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Read books online » Education » Community Empowerment by Dr. SBM Prasanna, Dr. K Puttaraju, Dr.MS Mahadevaswamy (best fiction novels to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Community Empowerment by Dr. SBM Prasanna, Dr. K Puttaraju, Dr.MS Mahadevaswamy (best fiction novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Dr. SBM Prasanna, Dr. K Puttaraju, Dr.MS Mahadevaswamy

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of the youngest countries is considered. We are studying the population 18 million people in the elementary grades to high school and about two million people are at different levels of university. Note worthy that approximately one million annual university accepted in public universities and there is of Azad university and the other hand, the same name before parallel in put graduate levels. According to the present unemployment rate of university graduates seems that until 2011-2012 the unemployment crisis facing the government will be Prospects facing the government can be combined to achieve national global proper place.

Many Programs and plane available on the internal and external process for solving the unemployment problem. We hope that this essay help to solving problem. Mean while we hope that this essay help personnel managers and practitioners to effective governmental efforts made by boarding up and planning to improve working conditions and conditions for young people seeking work to create effective business and this way capable and can afford to produce the necessary jobs and farther increasing the national economy.

Keywords: Human Resources, paradigm, Education, Society, E-learning



A new human resources policy for Iran need for a new development paradigm human resource development is an important issue that needs active involvement of the government and the people. human resources development cannot be equal to automatically by market forces only due to the imperfectness of capital market, labor market and skills market. Due to the imperfectness of the market, it is possible that the wage level attained from education and training may not reach the respective marginal productivity. More over the benefit of education and training tend to bypass the party paying for it, and flow to the trainees and employers. The result is that employers tend to by pass the party paying for it, and flow to the trainees and employers. The result is that employers tend to hire skilled workers rather than invest in employ.

Education and training consequently, society as whole fails to achieve a desirable level of investment in education and training. In addition, human resource development policy is significant as an active policy measure to achieve social integration, for it can ease or alleviate the digital divide, or the knowledge and information gap between various groups in society. Especially, the low, income groups and socially marginalized groups that are less capable of adapting to the rapidly changing economic environment are likely to experience widening of economic, social and cultural differences, which will aggravate the problem of polarization national human resources development policy can be used as an effective measure to lessen or remove such social polarization. Labor market polarization can be prevented and social integration promoted, if the widening of the knowledge gap is averted through development of human resources targeting the more vulnerable groups of society. By supporting continuous vocational development, labor productivity can be improved and in come gap narrowed.

Principal theory

Between new paradigm vocational education and human resources there is a relation.

In a knowledge-based society, the sharing and expansion of knowledge and information travel has accelerated tremendously in connection with the rapid expansion of the internet and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).

The flow of information is one of the important agents of change in society. Thus, many nations around the world have created key policies for developing human resources with a focus on acquiring and expanding knowledge and information.

With these shifting policies, e-learning has emerged as a new alternative in education and training. The initiative to develop national human resources through e-learning has been widely adapted by the Korean government as e-learning overcomes the limits of time and space and contributes to knowledge expansion through interaction. Korea has one of the strongest foundations for e-learning in the world. In a report by England's economist intelligence unit, which compared the e-learning readiness of 60 countries, Korea ranked among the top five countries (Economist Intelligent Unit) (EIU, 2003).

The study was conducted using approximately 150 qualitative and quantitative standards of measurement. The were grouped into four sectors (education, industry, government and society). The degree of readiness in each sector was then measured according to' general contact with and usage of the internet' attitude towards new technology' and the usage of internet- based learning programs.

Education sector

Adapting ICT into education, korea's e-learning policy-making system consists of the government, local government agencies, education-related agencies, the private sector, and school. The national policy for ICT in education is formulated and enforced by the ministry of education and human resources development.

The MOE & HRD establishes and plans policies, extends administrative and financial support, and operates a national cooperative system.

Metropolitan and provincial offices of education establish plans and operate a cooperation system for supporting schools. Schools improve the quality of education and promote e-learning. EDUNET develops models and research policies, supports the sharing of resources and establishes national standards, and provides a one- stop service at the national level.

Teaching-learning supports centers develop and research policies for municipal and provincial offices, operate web portals at the metropolitan and provincial level, and support teaching learning help centers. Teaching-learning help centers manage teaching-learning resources and operate school websites.

Benefits of E-learning

E-learning is the use of electronic educational technology in learning and teaching.

Convenience and Portability

Courses are accessible on your schedule

Online learning does not require physical attendance

Learning is self-paced (not too slow, not too fast)

You're unbound by time - courses are available 24/7

You're unbound by place - study at home, work, or on the road

Read materials online or download them for reading later

Cost and Selection

Choose from a wide range of courses to meet your needs

Degree, Vocational, and Certificate programs

Continuing Education

Individual courses

Wide range of prices to fit your budget

Go back to school to get a degree, learn a new skill, learn a new craft, or just have fun!

From art to zoology you can do it all online in a price range to fit your budget.


