Genre Drama. Page - 109

Evelyn & her best friend, Bianca get taken back to 1899 in Brooklyn NY. The last thing they remember is the car tumbling. It was just an accedent, but Evelyn feels guilty for everything that happened.
Evelyn and Bianca become close to those around them, especially Evelyn who has her eyes set on someone who reminds her of somebody very special to her.
Will she be able to stay in that time or be forced to go back and say goodbye a second time to a man she loves?
This story is finished!
(this story is based off of the REAL strike and the REAL newsies. This is NOT based on the movie. There will be no Jack Kelly, Davy or les, ect. I am only using REAL people for this story)

Never judge a book by its cover they all say. You can also say that about the baddest stripper in daddio's. You might say damn she hard as fuck or whatever but really im just Inala Taylor. We all have that time when we were silly and made bad mistakes. Well ive made ALOT. This wasnt the life i envisioned but i partly got the life i wanted when i met this man named Dewayne Howard. The more i got close, the more he kept to himself and that just drove me wild. He was hiding something and it attracted me even more. my life slowly turned upside down . My life turned into a game of sex, lies, betrayal, bad decisicons and misguidence.

Emma Blackclover is one 13 year old Jewish girl who has nothing to worry about. She has warm clothes, fresh food on the table, a loving family and her endless imagination. She has friends, small amounts of money and books to read at night.
But that changed when the Holocaust happened. Many Jews were dieing. Nazis were marching into towns, dividing families and killing Jews right in their houses.
Tim Blackclover, Emma's father, tries to get his family into hiding. Too late.
Emma is taken away on November 2, 1941. Her parents were killed, as her younger brother was taken away. Emma is sended to a concentration camp.
Only with her imagination and memories left, Emma stumbles around thousands of other hungry Jews, trying to find her younger brother.
But she meet's John, another 12 year old Jewish boy who is looking for his older sister. Emma and John have a plan to escape, but could they really escape with so many Jews dieing of the attempt and the endless cold?

This is Alegria and she has no dad, a mom who is hardly ever there and if she is there she's not sober. Alergria has a little sister, Alanza. Their mom goes though men like a sick child goes though tissue. What happens when theirs mom think this guy is "the one"? Is he really a good man? and what will happen when Alergria uncovers a life-changing family secret?

"Sassy and rough around the edges." A description of a feisty little girl who has every right to be. She hides behind her own protective barrier because that is the only way she knows how to survive.
It's not her fault it? Her teacher doesn't think so and is determined to get past her flaws. He wants to help her but will he figure her out in time or will it be too late do anything? And if he does, can he handle more than one secret?
(Don't forget to add to your favorites :) Thanks.)