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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 34. I don't want to see you again


I love Paula, but I must say that she is stubborn, she does not understand reasons, she wants to go back to work and does not realize that she does not need to work, I understand that she does not want to be doing nothing, but going back to work as a waitress is not in my plans, but as I can never win her, but never, never, never, I agreed again, never, I agreed again, that girl plays dirty, she knows my weakness, she knows how to convince me, she knows how to drive me crazy, and here I am in my office unable to get that woman out of my head, two days ago we had a discussion about going back to work and what do you know, guess where she is? Of course she's working.

I better get to work, I have received a thousand calls from Giancarlo and it was coming, since the mishap I had with Sara, everything got complicated, now Tomas wants to cancel any kind of relationship in the company, and the worst thing is that I have to travel to California to solve this because Giancarlo is about to go crazy.

I didn't tell him exactly what happened, he of course asks me what the fuck happened? Yes, those are his words, when I am there I will tell him in details, the point was that I wanted to take Paula with me, I don't want to leave her alone for a long time, neither her nor my daughter, but with this issue of her going back to work makes me in a very bad mood because she won't be able to travel with me and I don't know how long I will be out of the country.

I hear a knock on my door, and it's Iam walking into my office "Bro!

"Hey, what's up?"

"Well," I lean back in my chair. "What's up?" asks Iam sitting down across from me.

"Trouble with the she-wolf?" He bursts out laughing, which makes even me chuckle.

"Yeah, it's hard." I scratch the back of my neck... "What has he done now?" I raise an eyebrow and sigh.

"And the very stubborn one who was hell-bent on going back to work. "Iam stares at me.... ¿Y? ....

"So, what?"

"She's back?"

"What do you think? She's more stubborn than you and me put together. ", she snorts and then laughs.

"But that alone has you like this..."

 "No, there's also the issue of the project with Thomas..."

"You want to retire, don't you?", I nod.

"That's right, Giancarlo is crazy, I have to travel this week to solve the tremendous problem."

"But... ", he adds and I roll my eyes. "For everything there has to be a but?"

Iam smiles. "Man, when it comes to Paula, everything has a but." he adds. I run my hand through my hair. "Yeah, you're right and that but is that I wanted to take my wife and now with her stupid job she can't go."

"Silly Marc won't give him permission. " Iam raises an eyebrow and ducks his head.

"What's the matter?" He makes a gesture with his mouth and denies.... "Iam?" I ask. He sighs, something he knows he doesn't want to tell me, and that makes me nervous.

"Iam!" I claim again in a high tone.... "It's just that Marc has been interested in Paula for a long time. " I tense up completely, I didn't know that.

I jump up from the chair, I go to pour myself a drink, this made me nervous, I pour myself one and drink it in one gulp, I pour myself another one and pour another one for Iam as well. "Why didn't you ever tell me?

"I only recently found out from Santiago," he replies. "That asshole better not dare try anything with my wife, because I swear I'll kick his ass. " I warn

"Hey, calm down..." I stand in front of the big window of my office with my hand in my pocket and sipping from my glass.... "But you have to accept that Paula is beautiful everywhere you look, she attracts any mortal. " he says and I sigh in frustration.

"That woman will turn me green without even trying. " I confess, Iam, letting out a laugh.

"She's yours, brother, rest assured she loves you too much, I don't think she has eyes for anyone else."

I smile, I remember the nights of sex we have, and when I make her mine, when she moans my name and says she loves me, it's true Paula loves me, and I must trust her, even if there are thousands of assholes behind.

"Well, I'm off." Iam gets up... "Let me know if you need anything," he speaks to me before walking towards the door.

"I need you to prepare all the legal documents for the project Iam," He nods his head....

"I have them all in my office at the firm, I took them over the weekend to review them."

I shook my head in affirmation. "We'll stop by tonight to pick it up. " I announce, he shakes his head in affirmation.

"Well see you in the afternoon then Dante. " I watch as Iam leaves and sigh in frustration, I will talk to my wife today about the trip.



From today I started working again at the restaurant, after almost a day of arguing with my grumpy mister and convincing him with lots of sex, kisses and cuddles, he agreed, of course I wasn't going to stop working.

Marc welcomed me without any problem, I think he was happy for me to come back, my colleagues too, I missed them a lot, especially Isa, although we always see each other, she always visits me, but it's not the same.

Katy for her part is following her treatment, Katia is in charge of that, and I am very happy because according to her doctor she is doing quite well, her treatment is working. And she is improving. She is going to start her chemotherapy and Dante has taken care of all her medical expenses and I don't know how to pay him, I would do anything for my sister.

The restaurant was full, Isa told me that lately it was like that almost every day, and we always run into all kinds of customers, disgusting, slimy, who think that because you are a waitress you open your legs to anyone.

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