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Book online «CEO by Caitlin Valdez (e book reader pdf txt) 📖». Author Caitlin Valdez

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to change a tire, maybe some but they weren't around.

Why? Oh, why?

I started to push the car as hard as I could and it moved about an inch or so.

I sighed, this was hopeless.

I saw a sleek, sports car stop behind me.

I cocked my head, curious at who the driver was.

And out stepped Christian Gray smirking at me, "That's what you drive?"

"Shut up," I mutter, "I'm proud of her."

I gasped as I covered my mouth, "Uh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tell you to shut up. It just slipped out."

"What are you doing here? In the middle of the highway? It's dangerous," he said, ignoring what I said.

"Flat tire," I replied.

"Surprising," he said sarcastically.

 "What do you mean by that?" I demanded.

"Your car," he said.

I gasped, "What is wrong with my car?"

"It's old," he replied.

"Well, I can't do anything about that. I don't have to money to get a new car," I said.

He rolled his eyes, "Get in."

I cocked my head at him, confused, "What do you mean?"

He nodded to his car, his very sleek looking sports car, probably an 2014 Audi R8. Wow.

"What about my car?" I asked.

"Get in," he said bossily.

I pouted and climbed onto the passenger seat. It was very low and comfortable.

He was still outside talking on a Blackberry before climbing onto the driver's seat.

"So...we're just going to be leaving my car out in the highway?" I asked biting my lip.

"No," he said.

"Okay..." I trailed off, "My apartment is just half an hour away."

I told him the address and soon, we were by my apartment building.

"Um, thanks for the ride," I said, "And my car...?"

"It's going to be here in half an hour," he said and handed me his business card.

"Thank you, Mr. Gray," I said, "Drive safely."

I headed to the front door and went inside.

Chapter 3

"Wake up!" yelled Grace.

She always seemed to be screaming in me ear to wake up.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Gray Enterprise is calling you!" she yelled again.

She is so immature.

My eyes flew open, "What? Give me my phone! Why do you have my phone?"

She laughed as she handed me my phone. "Hi, this is Ava White," I said to my phone.

"Hi, Miss White. Congratulations! You have been accepted to work at Gray Publishing. You are going to be Brandon Ferrall's assistant starting next week on Tuesday at nine o' clock. Do not be late," she said and told me the address as I scribbled it down.

"Wow, um, thank you! I have a question," I said, "Did Mr. Gray have doubts on accepting me to be working for his company?"

"No, I think he was pretty sure of you but Mr. Ferrall was a bit puzzled and uncertain but I am sure that you will do an amazing job. I trust Mr. Gray's judgement," she said.

"Thank you," I said, pleased.

"No problem. Do not be late on Tuesday," she warned.

"Thank you so much," I said again, grinning.

I hung up and jumped up and started dancing around, "I've been accepted!"

Grace said, "Mr. Gray didn't have any doubts about you? Hmm. You spilled coffee on him and his floor. That's interesting."

"Who cares? Let's celebrate!" I cheered.

"Okay, tonight at the club, how's that?" asked Grace.

I gave her a thumbs up before heading to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth after having my lunch since I didn't wake up for breakfast.


3 Hours Later~~


I felt crazy drunk.

"Let's play a game!" I yelled to the stranger I was dancing with as I pulled him to the bar as he ordered twenty shots.

"We each drink ten shots and whoever is done first wins and if you lose, you ring the golden bell," I said giggling hysterically, pointing at the golden bell.

"Sure," he said.

"Ready, set, go!"

I yelled as I grabbed the first shot and downed it, one after another.

I gulped down everything and I was done before him.

"Whooo!" I yelled, "You have to ring the bell!"

He climbed onto the table as I followed, yelling, "Drink are on him! Free drinks and he's paying!"

He rung the golden bell as everyone cheered.

I finished off a bottle of Vodka and I suddenly felt queasy.

"I'm gonna step out for a while!" I yelled to Grace, over the music as I stumbled out the bar and pulled out my phone, pressing the first call button.

"Hello?" I heard a male's voice say.

"Hi!" I slurred, "I'm drunk."

"Where are you?" he asked.

"At a club," I answered, giggling.

"Which one?" he asked.

"I don't know. The one nearest to where I live," I answered, laughing, "I had so much fun! I won a game with someone I didn't know and made him ring the golden bell. That's the first drinking contest I won!"

"I'm coming to get you," he said.

I laughed, "Hurry up, okay? We don't have all night. Who are you?"

"Christian Gray," he replied.

I bursted out laughing, "You're lying. Why would I call you?"

"You did," he said and hung up.

"Bossy," I  yelled at my phone.

I sat there, giggling.

