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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1 by Christopher Marlowe (feel good books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1 by Christopher Marlowe (feel good books to read TXT) 📖». Author Christopher Marlowe

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with Russian stems<55> Plough up huge furrows in the Caspian Sea, Shall vail<56> to us as lords of all the lake; Both we will reign as consuls of the earth, And mighty kings shall be our senators. Jove sometime masked in a shepherd’s weed; And by those steps that he hath scal’d the heavens May we become immortal like the gods. Join with me now in this my mean estate, (I call it mean, because, being yet obscure, The nations far-remov’d admire me not,) And when my name and honour shall be spread As far as Boreas claps his brazen wings, Or fair Bootes<57> sends his cheerful light, Then shalt thou be competitor<58> with me, And sit with Tamburlaine in all his majesty.

THERIDAMAS. Not Hermes, prolocutor to the gods, Could use persuasions more pathetical.

TAMBURLAINE. Nor are Apollo’s oracles more true Than thou shalt find my vaunts substantial.

TECHELLES. We are his friends; and, if the Persian king Should offer present dukedoms to our state, We think it loss to make exchange for that We are assur’d of by our friend’s success.

USUMCASANE. And kingdoms at the least we all expect, Besides the honour in assured conquests, Where kings shall crouch unto our conquering swords, And hosts of soldiers stand amaz’d at us, When with their fearful tongues they shall confess, These are the men that all the world admires.

THERIDAMAS. What strong enchantments tice my yielding soul To these<59> resolved, noble Scythians! But shall I prove a traitor to my king?

TAMBURLAINE. No; but the trusty friend of Tamburlaine.

THERIDAMAS. Won with thy words, and conquer’d with thy looks, I yield myself, my men, and horse to thee, To be partaker of thy good or ill, As long as life maintains Theridamas.

TAMBURLAINE. Theridamas, my friend, take here my hand, Which is as much as if I swore by heaven, And call’d the gods to witness of my vow. Thus shall my heart be still combin’d with thine Until our bodies turn to elements, And both our souls aspire celestial thrones.— Techelles and Casane, welcome him.

TECHELLES. Welcome, renowmed<60> Persian, to us all!

USUMCASANE. Long may Theridamas remain with us!

TAMBURLAINE. These are my friends, in whom I more rejoice Than doth the king of Persia in his crown; And, by the love of Pylades and Orestes, Whose statues<61> we adore in Scythia, Thyself and them shall never part from me Before I crown you kings<62> in Asia. Make much of them, gentle Theridamas, And they will never leave thee till the death.

THERIDAMAS. Nor thee nor them,<63> thrice-noble Tamburlaine, Shall want my heart to be with gladness pierc’d, To do you honour and security.

TAMBURLAINE. A thousand thanks, worthy Theridamas.— And now, fair madam, and my noble lords, If you will<64> willingly remain with me, You shall have honours as your merits be; Or else you shall be forc’d with slavery.

AGYDAS. We yield unto thee, happy Tamburlaine.

TAMBURLAINE. For you, then, madam, I am out of doubt.

ZENOCRATE. I must be pleas’d perforce,—wretched Zenocrate! [Exeunt.]






COSROE. Thus far are we towards Theridamas, And valiant Tamburlaine, the man of fame, The man that in the forehead of his fortune Bears figures of renown and miracle. But tell me, that hast seen him, Menaphon, What stature wields he, and what personage?

MENAPHON. Of stature tall, and straightly fashioned, Like his desire, lift upwards and divine; So large of limbs, his joints so strongly knit, Such breadth of shoulders as might mainly bear Old Atlas’ burden; ‘twixt his manly pitch,<65> A pearl more worth than all the world is plac’d, Wherein by curious sovereignty of art Are fix’d his piercing instruments of sight, Whose fiery circles bear encompassed A heaven of heavenly bodies in their spheres, That guides his steps and actions to the throne Where honour sits invested royally; Pale of complexion, wrought in him with passion, Thirsting with sovereignty and<66> love of arms; His lofty brows in folds do figure death, And in their smoothness amity and life; About them hangs a knot of amber hair, Wrapped in curls, as fierce Achilles’ was, On which the breath of heaven delights to play, Making it dance with wanton majesty; His arms and fingers long and sinewy,<67> Betokening valour and excess of strength;— In every part proportion’d like the man Should make the world subdu’d<68> to Tamburlaine.

COSROE. Well hast thou pourtray’d in thy terms of life The face and personage of a wondrous man: Nature doth strive with Fortune<69> and his stars To make him famous in accomplish’d worth; And well his merits shew him to be made His fortune’s master and the king of men, That could persuade, at such a sudden pinch, With reasons of his valour and his life, A thousand sworn and overmatching foes. Then, when our powers in points of swords are join’d, And clos’d in compass of the killing bullet, Though strait the passage and the port<70> be made That leads to palace of my brother’s life, Proud is<71> his fortune if we pierce it not; And, when the princely Persian diadem Shall overweigh his weary witless head, And fall, like mellow’d fruit, with shakes of death, In fair<72> Persia noble Tamburlaine Shall be my regent, and remain as king.

ORTYGIUS. In happy hour we have set the crown Upon your kingly head, that seeks our honour In joining with the man ordain’d by heaven To further every action to the best.

CENEUS. He that with shepherds and a little spoil Durst, in disdain of wrong and tyranny, Defend his freedom ‘gainst a monarchy, What will he do supported by a king, Leading a troop of gentlemen and lords, And stuff’d with treasure for his highest thoughts!

