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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Joseph: Shawn, you and Daniel take nora to the safe house and protect her at all costs. Don't leave her for a second alone and don't come out until the threat is clear. 

Shawn: Okay.

           And at that time, Joseph's phone rang. 

Joseph: Wait..

            Seeing that was not from Xavier or luca, but from some other number, he was tensed that how can anyone else call him. Luca made sure that only they can call him and no one else can. Still, he answered the call. Joseph waited for the person on the other side to speak first. 

Person: Hello Joseph,no need to worry,its me. 

Joseph: Bodyhunter? 

Bodyhunter: Oh, so you recognize my voice, good. 

Joseph: How did you get this number? 

Bodyhunter: Obviously from Luca, damn it was so hard to reach him. 

Joseph: Oh, okay. 

Bodyhunter: And no need to worry about the ship, I am the one sending it, inside there is a half dead body of john. 

Joseph: What do you mean by half dead? 

Bodyhunter: Well, if he had not died during the journey, I kept him somewhat alive for you to take your revenge. 

Joseph: Seriously, that's great. I will be satisfied when I kill him with my own two hands. 

Bodyhunter: Yeah,that's what I thought. 

Joseph: I owe you man. 

Bodyhunter: Damn right, you do. And I have something in mind to ask from you? 

Joseph: Whatever you want. 

Bodyhunter: Now is certainly not the right time, maybe after 2 or more years. 

Joseph: That's oddly specific. 

Bodyhunter: When the time is right. 

Joseph: Now, can I atleast know your name? 

Bodyhunter: All in sweet time,Joseph. I will contact you after 2 years. Hope you take your sweet revenge. 

            He said and hanged up. Joseph explained everything to others. And everyone was relieved that it was not someone attacking them. 

Nora: Will one of you please take me home, I don't want to be here when he arrives. 

Joseph: Sure love, shawn drop nora at the house and come and meet in our spot.

Shawn: Okay. Come on babygirl. 

           Everyone else got down from the jeep and shawn and nora left from there. Eva insisted on staying with them when the ship arrives. After about 5 minutes the ship touched the shore. Two men picked up a type of box used to store fishes and brought it down to the beach. One of them looked like an indian while the other was Australian. They opened the box and it revealed an almost dead John. Eva was close to vomiting when she saw him. His whole body was covered in blood and his face was full blue. His legs were shot and blood was still oozing out of them. Anyone else might have nkt recognized him but the brothers did it easily after having killed him thousands of times in their heads. 

Indian man: Bodyhunter would like for you to sign this contract. 

           The man passed the contract to Joseph. Eva felt like she was being watched so she looked around to see anyone but everyone's eyes were on Joseph and the contract in his hand. She looked at the ship and felt like someone else was in there but waved it away saying that it might be one of their men. 

          The contract read that " Your task assigned to the Bodyhunter is successfully completed. I, Joseph De Sante, the capo of the sicilian mafia sign this contract with the Bodyhunter stating that whatever the Bodyhunter asks of me, I will provide him in any condition. In case I am unable to provide the Bodyhunter, he has rights over anything that belongs to me, my property, my health and even the lives of my family members." 

Joseph: What is the meaning of the contract? We do the most illegal things in the world and even if I don't sign the contract, legally or illegally he can have anything he wants. 

Australian man: The Bodyhunter likes to do some things legally. 

Joseph: Whatever. 

          Joseph scoffed and signed the contract. In the underworld, your word matters more than any piece of paper. But if he wants it this way, then okay. He returned the contract to the man. 

Indian man: It was good to work for you, Mr. De Sante, see you after 2 years. 

           They said and left in their ship. Eva again looked at the ship and saw some person staring at her keenly. She focused on the matter in front of her.

Daniel: Why everyone was saying 2 years, don't you think that's oddly specific? 

Joseph: I thought that too, but we will handle that when the time comes. 

Ron: Now, what do we do with this piece of shit? 

           Ron said and kicked John on his face. 

Joseph: Wait, brother it will be no fun to kill an half dead man. James, make him as stable as possible and then we will show him the real hell. 

James: I am not treating him at any cost. 

Joseph: Fine, have the other doctor treat him and make him as stable as possible. 

Daniel: My demons want to come out and play. 

Joseph: They will, just tell them to wait for a few days. 

Daniel: Hmmm. 

Joseph: I will call Xavier and Luca and give them the good news. 

James: I need some help carrying the shit from here to the spot. 

Ron: Come on, I will help you. 

          Ron,James and Daniel carried the box of shit from the beach to the spot. While Joseph made a call Luca. 

Luca: Hey bro, I was going to call you. 

Joseph: I have very good news, The Bodyhunter fulfilled his task. 

Luca: Yeah, I had an idea, when he asked for your phone number and your location. That's great. 

Joseph: Finally, that bastard is in my clutches. 

Luca: Yeah. Now, you know I told you about the 18 year old boy doing this for his sister's operation. Like you said, I searched about him and what he was saying was true. So, what do I do with him now? 

Joseph: First, pay for his sister's operation. 

Luca: Already did,brother. 

Joseph: Good. And tell him that we have caught the person who made the post, so he is not going to receive the money anymore. Tell him that we are willing to take care of his sister and him. Ask him of he wants to join our gang, if he does than make him stay close to you for a few days, so you can keep an eye on him. And if he doesn't want to join, then too we will provide him and his sister full care and give him a job in our legal business if he wants to work. And make someone keep on eye an him for some months. 

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