathing my claws I devoured the small mouse hungrily. A chill ran down my spine as I turned, stretching my long claws against the moss under my paws. I yawned and went to check on Coza. She was laying, her sparkling blue eyes wide, staring into mine. She yawned, stretching her paws against the elk pelt,"Can we hunt now? Im starving.". Her broad shoulders rippled as she spoke, but I soon replied,"I just ate a mouse, but sure.". It was sunhigh now, the sun shone sparkling against our fur as we headed into the heart of the forest sniffing for the smallest fresh scent of prey. After a while I finally scented caribou. I nodded at Coza, she nodded back letting me know she could scent it too. We unsheathed our claws and padded torward the scent. We spotted a whole caribou and darted swiftly into a brush. Bramble pricked my fur as we lunged behind the brush. We spotted a female, it was limp, easy prey. We crouched low, I took the lead allowing my broad shoulders to rub against the bramble. I lunged forward, Coza a tail legnth behind. My claws sank into the female's flank making her trip gently. She got back up quickly, staggering. She ran, but I was faster. Coza clawed her hind leg and I lunged at her neck, my jaws closing over her windpipe bringing her down. I felt the flesh open under my teeth, it went limp. Coza lunged onto her flank clawing it open to make sure it came to an end. We lugged it back to the den. I was tired and that mouse didn't give me enough energy, so I ate part of the prey. Sparky, Zi, and Coza feasted. The sun was drooping among the sky, it's light dimming gently.  I senced someone was near though, someone unwanted.                    

An Unwanted Visitor

I sniffed but I couldn't  make out who they were, the scents were all mixed. Prey, wolves, and nature all crowded my nose. I sniffed harder, closing my eyes letting no light peer in. Duke lunged on top of me, sinking his claws into my shoulders, pinning me against the elk pelt. I opened my eyes and swiftly threw him off and searched for my sisters and Coza. They were fighting off other wolves, Broady, Rodessa, and other wolves I didn't know of. I turned and leaped onto Duke, my claws entering his stomach. I raked my claws against his wounds, cutting a deep gash. My shoulders still felt the sting from his claws, but I still fought. I closed my jaws over his neck, biting hard into his windpipe. Rodessa lunged onto my back, releasing me of my grip. Duke stood there limp, but soon staggered to a boulder. I threw off Rodessa as she ran to go get Coza. She jumped onto Coza pinning her, Coza threw her off and lunged onto her spine, tearing a gash in her fur. I leaprd onto Rodessa, helping Coza, I raked my claws down her stomach. She yelped, her limp lungs barely making it out. I nipped at her neck, tearing a small hole in her fur. Sparky and Zi walked over, they had a hard fight I could tell. The other wolves were laying there, limp and lifeless. More wolves surrounded us. My rage came through as I closed my jaws over Rodessa's windpipe tearing a huge gash in it. I held my grip closing harder and harder. I felt the flesh under my jaws go limp. I released my grip an nodded at Coza, who was still clawing and biting. She nodded back calmy and

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