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Read books online » Education » Community Empowerment by Dr. SBM Prasanna, Dr. K Puttaraju, Dr.MS Mahadevaswamy (best fiction novels to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Community Empowerment by Dr. SBM Prasanna, Dr. K Puttaraju, Dr.MS Mahadevaswamy (best fiction novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Dr. SBM Prasanna, Dr. K Puttaraju, Dr.MS Mahadevaswamy

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National Institute of Nutrition, Nutrition. News 8(6), Nov. 1987, Hyderabad. India. Ministry of Planning, Central Statistical Organization, Second seminar on Social Statistics, February 4-6, 1988. New Delhi, 1988.

National Institute of Nutrition, National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau, Interim Report of Repeat Survey. Phase-I. 1989




Associate Professor & HOD, Department of Sanskrit, Government Arts College, Hassan-573201


Neuroscientists have discovered through a series of observations that optimism plays a major role in framing the mindset & even Bhagavad Geetha stresses on having sportive & positive mindset. Scientific studies have revealed that students with a positive viewpoint have less academic stress, better creative options, better problem-solving skills, and better health outcomes than students with less optimistic aptitude. In addition, optimistic learners are more likely to persist in learning, motivated by the conviction that they can accomplish their learning goals. More optimistic students also have greater resistance to depression and the negative effects of academic stress. This paper examines the issues connected with framing a positive mindset among students in a campus & spotlights the imperative adoption of mindset by making students to identify the relevance of a positive mindset towards education & community.

Keywords: Positive Mindset, Goal Setting , Campus Life, academic Stress , Programs for optimistic outcome

“The growth of mindset, the understanding of intelligence and abilities as qualities we can develop, has been shown over and over to have powerful ramifications on student motivation and learning, and school success. When teachers and students focus on improvement rather than on whether they're smart, kids learn a lot more”

- Jeff Raikes, CEO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


With changing campus necessities, shifting student needs, mandated curriculum adjustments, and a societal call to influence technology for a variety of reasons our education system has come under lots of modifications ( David H. - Growth Mindset -A Driving Philosophy not just a tool - Edutopia 2014).Psychological impact has heavy impact on student learning. This shows remarkable power to improve student’s success rates. The strength of psychological interventions serve to highlight the importance of changing the mindset of the students & thereby community. Achieving academic success is needed by students & even parents also expect the same from children


Understanding the need for making students have positive mindset

Motivating the weak & vulnerable students to spring back to life

Enhancing stakeholders responsibilities


Academic success depends on a strong mind which thinks positively ,acts positively ,views positively & plans positively. The following are the core principles of positive mindset.

Accepting challenges

Learning from mistakes

Appreciating learning

Rewarding learning outcomes

There are two types of mindset as one says in an affirmative tone & the other says in negative tone. ( Sudhanshu Bhushan -Restructuring Higher Education in India,  Rawat Publications, 2009). As a result challenges & new opportunities are viewed through the lens of openly pushing towards achievement.

PHASES OF MIND SET FRAMING – students in a campus are required to resolve towards making a positive mindset in phases.

Resolving to set the mind towards a goal

Setting an academic goal

Visualizing the goal already set

Recognition of the impact of goal on self & society

Self rewarding after a successful finish

Gearing up for another goal


Students are always reluctant to go for creative work because they fear making mistakes. When they experience a setback they wish to go back on their decisions.(Report On The Education For Values in Schools-A frame work– Department of Educational Psychology New Delhi 2011).They blame themselves , they blame their parents , society, teachers, friends etc for their failure. To change this negative mindset into a positive frame of mind there are certain characteristics. One needs to be a







PROVIDING ASSIGNMENTS- Assigning innovative projects to students with multiple projections where students are made to gain knowledge of several skills. Even though they fail initially in their attempts, it gives chances of embracing the power of failure which is very much necessary to have a determined mindset. Students can be given day long / week long /month long assignments to improve their mind set pattern.Projects which support critical thinking by putting aside pessimistic thoughts assist in bringing about affirmative results

FACILITATING PEER RECOGNITION –Peers can help students to have a positive mindset through making the student feel that he is as powerful as anybody in his mind set. This can be achieved through student counseling centers. Here counselors prepare them to stay focused towards life . The students will be motivated with a positive mindset through a series of sittings. By facilitating peer recognition their mindset can be made to resolve towards a goal setting & goal accomplishment. Students should be made to experience peer recognition as a reward after finishing asset goal which influences the student mind positively.

BUILDING A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT -Through building a collaborative learning environment inside the campus students can be made to learn about each other’s positive & negative approaches towards life.

ENHANCING INSTITUTIONAL ABILITY -Enhancing Institutional ability to get & receive feedback on student campus behavior can prove a successful weapon. Students can be made to engage in reflective conversation by the institution which helps them in outpouring their vulnerable experiences & this can be used to frame campus guidelines involving both genders. A meticulously planned course of action linking them to respect each other ,value their identity , assess their role in a campus can be framed .

