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Read books online » Education » The Monkey's Egg and other stories by Laszlo Kugler (diy ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Monkey's Egg and other stories by Laszlo Kugler (diy ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Laszlo Kugler

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has finally arrived. Small patches of snow

Huddled in shady nooks,

Trying to last a little while longer.

I stopped and stood still,


A black raven above me called down insults.

A Cardinal sang its repertoire lovingly;

Beckoning for a mate.

A pair of turtle doves in the distance kept asking


A handful of chickadees peeped their song,

Then burst into


My heart was overwhelmed with joy. The harsh cry of a blue jay broke the silence.

I stood near a lake, and watched

Scores of male and female ducks

Splashing near the shore.

Canada Geese paddled not too far out, and graced the

Scenery by the dozen.

Robins, too lazy to fly, scurried across my path,

In search of juicy worms to feast on.

Sparrows and waxed-winged black birds played

Hide-and- go-seek among the tree branches,

Adding to the enchanting display of God’s handicraft.

All the while a pair of seagulls flew majestically high in

The blue sky laughing at my amazement.

It was just another ordinary spring day.


Nothing more.


Spring by Laszlo Kugler


The night air is warm and humid.


Chants in tiny voices rise to my ears.

Am I dreaming? I ask as I get down on all fours.


Creeping forward silently, I part some leaves.

Moonlight bathes the autumn scenery.


Tiny people…elves and faeries I see,

Holding hands and prancing around a lit bonfire.


I see a motley band playing furiously

On their odd ancient musical instruments.


In the moonlight through the warm haze I see

Swirls of crimson reds, violet blues, emerald greens.


Dancing colors, twirling feverishly about.

I merely watch the frenzied scene in awe,


And then I hear...


“Pansies dancing round and about.

Azaleas too, are eager to shout.

Tulips swaying to a pleasant breeze.

Lilacs still doing just as they please.

Ev’ry flower is ready to sing…


End of winter, we welcome back spring!”




Publication Date: 02-02-2014

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