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Book online «My five husbands by Loren rivera (inspirational books for women TXT) 📖». Author Loren rivera

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Chapter 52

Nora's POV:


Next day,

         I didn't believe in love until I met them. I thought that a girl like me couldn't ever find love but I was proved wrong. I have fallen in love with 5 men, not 1 but 5!! There is a saying, if you love two people at the same time,choose the second because if you loved the first you would have never fallen for the second. But I know that I love all of them with my whole being. I don't know if I would ever be able to choose between them. But,I am glad that I would never have to choose between them because I am leaving. I am leaving this country and by the time I will be back,they will find someone who will keep them happy. They will have moved on from me if they ever had feelings in the first place. This thought breaks my heart. But better me than them. I cannot let them risk their lives for me. This is my fight,I have to fight on my own. 

            I will leave this country and then I will learn to fight so that I would never have to be afraid of anyone. John,I will not let you hurt anyone. I love those guys with all my being to not be selfish. 

            I needed to get my passport to leave the country. I called the landlady and asked if everything was calm at the apartment. She said that everything was alright and she had not seen John after that day. Thank God! I just have to get some things from my apartment and then I will be gone for good. I will come back when things settle down, if they ever settle down.

           I drove to my apartment in my car. I reached my apartment building but before getting out, I decided to type a quick message to Rosie. " Rosie,Thanks for everything you have done for me, I couldn't ever repay you. I never met my parents but I know what it's like to have a parent because of you. I will always love you. And don't waste your time thinking about me, live your life with your partners." " Another thing, tell them that I love them but I had to leave,please don't tell them the reason why I left, I won't want them to worry. The time I spent with them was the one I will never forget. Tell them that I want them to be happy and not search for me. I want them to find happiness. Tell them that I couldn't ever choose one of them because I loved each of them with my whole soul, mind and body.  I want them to find happiness and move on. I knew that true love really exists when I met them." I hit the send button. I realized tears were pouring down my eyes when a lone tear fell on the screen. As I wiped them, I got a call from rosie. I couldn't answer it,I let the machine answer it for me. 

Rosie: I know you are listening, dear. I am not going to stop you from leaving, I just want to say that I love you too. When you reach wherever the hell you are going, please send me a message however you can saying that you reached safely,otherwise I will keep worrying. Post a mail or anything, just let me know. If I don't receive a message in a week, I will think that something has happened and you are trouble and I will save you from there Nora my dear. Don't you worry about anything here and stay happy wherever you are. I love.....

         And then came the beep sound. The tears started again. I had to find a way of letting her know I was safe. I went to my apartment and took all the things I needed. I checked the next flight that leaves New Jersey. It was a flight to Cape town in an hour. I will board that flight and then decide where to go from there. I booked a cab to the airport and then broke my phone too. No connection to my old life now. My new life, here I come. 

         I put all my things in the cab and went to the airport. I reached the Newark International Airport in about 20 minutes. As I walked in the airport, I purchased a flight ticket with my credit card since I didn't have that amount of cash in hand. As only an hour was left, I walked towards the checking counter. I was completely checked but there had been some problem with my luggage. They had misplaced my luggage. 

Airport security: Ma'am, I am sorry but we will book you a ticket in the next flight. I apologise for the inconvenience, but we will find your luggage as soon as possible. 

         No,no,no, this was not happening! I could not risk staying here for more time. 

Nora: It's okay, I really need to catch this flight. If you find my luggage, ship it to me. But it's really important for me to board this plane. 

Airport security: Okay ma'am, as you wish. I again apologise. I hope you enjoy your flight. 

          I smiled at him and boarded the plane. Thank God! Now John,you can never find me. I am finally from your clutches. I sat down in my seat and relaxed finally. My new life is waiting for me. 

           The Air hostess has finished giving instructions. It were mere minutes before the flight took off. But, those minutes were enough to change the course of my life. About 10 airport police officers with big guns in their hands came rushing in. And then they pointed their guns towards me. I was so shocked at that moment. What was happening? Out of all the scenarios, I had not imagined this one. 

Police officer: Ma'am, you are under arrest for trafficking drugs to another country. 

Nora: Drugs? 

Police officer: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say could be used against you in the court of law. 

Nora: No, you have the wrong person. I didn't do anything. My luggage was misplaced. 

Police officer: Ma'am, if you don't comply with us,we might have to use force. 

Nora: I am coming. 

          I followed the officers out of the plane. Why do things like this have to happen to me? When I finally thought that nothing could go wrong,this happened. Why was God punishing me this much? 

          They took me to some type of office and handcuffed me to the desk. An officer came and investigated me, and I answered all the answers honestly. After 5 minutes, the same officer came and apologized. They said that they misunderstood me for someone else. And in compensation they will book a first class ticket to Cape town in the plane that leaves in 20 minutes. Thank God, in the end everything is working in my favour. The officer was coming towards me to uncuff me. But suddenly his phone rang. He went outside to answer the call. 

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