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Chapter 45 I warned you



“ What... what do you want?”I stutter nervously taking small steps backwards.

“I've already told you many times, but I'll tell you one more time..."

“To you, Paula. “ he steps closer and I step back. “ How weird that your boyfriend left you alone.

“Leave me alone Marc “ I growl.

“ Mmm too bad that won't be possible, because mind you, you owe me something.”

“I don't owe you anything, nothing, leave me alone, understand that I don't love you.”

He let out a laugh, that caused me fear. “ I don't give a fuck whether you love me or not, you'll be mine Paula either way and I'll see to it that bastard inside you isn't born.

He holds my arm and sticks me to him, preventing me from pulling away any further “ Let go of me, you're hurting me.

He kisses me forcibly, I try to struggle with him, but he is stronger than me, I bite his lip to make him let go of me.

“ You fucking bitch!!! “ He yells at me followed by a slap that knocks me to the ground, I sob in pain, he grabs my hair.

“ Let go of me Marc, let go of me! “  I scream at him. “ Now you will pay for having rejected me so many times. “ again he raises his hand to hit me, when he does it I close my eyes and cover myself waiting again for the blow that never comes, on the contrary he lets go of my hair, I open my eyes and see a man hitting him on the ground and another one pointing a gun at him.

Another man gives me a hand to get up and I know him, it's Christofer, Dante's bodyguard.

“ Are you all right, miss? “ Scared I tell him yes, the other man stops hitting Maria holds him by the arm. “ Take the lady, I'm going to get this scum out of here, let the boss know “ says the other man to Christofer.

“Come on please I'll take you home. “ I nod, I'm not going to argue after what happened.

“Please don't say anything to Dante I beg you I tell him.”

“I'm sorry miss, I have to inform my boss about this.”

“You, were you following me? “  I ask already the obvious.

“Orders from the boss, miss “ he replies again.

My face hurts and my lip is split, and we quickly arrive at Isa's building, thank God.

 ”Are you okay miss, don't you want me to take you to a hospital?”  he asks again.

“No, no, I'm fine don't worry thank you for everything.”

The man nods and I run running into the building, I am terrified, if anything happened to my baby, I would never have forgiven myself.

I enter the apartment crying, Isa sees me and runs to me.

“ Paula, what happened to you? My God!!!!”

“Isa.” I hug her crying...” Who was Paula, look at me, who was it?” Isa, when she saw me, could already realize what was happening.

“Marc...” I answer still shaking.

"I'm going to fucking kill him, I swear I'm going to kill him, he's sick."

“No Isa, it didn't happen, Dante's bodyguards already took him to the police station, luckily they were following me and were able to defend me from him.”

“ He's a bastard Paula, he deserves to get what he deserves.”

“What worries me is when Dante finds out.”  “ Well you better, that's what I want, because I'd like nothing more than for Dante to give him what he deserves for a son of a bitch.”

I gasp at that. “No Isa, I don't want Dante to do something stupid or get in trouble because of me.

“Darling, get ready, because when he finds out that man will come like a hurricane here, and Marc will regret being born.”

“Let's go to my room so Katy doesn't see you and worry, let's fix this wound and put some ointment on this bruise that's forming.”



I woke up anxious today, and I don't know why, something worries and worries me, today I came early to the hospital, Lidia told me that Leonardo woke up, I told Iam and we came to see him, and so it was, he woke up and he is fine, this son of a bitch, what a scare he gave us. Now at least I can breathe.

We are talking to him for a long time now, we are very happy that he is improving a lot.

I have not stopped thinking about Paula, I decided to give her her space and her time, but that does not mean that I will leave her unprotected knowing that that bastard Marc is after her.

Christofer and two more of my guys follow her everywhere that's the indication I gave them, not to leave her for a single moment and let me know anything that happens.

"You scared the shit out of us you idiot!" I exclaim and he just smiles. 

"Yes, it's not time yet, I have a lot to live for." Leonardo joked. You look nice with the bandage," said Iam pointing to the bandage on his head. Suddenly my phone rings. When I see Christofer's number my heart beats frantically, he can only call me for one reason and that's Paula.

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