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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » The Crash Years by Anonymous (the dot read aloud txt) 📖

Book online «The Crash Years by Anonymous (the dot read aloud txt) 📖». Author Anonymous

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grunted Milos. Garrett looked surprised.
“What did you just call me?” asked Garrett, stepping closer to Milos. Another choked-up laugh from Milos.
“Coward,” repeated Milos, slightly louder than before. Pain, summer air, and a remembered smile from Wase filled Milos’ head before the world went black.
“Garrett, what did you do?” gasped Manny, one of the guys in Garrett’s gang. Him and Ben were terrified as they looked at a motionless Milos. Garrett was starting to hyperventilate, not quite sure what he had just done, and angry that he couldn’t control himself. And really, right now he couldn’t control anything. He looked back at the boys.
“We have to hide him!” yelled Garrett in panic, eyes wide in fright and frustration.
“Hide him in the bushes, over there. No one will find him.”
No one moved, all paralyzed with fear.
“Hurry!” demanded Garrett, “Hide him! We have to get out of here.”
“Oh-my-god, oh-my-god, oh-my-god,” cried Manny as he and Ben lifted Milos’ body and dropped it in the bushes. The boys each gave each other a look, silently promising each other that they wouldn’t tell a soul, before running to each of their homes, content for now that at least the warmth of a home would let them in.
WASE CHABLASE @ the Chablase residence
Wase was painting when her phone rang. She looked at the caller I.D. It was Andie.
“Hello?” answered Wase. Andie sounded exhausted.
“Hey, it’s Andie. Um, you said Milos was on his way here, right?” Wase went cold. In fact, it was the coldest she had ever felt. Had someone left a window open? She tugged at her sweater to make it further encompassed her frame.
“Yea uhh, he left about an hour ago. And you haven’t seen him?” the heartbeat Wase felt was nothing like she had felt when Milos had just left. This was something new, as if her heart was a timer, repeatedly going off. And she couldn’t get it to stop.
“No, and neither has my family or Noah.”
“Maybe he stopped at the florist to get flowers or something,” reassured Wase. The last thing she needed was to worry Andie, who already had enough on her hands.
“Hmm, maybe. Gotta go Wase, thank you,” replied Andie as she hung up the phone. Wase cleaned up her painting. She sat down on the couch, as if every ounce of energy had been swept away from her. She started to text Denver. It wouldn’t be much hope, but it was a start. She knew something was wrong, and he was the last resort.
ALEC HARRISON @ the Harrison residence
The vibrate of Denver’s phone jolted Alec awake, and naturally for him he dropped the phone, but just an inch away from his hand. Had he really fallen asleep?
Alec looked around his house again. Still no parents. No sisters. And, as expected, no Denver. Everything felt the same. But there was the phone.
“Denver, I think Milos is missing. Please meet me at your house when you get this. Wase.”
Milos. That was Denver’s brother. The Barry family would probably be heading back to their house any minute from the hospital, minus Andie, her kid, and Noah. Alec had to return the phone back to Denver, anyways. It would be good that he got Wase’s message later than never.
Never one for running, as this was the way the Barry twins seemed to travel lately, Alec grabbed his bike from the shed and peddled down to the Barry residence, not even thinking about what he would do once he got there.
ALEC HARRISON @ the Barry residence
Alec breathed a sigh of relief when Wase opened the door. Even though Wase didn’t even know Alec, the thought of meeting her over any of the Barry family was more intriguing. For some reason the family, except Denver, seemed to intimidate him.
“Denver left his phone at my place. I got the message. You’re Wase, right?” stated Alec in an awkward rush as he sort of let himself in the house. It was freezing outside, and Alec had forgotten to take his coat. Wase looked at him with curiosity.
“Uhh, yea I’m Wase. Come in?”
“Denver? How do you have Denver’s phone? Do you know him?” asked a lady with red hair. She was rather large, as Denver had described her. She had a weakness for the many scones that she baked. This had to be his mum, Elle Barry.
“He left it at my house. We have chemistry… together,” replied Alec as he went up to Mrs. Barry with a hand shake, “I’m Alec Harrison.”
Soon Hugh Barry joined Elle, Wase, and Alec in the foyer, allowing Alec to introduce himself a bit more. It soon became apparent to Alec that these three people were perhaps the only people in the house. So what were they waiting for?
“Where’s Denver?” asked Alec in the midst of an uncomfortable silence.
“Who knows,” grunted Hugh, shoulders becoming rigid, “probably out drinking again. I swear that boy is going nowhere in life.” Alec turned a burning shade of red. How stupid. How pathetic of him to think that Denver was actually with his family, about to do something good. Was that really what had cut their dinner short then, earlier that day? A simple trip to the bar? Alec felt ashamed. Hugh let out a huge sigh.
“There’s the devil we speak of right now, coming across the lawn,” whispered Hugh hoarsely. The porch light went on, the doorknob twisting unsteadily. A drunk Denver stepped foot into the house, amongst his parents, Wase, and Alec, all of whom gave him their looks of disapproval. But before he could take a step further, Hugh grabbed Denver by the shoulders, slamming his back against the wall adjacent to the door with a loud thud.
“Hugh!” gasped Elle. Alec watched in regret.
“That wake you up?” yelled Hugh, his grip tightening on Denver’s shoulders. Denver looked up lazily into his father’s eyes, his own swimming in red. His eyes were blood shot.
“You are an insult to this family, Denver! Your sister just had a baby, you come up bloody drunk, and your brother, the innocent one, is missing! How do you think that makes me feel? Look around Denver, how do you think that makes us feel?”
Denver looked around. It looked like the usual, except for… was that Alec? Though every other emotion was void in him at the moment, panic set in Denver’s heart. What was Alec doing here? Was he mad at him? Did he tell his parents?
“Alec, Alec I-,”
Alec just looked at Denver and shook his head before allowing himself to leave the house, bike in tow and not much else.
As Denver slowly started to wake up, Hugh slowly let go of him. It felt as though Denver had just hit the tip of what was to be his worst hangover. Denver looked up at his dad.
“Milos is missing?”


Publication Date: 01-28-2012

All Rights Reserved

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