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Book online «Ibis by Leviathan Laroche (best summer books TXT) 📖». Author Leviathan Laroche

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fully clothed like nothing had happened. I was pretty sure no one had seen anything!

I jumped into the car giggling and was brought right back down the earth. My breasts bounced a lot and my nipples ached as they dragged up and down under the material of my tank top. Not only that, but I had a sharp reminder of the toy in my ass and gritted my teeth, pressing my hand down on my seat and lifting a hip. That plug was starting to get annoying. But that wasn't the worst of it. 

The worst was yet to come. 

"How about that drink?" asked Johan. "I feel like a beer." 

I didn't get a chance to respond before he continued. 

"We'll go down to Ernie's."

We swung out of the parking lot and sped down the road, wind whipping my hair. I seemed to remember reading somewhere that Ernie's was a strip club. I clasped my hands together and buried them between my legs, pressing the heels of my palms into my pussy and squeezing my thighs together around them. It felt wonderful and tingles surged out from my pussy, spreading down both arms and legs, raising goose bumps all over my skin. I looked down and my breasts were pushed together and the edge of a nipple was sticking out. I slumped in the leather seat, resting my head back against it as I sighed.

I figured it was only just past midday and at least there wouldn't be very many people there.

"God. What will they think of me? What kind of a woman would go in there, dressed like this?" I thought.

I shivered and my nipples throbbed.


Thoughts Faded Ch.6

It was a little after midday and we were driving south along the beachfront down to where the bars and clubs were located. It was only a few minutes down the road and I hardly had time to gather my thoughts. 

For someone who had never taken her sexuality outside the walls of her home, I'd done more flashing today than I thought I'd ever do! Well... It wasn't reallyflashing. More 'flaunting', I guess. God, I felt so deliciously wicked. Driving down the road in the white Mustang was having the now familiar effect of clicking the Ben Wah balls inside me. My nipples were tingling and the wind blew my blonde hair around my face. 

I was starting to feel almost out of control, like events were leading me, rather than the other way around. At the same time, I had the strangest sense of freedom. Like it was fate dictating what happened. I wasn't responsible. I didn't make choices. I just did as I was told. It was scary and liberating at the same time!

And it was so exciting. As we got closer to the strip club, I started to blush. I was thankful for my sunglasses. Then suddenly a thought occurred. 

Surely Johan isn't going to make me strip.

I swallowed and trembled a little. I couldn't. No way. It would be like I was auditioning for a job there. 

God, what would THAT be like?

I tried to imagine what a girl would feel like the first time she stripped all her clothes off in front of a room full of men. Dancing and twirling and teasing. Strangers. Ogling. Reaching for her body. Tossing money. Stroking their cocks. 

Oh God. I couldn't do it.

My breathing shortened. I glanced down at my chest and fell back in the leather seat, groaning softly. There wasn't much left to the imagination wearing this top without a bra. I mean, I'd seen other girls wearing tops like this, with their nipples poking out, so why not me? I trembled again, thinking how blatantly sexual it was. I wished I had panties on. Then I remembered Johan's deep voice, telling me exactly what I wanted to hear. And exactly what I didn't want to hear...

"I'm going to make your sordid fantasies come true, my dirty little slut."

But I never said I wanted to take off my clothes in a strip club, in front of strangers! 

I hadn't realised I was squeezing my thighs together.

Suddenly we were pulling into the parking lot. I looked the place over, and it seemed okay. From the outside, the only difference between this place and any other bar on the coast was the huge flashing neon sign announcing 'STRIPPERS HERE!' 

We pulled into the parking lot and parked with our backs to the building, looking over the road and down the hill to the beach. 

Johan cut the rumbling engine then looked at me and smiled. 

"You've never been inside a place like this before, have you, baby?"

I was breathing so hard I could barely speak. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 

"N... no. Never."

"We'll just get a couple of beers and check it out, okay?"

"B... But why here? There's plenty of other places," I whined.

"Because women take off their clothes in here," he said, winking at me.

"I'm not taking my clothes off," I said, pouting.

Johan took a moment to ponder that comment. He gazed through the windshield, into the distance. 


After what seemed like forever, he finally spoke. "Okay. You can keep your clothes on. For now."

"Really?" I cried joyfully.

I was so relieved I practically leapt into his arms and bruised my hip on the gearshift. Hugging him tightly, I kissed his tanned forehead and felt him breathing on the sensitive skin of my collarbone. 

"Don't assume you will always get your own way, little one," he whispered, leaning back. "And I'm allowed to change my mind, you know."

I sat back in my seat and sighed. 

"Yes, baby. I know. I'm just really nervous. This is all happening so fast and I'm really not ready to strip in front of strangers."