COSROE. And such shall wait on worthy Tamburlaine. Our army will be forty thousand strong, When Tamburlaine and brave Theridamas Have met us by the river Araris; And all conjoin’d to meet the witless king, That now is marching near to Parthia, And, with unwilling soldiers faintly arm’d, To seek revenge on me and Tamburlaine; To whom, sweet Menaphon, direct me straight.

MENAPHON. I will, my lord. [Exeunt.]




MYCETES. Come, my Meander, let us to this gear. I tell you true, my heart is swoln with wrath On this same thievish villain Tamburlaine, And of<73> that false Cosroe, my traitorous brother. Would it not grieve a king to be so abus’d, And have a thousand horsemen ta’en away? And, which is worse,<74> to have his diadem Sought for by such scald knaves as love him not? I think it would: well, then, by heavens I swear, Aurora shall not peep out of her doors, But I will have Cosroe by the head, And kill proud Tamburlaine with point of sword. Tell you the rest, Meander: I have said.

MEANDER. Then, having pass’d Armenian deserts now, And pitch’d our tents under the Georgian hills, Whose tops are cover’d with Tartarian thieves, That lie in ambush, waiting for a prey, What should we do but bid them battle straight, And rid the world of those detested troops? Lest, if we let them linger here a while, They gather strength by power of fresh supplies. This country swarms with vile outragious men That live by rapine and by lawless spoil, Fit soldiers for the<75> wicked Tamburlaine; And he that could with gifts and promises Inveigle him that led a thousand horse, And make him false his faith unto his<76> king, Will quickly win such as be<77> like himself. Therefore cheer up your minds; prepare to fight: He that can take or slaughter Tamburlaine, Shall rule the province of Albania; Who brings that traitor’s head, Theridamas, Shall have a government in Media, Beside<78> the spoil of him and all his train: But, if Cosroe (as our spials say, And as we know) remains with Tamburlaine, His highness’ pleasure is that he should live, And be reclaim’d with princely lenity.

Enter a SPY.

SPY. An hundred horsemen of my company, Scouting abroad upon these champion<79> plains, Have view’d the army of the Scythians; Which make report it far exceeds the king’s.

MEANDER. Suppose they be in number infinite, Yet being void of martial discipline, All running headlong, greedy after<80> spoils, And more regarding gain than victory, Like to the cruel brothers of the earth, Sprung<81> of the teeth of<82> dragons venomous, Their careless swords shall lance<83> their fellows’ throats, And make us triumph in their overthrow.

MYCETES. Was there such brethren, sweet Meander, say, That sprung of teeth of dragons venomous?

MEANDER. So poets say, my lord.

MYCETES. And ‘tis a pretty toy to be a poet. Well, well, Meander, thou art deeply read; And having thee, I have a jewel sure. Go on, my lord, and give your charge, I say; Thy wit will make us conquerors to-day.

MEANDER. Then, noble soldiers, to entrap these thieves That live confounded in disorder’d troops, If wealth or riches may prevail with them, We have our camels laden all with gold, Which you that be but common soldiers Shall fling in every corner of the field; And, while the base-born Tartars take it up, You, fighting more for honour than for gold, Shall massacre those greedy-minded slaves; And, when their scatter’d army is subdu’d, And you march on their slaughter’d carcasses, Share equally the gold that bought their lives, And live like gentlemen in Persia. Strike up the<84> drum, and march courageously: Fortune herself doth sit upon our crests.

MYCETES. He tells you true, my masters; so he does.— Drums, why sound ye not when Meander speaks? [Exeunt, drums sounding.]




COSROE. Now, worthy Tamburlaine, have I repos’d In thy approved fortunes all my hope. What think’st thou, man, shall come of our attempts? For, even as from assured oracle, I take thy doom for satisfaction.

TAMBURLAINE. And so mistake you not a whit, my lord; For fates and oracles [of] heaven have sworn To royalize the deeds of Tamburlaine, And make them blest that share in his attempts: And doubt you not but, if you favour me, And let my fortunes and my valour sway To some<85> direction in your martial deeds, The world will<86> strive with hosts of men-at-arms To swarm unto the ensign I support. The host of Xerxes, which by fame is said To drink the mighty Parthian Araris, Was but a handful to that we will have: Our quivering lances, shaking in the air, And bullets, like Jove’s dreadful thunderbolts, Enroll’d in flames and fiery smouldering mists, Shall threat the gods more than Cyclopian wars; And with our sun-bright armour, as we march, We’ll chase the stars from heaven, and dim their eyes That stand and muse at our admired arms.

THERIDAMAS. You see, my lord, what working words he hath; But, when you see his actions top<87> his speech, Your speech will stay, or so extol his worth As I shall be commended and excus’d For turning my poor charge to his direction: And these his two renowmed<88> friends, my lord, Would make one thirst<89> and strive to be retain’d In such a great degree of amity.

TECHELLES. With duty and<90> with amity we yield Our utmost service to the fair<91> Cosroe.

COSROE. Which I esteem as portion of my crown. Usumcasane and Techelles both, When she<92> that rules in Rhamnus’<93> golden gates, And makes a passage for all prosperous arms, Shall make me solely emperor of Asia, Then shall your meeds<94> and valours be advanc’d To rooms of honour and nobility.

TAMBURLAINE. Then haste, Cosroe, to be king alone, That I with these my friends and all my men May triumph in our long-expected fate. The king, your brother, is now hard at hand: Meet with the fool, and rid your royal shoulders Of such a burden as

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