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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Drugs and Love for a Change by Milli-May skys (free children's ebooks online TXT) 📖

Book online «Drugs and Love for a Change by Milli-May skys (free children's ebooks online TXT) 📖». Author Milli-May skys

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I want something to eat. Jeff got me del taco but I dont eat that." I said.

He laughed and led me to a McDonalds. I ordered food for me and him.

"So you used to live in San Diego and then now you live here?" Alec asked.

I nodded sipping some of my soda.

"Why?" He asked.

I laughed, "Because my mother made me." 

"Oh...So you dont get along with your mom?" 


He nodded while sipping his soda.

"Well enough about my life.Whats your life like?" I asked.

"Uh rich parents that are never home. A sister that is 16 that acts like shes 14." He laughed.

"So pretty much your parents just pay the bill and your stuck taking care of your sister?"

"Pretty much." He laughed.

I laughed too.

"Alec!!!" Someone shouted.

We looked around.

It was a group of guys.

"Oh hey!!"Alec called waving them over.

Great..I thought to myself.

"You didnt tell us you had a girlfriend." A guy with gages and tattoos said looking at me like he wanted to eat me.

"Nah bro this isnt my girlfriend.This is Ronnie my new neighbor." Alec said.

"Ronnie this is Levi." He said pointing to a boy with black hair and bright blue eyes.

He waved.

I smiled and waved back.

"And this is Ryan." He said pointing to the boy in the middle. "And then finally this is Joesoph."He said pointing to the boy with the gages and tats. "So what are you guys doing out?"

"Oh you know looking for some bitches to pick up and then decided to come here." Joesoph said glancing at me.

"And by bitches he means weed." Ryan said smileing.

"Pot heads." Alec said.

"Oh shut up Alec you do it too." Levi said.

I laughed.

"I do not!!" He said. "Look dont listen to them. I dont do those bad things." He said grabding my hands.

I nodded and laughed.

"Alright well im going to show the lady around because I know youve been boring her." Ryan said.

"I am not..Im not boring am I? Alec asked me.

I shook my head.

"She's lying to you." Ryan said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

We walked side by side after we left.

You must have been really uncomfortable sitting there with guys that you dont even know all around you." Ryan said.

"Kinda." I laughed.

"Yeah well you dont have to feel that way with me. Im pretty much a calm person. Well that is because i'm almost always high but other then that im pretty chill. Joesophs the one you need to watch out for. Hes kinda a little horn dog. Levi is nothing to worry about." He said leading me to a hottopic.

"So be careful for Joesoph and Levis good?" I asked.

He nodded.

"So you smoke weed?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"You drink?"

I shook my head.

"Pop pills? Go to parties? Damn girl what do you do?"He asked.

"I dont do drugs and I have never been to a party before." I said looking through some clothes.


I nodded.

"You need to get out more." He laughed.

"Hey dont make fun of me..." I laughed.

"Im not." He laughed.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

I bought a couple of shirts and then we went to wet seal.

"So have you met Rosealyn yet?" He asked.

"Whose Rosealyn?" 

"Alecs sister."

I shook my head.

"Oh you will...Lets just say shes a wild one." He chuckled.

"Okay...Why whats wrong with her?" I asked.

"Youll see." He laughed.

I bought some shorts and we left. We started walking for forever 21.

"So now you live with your step dad?"


"Ryan!!!Ronnie!!!" We heard Alec yell.

We stopped and turned around. He cuaght up to us.

"I'm sorry Ronnie but I have to go. My sister is stranded somewhere." He breathed.

"Yeah I understand go." I said.

He nodded and took off with Levi.

"Okay well I have a weed call. So am i taking you home?" Ryan asked.

I was about to answer before Joesoph butted in.

"Ill take her home. Im going that way anyways."

Ryan gave him a look.

"Im not going to try anything on her. Promise." Joesoph said.

"You better not Joe." He said and gave me a long hug goodbye.

"Ready?" Joesoph asked biting his lip.

"Yup." I said walking past him.

He led me to his truck. He put my bags in the backseat and opened my door for me. I fake smiled and got in. He got in the other side and started driving. It was a silent ride to my house. He parked in the drive way.

"Well here we are." I smiled reaching in the back seat but he stopped me.

"Yeah here we are." He whispered moving a piece of my blond hair out of my face.

