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Book online «Cognitive Development in English Language Teaching by Rajesh Lane (ereader android .txt) 📖». Author Rajesh Lane

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The unconscious use of rule could help them to speak and write without any obstacle. Learners used their problem-solving technique of cognition in all the situations. So they could understand and create any situation easily. This study proved that the cognition can be developed to perform in any situation. It is hoped that this book will help the students who intend to improve their socio-linguistic competence, such as grammatical competence, communicative competence and strategic competence through self-study.


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Mohanraj.Jayashree., and S. Mohanraj. English Online Communication for Information Technology. Hydrabad: Orient Longman Ltd, 2001.

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Publication Date: 03-02-2009

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…… Dedicated to my beloved Father

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