INVOLVING COMMUNITY- Students gain knowledge of deep learning observation synthesizing information collaboration of facts they become active .Whatever information they gather in the college they will project in the community as well. This empowers the deeper understanding of community problems & the students are convinced of their community problems .By sharing an example / or a story or a real life incident student can be made to share their experiences before the peer .It motivates the students to take risks & helps in self evaluation besides it encourages them to do the same in the family setting or community setting. It helps in creating a culture of creativity & innovation As this is practical they learn to visualize & comprehend gender issues in a positive tone.


Students with a positive viewpoint have less academic stress hence their learning outcomes are superior

Students with a positive viewpoint have better creative & problem-solving skills which assist them in molding their individuality in times of tension & need.

Students with a positive viewpoint have better health outcomes than less optimistic students as it gives motivation to combat the harder situations easily.

Students with a positive viewpoint become optimistic learners . They have faith in hard work of learning, because they are motivated by the belief that they can accomplish their learning goals with ease combined with hard work.

Students with a positive viewpoint have greater resistance to depression and the negative effects of academic stress. (Chenicheri Sid Nair,(Ed) –Leadership & Management of Equality In higher Education 2013) .

Students with a positive viewpoint have probability of successful academic outcomes. Emphasizing positive emotions helps students become more resilient and more likely to persevere with learning tasks.Their persistence is fueled by the belief that they will triumph over difficulty, learn from their mistakes, overcome plateaus in their performance, and progress (Wilson, D. L., & Conyers, M. A. (2011).Brain SMART: 60 strategies for Increasing Student Learning. Orlando) . successful, well-intentioned and high-performing faculty students should imagine new possibilities.

Students have to be geared up to realize that growth, change, and progress all take patience and hard work. We can add the idea of resiliency into this mix, because struggle and outright failure are integral parts of these processes. ( Chenicheri Sid Nair, (Ed) –Leadership & Management of Equality In higher Education 2013 ).


Enlightening the students that they should be humble enough to accept that there are things about themselves and their daily practices can be improved through a shift in viewpoint.

Enlightening the students to become a part of core teams that value constructive critique instead of negative criticism. Because students especially the girls are vulnerable to negative criticism easily. They fall prey to condemnation & denigration & their academic outcomes are affected.

Enlightening the students to treat setbacks as formative struggles within the learning process instead of summative failures.

Enlightening the students to realize the restrictive role that timelines can play in reaching high standards

Enlightening the students to understand the issues using foundational philosophies 

Enlightening the students to create flexible friendship group that supports them at all times.


Thus the mindset of the students can be affirmatively altered by infusing a positive mindset frame. Making students to identify the relevance of their education is very much needed today. Through making a mindset change we can achieve accomplished goals of attaining campus sustainability & gender equity. Students can work wonders if motivated in a right way & as Roosevelt said no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Students can be made to cultivate a creative culture which can contribute to their community empowerment as well. Students can buildup good self identity through en arming themselves with a positive mindset. They will learn to use the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation only when they know the imperative implications of gender equity .Besides it helps them to understand relationships between genders which is very essential in these days of gender discrimination.


Chenicheri Sid Nair, Len Webster, Patricie Mertova,(Ed) –Leadership & Management of Equality In higher Education 2013

David H. - Growth Mindset -A Driving Philosophy not just a tool - Edutopia 2014

Report On The Education For Values In Schools - A frame work – Department of Educational Psychology New Delhi 2011

Sudhanshu Bhushan -Restructuring Higher Education in India,  Rawat Publications, 2009

Susan Sullivan- Supervision That Improves Teaching & Learning - Journal Of Teacher Education, Vol. 56, No. 4, September-October 2005 




Lecturer in History, Sir M V Post Graduate Centre, Tubinakere, Mandya District, Karnataka -571426


Child abuse & atrocities are on a high these days in India & even across the world children are in danger. Community involvement in controlling or preventing this violence against children is to be prioritized & hence child welfare is vey imperative to community empowerment. But today children have become easy target for atrocities especially girl child in India has been an object of several astonishing violence. The birth of girl child is being considered an annoyance. Several atrocious & appalling & inexcusable crimes are reported against girl child. The very specie is in danger& on the brink of extinct. The current Indian societal scenario has been condemned by whole world over the intensifying atrocities on women. But today the scene has been changed beyond repair. This paper spotlights the significance of child welfare & steps towards providing children their share of good childhood. This paper addresses the conceptions ruling child welfare protection issues. Imperative policies of the Government towards ensuring that children obtain their equitable position in society is highlighted here.

Keywords- Gender Issues, Child Protection, Policy Imperatives, Child welfare concepts

“Gender equality is critical to the development and peace of every nation"

– Kofi Annan


All children have the right to be protected from violence, exploitation and abuse. Yet, millions of children worldwide from all socio-economic backgrounds, across all ages, religions and cultures suffer violence, exploitation and abuse every day. Millions more are at risk. Violence, exploitation and abuse are often practiced by someone known to the child, including parents, other family members, caretakers, teachers, employers, law enforcement authorities, state and non-state actors and other children. Only a small proportion of acts of violence, exploitation and abuse are reported and investigated, and few perpetrators are held accountable. There is significant evidence that violence, exploitation and abuse can affect the child’s physical and mental health in the short and longer term, impairing their ability to learn and socialize, and impacting their transition to adulthood with adverse consequences later in life.


Child labor

Child Marriage

Child Trafficking

Child Abuses

Child Exploitation


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