"I thought you promised you werent going to try anything on me..." I whispered my heart beating fast.

"Yeah I did but theres just one problem.." He said looking forward.

"Whats that?" I asked.

"I've never kept a promise in my life." He smirked pulling my face to his."You scared?"

I shook my head. He smiled and kissed me slowly. I kissed back. Who wouldnt? This guy was hot. He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I let him. As our tounges danced his hands travled to my chest. There was a knock on his window and we both jumped.

"Its Jeff...." He mumbled and rolled down his window.

"So you want to tell me why your all over my daughter?" Jeff asked.

"Sorry sir. I was just bringing her home."

"Yeah just bringing her home my ass. Ronnie get out of the car." Jeff said and Joesoph rolled up his window.

"Bye.." I sighed.

"Another time babe?" He asked.

"Maybe..." I said with a shy smile.

I hopped out of his truck and walked with Jeff to the condo. I put my bags on the bed that was in the spear room. I pulled out my phone and started texting Jace.

"So um I see you met some new friends and a new boyfriend...." Jeff said from my doorway.

I turned to face him, "He's not my boyfriend." I said flatly.

"Oh but you want him to be."

"No I dont." I said looking him striaght in the eyes.

"Thats not what your tounge said." He said walking down the hall.

"Jeff!!!" I yelled.

I could hear him laugh. I shook my head with a smile and went back to my phone. I told Jace what had happened.

Wow and Jeff caught you guys? He texted.

Yeah...Buzz kill...I swear. I texted.

Well at least you found a boyfriend. He texted.

I got into bed and pulled the covers over me.

Hes not my boyfriend. I texted back.

Okay...Goodnight. He texted back.

Night. I texted.

I put my phone down on the white side table. I rolled over in my bed. I touched my lips still remembering that kiss. I closed my eyes thinking about it.



I woke to the sound of the door bell going off. I rolled out of bed. I looked through the peep whole and saw Alec. I rolled my eyes and put up my hair in a messy bun.I reached for the nob and opened it.

"Goodmorning sunshine." He smiled.

"Morning."I yawned.

"Can I ask a favor? He asked.

"What." I said with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Let go of me!!!!" Someone screamed.

I jumped at the sound.

"Ryan I swear to god!!!!" She screamed again.

Ryan was holding a dark red haired girl.

"Can I bring my sister in here? I lost my house keys." Alec said.

"Sure."I said.

"I'm going to rip off your ball sack!!!" She screamed in Ryans face.

The girl obvisouly had to be Rosealyn.

"Great." He said.

"Bring her in." Alec called to Ryan.

Ryan nodded and struggled to walk with her kicking and screaming.

"Joey!!!" She screamed and finally got away from Ryan.

She ran and jumped on Joesoph who just got out of his car. She wraped her legs around his waist.

"Hey sexy." He said before pressing his lips to hers.

My face fell. Now I know why Ryan told me to watch out for him... Everyone came in my house and  I shut the door.

"Rosealyn this has to stop!!!" Alec yelled at her.

She just sat on the couch glaring at him.

I"'m tired of this!!!" He yelled.

"Well you dont have to come get me." She snapped.

"Well if I didn't I would be a bad brother!!" He yelled.

"Well just leave me alone!!!! Just get off my case!!!" She yelled crossing her arms.

"Your grounded." He said calmly.

"Whatever." She mummbled.

"It wont be whatever when theres a big party and you cant go." He said.

She shrugged.

"I can never get through to you!!!"Alec yelled throwing his hands up.

"Just leave me alone and you wont have problems." She mummbled.

Rosealyn was a very pretty girl. She had really light blue eyes that looked almost green. She had her dimples, septum, and lip pierced.

Alec rolled his eyes, "Rosey if you cant work with me here...I'll be forced to call mom and dad."

"You do it and I will be gone faster then you can get a hard on." She said.

Joesoph started laughed.

"Dont laugh Joe." Alec snapped.

Joesoph looked down and smiled.

"Whatever im done talking to you." He said and sat down on the other couch.

"So you must be Rosealyn." I said trying to ease up the mood.

Her head snapped up to look at me. She glared at first and then nodded.

"You are?" She asked irratated.

"Oh im Ronnie." I said.

She nodded again.

"Im new. I just moved here from San Diego."I said. 




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