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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Nora: Well,I love to work. And staying in New Jersey is not cheap, so it works. Writing is what I do for fun, teaching is my passion, coffee shop helps me interact with people, NGO makes me feel worthy of myself. And if you put your heart to something, you can achieve everything in the world. 

Ron: That's some very wise words, I will keep that in mind. 

           Her view of life is very different from mine. 

Ron: I think you were very hungry. 

          I chuckled. She ate almost everything that I ordered. But I didn't mind, as I am already fall. 

Nora: That's because you didn't eat anything, and its not good to waste food. 

Ron: Sure. 

Nora: Thanks for the food. 

Ron: My pleasure honey. And by the way, always keep smiling, it looks good. 

          And she blushed at my comment. Wow, this girl is definitely something else. That smile melted my heart. Damn, I am behaving like a little girl who has a crush. 

Nora: It was nice to meet you, ron. I hope we meet again. 

Ron: Me too, honey, me too. 

         Damn, why does my name sound so good from her mouth. God, what is happening to me? I have to calm down my emotions. 


Shawn's pov: 

            Today, I was going to visit a school. Encouraging little children to pursue art. My agent practically forced me to go there,saying it will be good for my reputation and everything. And increase the rate of my paintings in the market. I don't care about money, my family has a lot of it but it's always good that your art gets the appreciation it deserves. And most of the money goes to charity anyway. 

           Moreover, I don't care because I love kids. Their innocent faces and mischievous behavior is a deadly combination though. I would never want to be on the receiving end of their pranks. 

           I reached the 'J.L. School'. I parked my car and got out of the car. When I reached the front gate, there was an old man and a bunch of children standing there. Looks like they are waiting for me. The old man handed me a bouquet of flowers and introduced himself as the principal. A child was pulling my pants. I bent down to his level. 

Kid: I love your paintings. I hope that one day I could be a a painter like you shawn. 

Shawn: Thanks, kid. You are gonna be a better painter than me one day. 

          He started blushing and kissed me on the cheek. Damn, my heart just melted at his reaction. I would love to my own kids some day. Thank god, I came here today, these kids could make everything better. He took my finger in his little hand and started pulling me inside the school. He was taking me somewhere. I could see there was a girl in front of me who was talking to the principal. I could not see the girl's face but I could say she was gorgeous. She was wearing a black knee length skirt with a blue blouse.The little kid pulled her skirt. And she turned around. 

         Damn,this is who I was waiting for my entire life. I felt like an instant connection to her, my heart started beating fast. 

Nora: What happened Jeremy? 

         The little kid took her hand in his and then did something unimaginable. This kid is getting anything he wants from me. He took both our hands and then placed her's on mine. Man, her hand feels so good in mine, its like they are supposed to be together. 

Jeremy: Mr. Shawn,will you take care of miss nora and keep her happy? 

          I was dumbfounded by this kid's actions. I just nodded and muttered 'Always'. 

Jeremy: Miss nora, you don't have to be sad anymore, he will keep you happy, always. 

           She took her hand from mine and bent down to Jeremy's level. When she took her hand away, it suddenly felt wrong. 

Nora: Aw Jeremy, who told you that I am sad?

Jeremy: I saw you crying in your car yesterday. 

Nora: Oh baby. 

Jeremy: You don't need to worry miss nora, this man here will keep you happy forever and then you won't have to cry. Right? 

           He looked at me again and I said ' Yes'. I wouldn't want to see tears in her eyes.

Jeremy: See. 

Nora: Oh baby, it's good to cry sometimes, too. When you grow up, you have a lot of things on your plate and crying sometimes makes you feel better. And secondly, you shouldn't have to depend on someone else to keep you happy, you should find your happiness yourself right? 

Jeremy: Okay, but miss Katie said being with a handsome man makes her very happy. And he is the most handsome man I have seen and you deserve the best,miss nora. 

            She pulled the little boy into a hug. 

Nora: I know he is very handsome my dear, but happiness means different things to different people. I prefer a person with a good personality rather than good looks. Your inner beauty is more important, right? 

Jeremy: I understand miss nora. 

           She kissed his cheek and he blushed. 

Nora: Now of to class otherwise miss Katie will be sad. 

Jeremy: Okay. It was nice to meet you Mr. Shawn. 

          I bend down to his level. 

Shawn: It was lovely to meet you, Jeremy. And for what its worth, I am not backing down from my words, I will keep her happy forever. 

        I whispered the last part in his ear. The smile that brought on his face was heavenly. He kissed my cheek and ran in the direction of his class. 

Nora: Mr. Shawn, I am sorry for what happened. 

Shawn: Oh no need to apologize,he didn't say anything wrong. I mean you do deserve the best. And kids speak from their hearts, who are we to stop that? 

Nora: I am Nora, the arts and crafts teacher . I am going to accompany you today. I am so glad that you could grant us with your presence today. Your paintings are so great 

Shawn: Oh stop with the formalities. So,where are we going first, miss nora? 

           I mimicked little Jeremy's voice. She chuckled a little. 

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