"My, my. You certainly think I have a devious mind, don't you?" he chuckled.

I blushed. 

"Well!" I harrumphed in mock displeasure, crossing my arms.

He had a big smile on his face and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"You're adorable. C'mon, it'll be fun. You'll get to see what it's like inside a place like this, and I'll be there to keep you out of trouble."

"What about the toys? And I look like a whore!"

"You do not," he said with a sense of finality. Then he continued softly, "You look like a beautiful carefree young woman unashamed of her assets. You are sexy and beautiful, and you should remember that."

I uncrossed my arms and leaned a little towards him and whispered.


"Yeah," he said, smiling into my eyes. "Tell me about the toys."

"The butt plug is a bit uncomfortable," I said, smiling softly back at him.

"You can take it out as soon as we leave."

"Thank you, baby," I said and grinned, leaning up and kissing the corner of his mouth.

I was pleased with myself.

"How about a bit of lube in the meantime?" he asked in a whisper.

"That would be perfect, darling. Thank you."

The lube was in the beach bag on the back seat, and I got up onto my knees and half turned around to fetch it. I didn't need to though. Johan was already rummaging for it.

I waited while he found it, then watched with my mouth open as he squirted the lube onto his fingers and promptly reached between my legs. I gasped and looked frantically around. I was in a convertible in broad daylight! Putting my hands on his shoulders, I held my breath. I tried closing my eyes to shut out the world but it didn't work. Noise from the road distracted me and I realised if someone was going to see me, I wanted to know about it.

His fingers touched me and I shuddered. They slid under the flanges of the plug and massaged my hot asshole. His fingers worked the lube around, back and forth and all over. His rhythmic movements caused the plug to stretch my ass in pulses. Now lubed up, it felt delicious and I remembered to breathe.


"Better?" he whispered.

"Mmmmmm... much."

He withdrew his hand and I sighed. 

Don't stop baby, please don't stop...

Surprised by my thoughts, I blushed harder and quickly looked around again. I didn't think anyone saw. Then I turned toward the bar. I was pretty sure no one could see out of the windows either. They looked painted over to me. I shook my head and sat down properly in the seat of the car. 

Johan chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm having such fun. I never knew just how far I could go with you, did I Shannon?"

I swallowed before I answered. My mouth was getting dry.

"I can't believe all the things I've done today."

"One more thing before we go in."


I looked at him suspiciously as he opened a small jar and handed it to me. 

"What is it?" I asked, taking the jar and sniffing it.

"Tiger balm. Rub a little into your nipples, then we'll go in."

I looked around again. The coast was clear.

"Will it hurt?"

"Noooo... it'll make them feel nice."

I dabbed my fingertips in the orangey brown muck and pulled out my tank with one hand and reached under it with the other. I quickly massaged the goop into each nipple and snapped my tank top back down.

All of a sudden I felt them. They were tightening and the sensations were warm and cool at the same time. I closed my eyes and luxuriated in it.

"Oo.. ooooo..." I intoned, genuinely surprised.


"Oh... Ohh, Sir... that's... that's very n... nice..."

"I do have one thing to tell you, though."

"Y... yes?"

Johan proceeded to explain that he actually knew Ernie from high school. Ernie was so pleased with himself when he opened the place that he rang around all of his old friends to invite them. Apparently he really wanted Johan to come and see the joint, but Johan said he never really thought about it until today. So this visit was completely spontaneous and he wasn't even sure if Ernie would be there. 

"So, are you ready?" he asked.

"I guess so."

My head was in the clouds as Johan steered me into the place. We sat at the end of a long bar and there was virtually no one there. A couple of regulars sat a few stools apart at the other end of the bar. The bartender finished loading a dishwasher and turned it on. It was almost silent. There was another old guy at one of the tables, nursing a beer and memories.

With one exception, Ernie's place felt like a regular, run-down, old bar. The difference was the red carpeted, teardrop-shaped stage at waist height, with the vertical gold pole embedded in it. 

Looking around, I figured we were too early for the strippers. I was kind of disappointed. I wasn't sure why. 

"Relax, baby. Are you gonna have a beer with me?"

"Yeah, okay. Just remember you're driving."

Johan proceeded to order the beers and I had a frothy brew in front of me in moments. I had to admit it tasted good. I listened as Johan spoke to the bartender.

"So, what time does Ernie get here?"

"He usually opens but was held up. He should be here any minute. Do you know him? Would you like some peanuts?"

The bartender was an average guy, I guess. He looked like he'd had a late night. He was a little timid but Johan had that affect on some people. 

"Johan, is that you?"

We both turned toward the voice. Johan stood up and shook

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