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Read books online » Education » How to Get 10K Real YouTube Views in a Week by Lydia J. Jordon Jordon (animal farm read .txt) 📖

Book online «How to Get 10K Real YouTube Views in a Week by Lydia J. Jordon Jordon (animal farm read .txt) 📖». Author Lydia J. Jordon Jordon

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something that catches the eye.. as long as it’s not too big or spammy.





Youtube isn’t the only video sharing site on the web. Sure it is the biggest but there are hundreds of others out there that you can tap into for even more views.


Some popular “mainstream” ones include



Then there are a heap of other ones related to other topics like for comedy or stupid videos there is and many more.


For “How to” videos, submit to and



There are video sharing sites for other “niche” topics like extreme sports, music and dancing etc.



To find video sharing sites for your topic, just do a search in Google again for “your hobby/topic” video sharing e.g. search for “hunting video sharing sites”



In these videos, you can also promote your videos on Youtube and your Youtube channel. You can add it as a scene in your video or put your link to your Youtube video/channel in the description area.


It can be pretty hard, boring work to submit all your videos my hand to multiple video sharing sites, so you may want to consider investing in some software like Traffic Geyser to automate it as much as possible.



Traffic Geyser can submit your video automatically to around 35 video sites at once. So it will save you a lot of time. It can also provide you with more services than that. If you’re a podcaster, it can submit your podcasts to multiple directories as well as do many other things.



Traffic Geyser is not free however, and unfortunately there are no free multi-upload services that I could find. But you can try which will let you submit your videos to multiple sites on a “pay as you go basis”.





This is only if you are really serious about getting a lot of views and subscribers because it’s going to cost you a lot to of dough to promote your video on Youtube.


This how Youtube Promoted videos works..


Upload a video of any length


Target your video by keyword or category


Decide where you want your ad to appear (search results, suggested videos)


Set your own budget and bid price for your targeting options


You can control your budget because you only pay when someone watches your video.



Again, this is serious advertising we’re talking about here so only do this if you’re prepared to spend money to get views and subscribers. If you have a business or are a musician,



actor, comedian or have any skill you want to get seen, then this is a good way to get seen by millions fast.






After your video is uploaded to Youtube and any other video sharing site, or posted into a forum or on your site or other web page, you can go and submit those links to social bookmarking sites.



This is just another way to share your video and get it out to the masses. It also increases your chances of your video appearing in Youtube and Google search results.



Each bookmark to your video or video page is a “backlink” and backlinks are seen as important in the eyes of search engines. The more backlinks a page has, the most it’s seen as important.



Here’s a list of popular social bookmarking and news sites where you can submit your pages to:



In order to submit to all these places, you’ll need to sign up and create a free account with all of these sites.



Then you’ll have to go to each site and submit each link manually to them. This can be quite tedious and time consuming.



Luckily there is a way to semi-automate your bookmarking submissions with the use of



The great thing is that Social Marker is free to use but it does take a fair bit of time to go through and submit your links. You need to have accounts at the sites and be logged in to the sites to use them. It’s still better than going to each site manually and submitting that way.



If you want a 100% hands-free social bookmarking solution, try . With SocialAdr, you simply submit your url (your video url or any web page) once and other people who are members of that site will submit it all around the web for you.



There is a free version and a paid version if you just want to completely put your bookmarking and backlink building on complete autopilot.





Using a combination of all of these strategies, you will see your view counter spin up to the thousands and beyond in no time. It does take a little time and effort to first make a good video and then promote it, but you only get out what you put in.



If you have an end goal in mind for wanting to share your videos, e.g. get more customers for your business, or build your fan base, or get members to your site video is a great way to go about achieving it.



And the more views you get, the more business, fans, friends and followers you will get. So all that’s left now is to go out there, get off your butt and start following these steps!







Publication Date: 04-09-2020

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