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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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his coronation day? " Cole asks me.


"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot about it, thank's for reminding me, I will talk about it with him after dinner," I said to him and he nodded his head at me.


"When are you planning to have an alpha meeting with alphas of others pack to discuss the alliances with the vampier, " I ask him.


"When I am sure they really, want to have alliances with us, without any ill intentions," he said and I nodded at him in understanding, he makes sense. 


After dinner, I help mom with cleaning the table and go to my room. I take a hot shower, get dressed, and call Ryan after a long discussion with him, we decided that the day after two weeks is a good day for his coronation, this way they also got the time to do preparation for the coronation and I will also get the time to prepare the things I need to tell the vampires to make them agree with alliances with the werewolf.


I stretch myself, and get inside the cover, after some time I feel strong muscular arms over me, I turn and snuggle to my mate and fall asleep.


Ryan Coronation day

(Nikki P.O.V)

Two weeks later

These Two weeks go like a blur, and right now, I am running around here and there in his new castle to make sure everything was perfect. It was a big day for him after-all and, I wanted it to be perfect for him.


The whole castle is decorated like a bride. The guest has started to arrive in the castle, and the elders of the vampire council were attending them and showing lead them to their table. The vampire, witches leader of a different coven, comes from all over the world, to celebrate this day with him.


"Why haven't you get ready yet, go and get ready fast the party will in no time," Dad said while pushing me to my room.


"Alright, I am going, I am going, geez," I said and walk inside my room. I take out my clothes from the bag and kept them on the bed, and walk inside the washroom to take a much needed hot shower.


After a shower, I dried myself and put on the dress. It was an off-shoulder maroon long gown which is tight from the waist with golden embroidery on the side and split from the right side, and a golden belt around the waist. I put on the minimum makeup and were the diamond necklace set that mom had gifted me on my 17th birthday, put on the golden high heel shoes, and walk downstairs to the hall.


Emma walk towards me and lead me to the leaders of other coven and introduce me to them, and we talk for some time until one of the elders in the vampire council come towards me, I excuse myself from them and, walks towards the elder.


"Ryan wants you to escort him to the throne, " the elder whisper to me, I nodded my head at her and walks towards his room, and knock on the door. 


"Come in," Ryan said, and I walk inside the room to see him pacing around his room.


"What's wrong?" I ask him.


"I am so nervous, Nikki, what if I messed up or what if I say something and make fun of myself, I am not made for ruling the kingdom, Nikki," Ryan said while looking at me.


"Relax, Ryan, it's normal to be nervous besides elders have chosen you for the king position. They must have seen something inside you to chose you as their king, right?" I ask, and he nodded at me.


"Then believe in yourself if anyone deserves to be king, then it is you, hold your head high, be confident, don't show anyone your weakness, if you do, they will take advantage of yourself, okay," I said, and he nodded his head.


"Shall we?" I ask, and he gives me his arm, I link my arm with him and walk out of the room. I still feel the nervousness oozing out of his body as we wait for elders to call us. I release my calm aura and let it seep inside his body, and then feel him relax a bit.


"Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please," elder Stephan said while clinking his glass with a spoon to draw everyone's attention towards him.


"As we all know, we are gathered here to welcome our new soon to be king. Please welcome our new king, Ryan steel," elder Stephan said. I and Ryan, walk downstairs towards the throne.


I make Ryan stand while facing me while elder Stephan goes to bring, the holy book from another room. Then elder Stephan hands it over to me to do the ceremony. I hold it in front of Ryan and signal him to put his hand over the book.


"Do you, Ryan Steel, swear to govern the people of Vampire kingdom, according to their respective laws and customs? " I ask him.


"I do," Ryan said while keeping his hand over the holy book.


"Do you swear to protect, aid, and work as a respected member of the council, and not as a person, while ruling this kingdom? " I ask him.


"I do," Ryan said fiercely. I cut mine and his hand and put my wounded hand on his wounded hand to mix our blood. The light swirl and surrounded us. I signal the servant who is carrying a tray with a crown to come to me. I take the crown; from the tray and put it over his head.


"With all the authority and the power given to me by moon goddess, I now present you, king Ryan Steel," I declare in front of everyone, and everyone applause for him. Then one by one, come to him to congratulate him.


"I can't wait to see you take your oath, to become the luna of my pack," Cole whispered in my ears, and I am sure my face must be resembling a tomato. Soft music started to play in the background. Cole asks me for a dance; I accepted it and slowly others also joined us.


As the second started to play, Ryan comes to us and asks me for a dance, and Cole passes me over to him.


"Thank you so much for accepting to do the ceremony, Nikki," Ryan said, smiling at me.


"No, Thank you, Ryan, for asking me to do this; it was an honor to do this ceremony," I said while smiling at her. 


"So when are you going to raise the topic of alliances to the vampire council?" Ryan asks me.


"I don't know, I was thinking, to do it today, but I am not sure about it, because you have just become the king, and I don't want to create the problems in the first day of you being the king," I said to him.


"No, don't hesitate to do it. They were going to taunt me or create a problem for me anyway, no matter when you raise this topic, and if you ask me, it's better to do it now than later, " Ryan said with a smile on his face, taking a huge burden from my shoulder.


"Okay, I will do it after some time, before anyone leaves, but for now let's just enjoy the party," I said while smiling at him, and we enjoy the dance.


When I notice that the party was about to end, I decided to raise the topic. I take a huge breath and call for everyone's attention.


"I am sorry to interrupt the party, but there is a serious matter that I want to discuss with you all," I said to them. When I saw that, I have everyone's attention on me.


"Don't worry, the world is not going to end, and we don't have another Alok to stop to finish this world," I joked when the smile on their face disappeared, and panic appear on their face.


"But it is just as important as that because it will make our life better and help us maintain peace all over the world. When I was in a coma after the war, the moon goddess comes to me; and asks me to make the alliances between, werewolf and vampires permanent," I lied to them, well half lied to them. Because if I have told the whole truth that; it was Trevor who comes to my dreame as a messenger of the moon goddess, they wouldn't have agreed with me.


"But it was not possible we all know that werewolf and vampires were sworn, enemies if it wasn't for stopping Alok from taking over the whole world. We wouldn't have agreed to fight together in the first place," one of the vampire leaders Reed said to me.


"I know, but don't you think we can live in peace and work together to stop Alok, then we can continue living in peace without worrying about attacking each other or attacked by each other," I ask them.


"And what if we get werewolf attack one of our men or vise versa, then who will decide what should be done, with the person who is guilty, it is possible that one of us or all of us take the side of our people," another vampire leader Mayank said to me. Cole was about to say something to them, but I stopped him.


"I know, it comes as a shock to all of you, and you guys have too many question's & doubts regarding this matter, and all of you guys are tired right now. So I want you guys to enjoy the party for now. Have a meeting, discuss everything, make a list of all your questions and doubts, and then inform me. By then, we would have a meeting with alphas of all the packs and werewolf council and talk with them regarding this matter, in the last we will settle a meeting between werewolf and vampire council, discuss the matter, and then make a decision. Is that okay with you all? " I ask them, and they agreed with it.


Then we enjoy the party for some more time, elder introduces me and Ryan, to other vampire leaders, and then everyone expects dad and Cole to go to their room to sleep, while I send dad and Cole to pack the house to arrange the Alphas meeting.



Meeting about alliances with vampires


Nikki P.O.V


After sending Dad and cole to the pack-house, I go to my room, did some stretching, grabbed my sleeping clothes, and go inside my washroom to take a

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