Online learning accommodates your preferences and needs - it's student-centered

Choose instructor-led or self-study courses

Skip over material you already know and focus on topics you'd like to learn

Use the tools best suited to your learning styles

Higher Retention

Online learning will draw you to topics you like and enjoy. Studies show that because of this and the variety of delivery methods used to reach different types of learners, retention is frequently better than in a traditional classroom.

Greater Collaboration

Technology tools make collaboration among students much easier. Since many projects involve collaborative learning, the online environment is far easier (and often more comfortable) to work in since learners don't have to be face-to-face.

 Global Opportunities

The global learning community is at your fingertips with online learning. The technologies used give online instructional designers the ability to build in tools that take you to resources you may never see in a traditional classroom.

Training sector

In the job-training sector, corporate workers are usually the main targets of e-learning support. In the public sector, the ministry of labor and its affiliated offices are in charge of providing training services, training information, and financial support for training. In the private sector, on the other hand , they are in charge of e-learning contents development, training service, support programs, and development of tools. In order to better represent their interests, a federation of e-learning industries was also founded to carry out cooperative work in e-learning service and research. While the Korea research institute for vocational education & training (KRIVET) administers specialized research and development in the field of job training, the human resources development service of Korea uses the EBS channel to provide job broadcasting to e-learning recipients and the internet to directly provide distance-learning services.

The Further , employment caners found in various regions provide information on e-learning along with information and counseling to individuals who wish to either change their place of employment or find a job. The system has been set up so that individuals can use the work information center's HRD-net to search for information about training institutes and training courses.


Education and Research comfort of society marginalized groups needs to be therefore strengthened to promote social integration. For effective national human resources development, the Iranian government and people need to focus on the following.

First, the government needs to strength then the link age between school education and the world of work and move away from a supplier –oriented education system.

Second vocational education and training need to become more specialized and diversified. Under the knowledge- based economy, the nature of knowledge information is such that it requires not only various educational courses but also vocational education that is specialized and diversified for specific groups to ensure that all those who need it are provided with such opportunities.

Third the government needs to establish a lifelong learning system. In a knowledge based- economy, the creation, transfer, sharing and use of knowledge is highly dynamic, and the speed of knowledge evolution is fast. Hence, the government must take responsibility for providing educational opportunities that make learning possible for anyone, anywhere and at any time.

Fourth, the government needs to support and encourage human resources development among small- and medium- sized enterprise. Continuous development of vocational completeness is necessary for all.

Fifth, the government prepared E- learning for all people and used in the live.

Sixed, the government and people both together prepared and known importance e-learning and research.

Seventh, the government can prepared marketing with people.


Backe. (2002).not.e-learning. Information communication industry trend software and internet.

Braverman, harty(1974). Labour and monopoly capital- the degradation of work in the 20 century.

Chang. C.W(2003).a study on the establishment of comprehend sive measures of human resources development in the age of per capital in come us $ 20,000.

Choen, young-seoul & kim,doo-soon(2004). The structure and characteristic of non- wage workers, control employment information office (in korea).

Framarz rafee pour.( 2003) obstacles of Iran scientific growth.

Houseen azimy arani.(1994).un development economic of Iran.

Iran program and budget organization(1998)

Mouhammad Roushan.(1998) human resources development.

You ssef Rounagh.(2004) work study and job standard

Johnson, S. (2011). Digital tools for teaching: 30 e-tools for collaborating, creating, and publishing across the curriculum. Gainesville, FL: Maupin House. [UWA Library]




Physical Education Director, Govt. First Grade Collage, Gundlupet.


India is a big country with a population crossing billions. It is considered as an economic super power & her cultural heritage is known for its diversity . But Indian performance in the field of sports is very much meager & Indian sports scenario is suffering from several shortfalls. It can become an alternative educative system involving all classes of society. It can provide inclusive growth for communities which are tribal, under privileged, marginal & rural. Sports can be a media for development of a community which can unite them into an integral part of a community by furthering their brotherhood bondage. It serves as a solution to several youth issues. This paper highlights the linkages for making sports as an agent of alternate education ,socio- cultural development & a strong media for community empowerment.

Keywords: Alternate Education , Youth Issues , Inclusive development, L Development agency , Community Empowerment


These days Indian sports sector is becoming more popular as youth are attracted towards sports as their career option. But earlier sports was just part of traditional learning system. Government of India is supporting sports as a corporate enterprise through

1. Establishment of Sports academies

2. Establishment of sports hostels

3. Incentive for national & international sport winners

4. Incentives for coaches with exemplary credentials

5. Promotion of sports with honors, medals & prizes

6. Allocation of budgetary funds to sport events

7. Funding through NGOS

8. Promotion of rural , tribal , rare sports

9. Promotion of sports with sponsorship

10. Cash rewards for rural talents


The concept that sports as an alternative education is being perceived across the globe because of its potentialities. It's function as a tool of providing socio- cultural knowledge & community empowerment is being conjectured. Sports can become an alternate educative system. It can be a tool in sharing a good relationship with community. It is beneficial to community for several reasons.

Helps in generating good employment- It plays a pivotal role in overall development of the youth. It helps them

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