"Get up," I heard the same male voice said.

I cocked my heead up at him, "Who are you? Aren't you the guy I called earlier?"

"Yes," he said, "Get up."

"Bossy!" I yelled at him as I stood up, "Where are you bringing me? What about Grace? I don't have keys, I do but I didn't bring them. Grace did. How am I going to get home?"

"Shut up, will you?" he grumbled.

"Uh oh," I muttered, "I feel something coming up!"

He quickly lead me to the side of the streets and lifted up the hair as I bent down and everything rushed out my mouth, disgustingly.

After I was done puking I started laughing again as I sighed, "If you were really Mr. Gray, I would kill myself of embarrassment. I'm just wondering why he would still accept me after a bad first impression."

He lead to me to a car. "Are you going to kidnap me?" I asked.

"No," he said, "We're heading over to my place."

Soon, I was in his living room as he handed me a glass of water.

I felt a little less drunk by now and stopped the giggling as I drank the water.

"Let's get you to your room," he said.

He lead me to a room as he sat me down on the bed and turned to walk out.

I grabbed his hand, "Wait. I can't sleep with a dress on. Can you help me take it off? Please?"

His hands slowly went to the back of my strapless dress and slowly unzipped it.

I turned back around when he was done as I smiled at him, "Thank you."

I leaned forward and pecked his lips lightly, "Good night."

He walked out the room as I stepped out of my dress and slipped off my shoes and climbed into the comfortable bed, falling asleep.

Chapter 4

I woke to a huge headache and an unfamiliar room.

My eyes went wide as I looked down at what I was wear, nothing. Except my bra and panties.

I nearly let out a scream as I buried my face into the pillow.

God, Ava! How can you be so stupid! Why would you sleep with someone when you're drunk?! Why would you let someone take advantage of you!? What is wrong with you! You lost your virginity to a stranger!

I smacked my forehead. Oh, jesus.

I looked around the room, trying to at least find something familiar, but nope. Nada. Zip. Zero.

I looked next to me and found a desk with a shirt on it and some advil and a cup of water.

I took it and noticed that it was a men's shirt, that was big.

I decided to pull it on anyways and it just covered my ass, thank god for that.

I slowly walked out of the room, after taking the medicine for my headache, peeking my head out, as if I was a spy.

"You don't need to do that," said a familiar male voice as I jumped and let out a small shriek.

I glanced up and there sat Christian, a cup in his hand.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked, immediately self conscious because of the shirt and how short it was.

"This is my place," he said.

"So, you weren't lying about your name?" I asked.

"No. Would you like breakfast?" I asked.

I shook my head. "You know you can move, right? You don't need to stand there," he said.

I slowly walked out.

"Why am I here?" I asked, my head still throbbing but slowly fading away.

"You were drunk. Did you remember anything?" he asked.

"No," I said slowly, "No, I don't. Did I do something bad? Did I embarrasse myself really badly?"

"You puked," he said.

"And...?" I pressed on, "I woke up in only a bra and panties. We didn't do it right?"

"No, you told me to unzip your dress," he said as if it was no big deal.

My eyes popped out of my socket, "What?! Why did you listen to me? You actually did it?"

He nodded.

I groaned, "God. I'm sorry Christian, I mean, Mr. Gray."

"We aren't at work," he said.

"Sorry," I murmur.

"Christian, dear?" I heard a voice call as Christian jumped up.

"Who...?" I asked, trailing off.

"My mother," he replied, "Um, go to my room and grab something to wear for pants before my mother sees you."

Huh. He noticed.

I quickly went into a random room and I happened to walk into Christian's room, I think. It was very neat.

His bed was made, his desk has a Mac computer and a MacBook Pro along with a thick binder and papers and a lamp. It was very big.

I went to a random drawer as my face heat up at what I saw, his briefs.

I cleared my throat as I closed that drawer and continued looking.

The middle drawer were his shorts as I grabbed the smallest one.

I could hear voices outside but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

It was still to big. I sighed as I pulled the shorts to one side and tied it, so the waist part was smaller.

I slowly walked out to the living room, seeing Mrs. Gray.

I gave her a sheepish smile, "Hi, Mrs. Gray."

"Christian...?" she said, raising her eyebrows at Christian.

"Mother, this is Ava. She works for the publishing house," introduced Christian.

"Ava! My name is Stella and please, don't be so formal. Call me Stella. I feel old when people call me Mrs. Gray. Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow and I'll introduce you as Christian's girlfriend! So, what do you say? Dinner tomorrow? Christian can pick you up. What do you like to eat? Lobster? Steak? Oysters? Tell me what you like and we can make it for you. What kinds of appetizers do you like? Dessert?"


"Mother," said

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