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Book online «Sugar baby by Mariam León (8 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Mariam León

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I swallow hard and my heart hammers my little bits as I surreptitiously spread my legs. The air hits my sex and I'm honestly tempted to close them but Samuel's eyes are fixed on my exposed flesh, I notice that his hand violently squeezes the pencil, bad, that's very bad.

I feel excited so he surreptitiously ran a finger through my sex, I'm wet

My God! This is so wicked!

He looks at my sex and then at my face, Thalia laughs, denying my ear so that he doesn't read her lips.

"He's furious" he laughs "you're going to have a busy night Vanny" she laughs again "don't do anything okay let's see how possessive he is


I say but I open my eyes wide, she planted her hand on my thigh and slowly pulls the dress up

"What are you doing crazy!

he screeched under his breath and she laughs

“God look at his face Vanny!

He stopped looking at her and she moves her arm away, my heart skips a beat and the air escapes my lungs, he is looking at me.

He looks at me annoyed, his jaw is clenched and I can see the popping vein on his neck.

“enough Lars” he says then “excellent exposition as always you can sit down once more.

"Shit" Talía whispers "Vanny I think we went too far

What did we spend? She passed ten million towns!

I walk nervously to the front of the auditorium and lay out the work between stutters.

He doesn't take his eyes off my back either. One moment and I curse Thalia a million times, when we finish the exhibition he asks some questions and then we finish

"Miss Smith" stops me a step down to the stalls "could you come to my table for a moment, I was observing the work and some things were quite ... Annoying.

Shit, shit, shit! Thalia I'm going to kill you if you ko me. Kill before withdrawal!

I go back to where he's sitting and squeeze in next to him behind the desk to look at the work.

His hand goes up my thigh and squeezes one of my buttocks.

“If anyone, even your best friend, puts a hand on your legs again I will punish you and this time there will be no pleasure Vanessa


I nod while one of his fingers slips through my sex under the dress surreptitiously from behind

“When class is over I want you in my office” take your hand away from me “you took off your panties without my permission and I'm going to make you paint


I whisper as my mind screams with happiness

“Very well, Miss Smith, return to your seat.

"As you say Professor Hills

He narrows his eyes and tries to contain his laughter, I return to my chair and smiles pleased

"Before you ask Thal" I say without taking my eyes off him "I'm not going to accompany you to lunch today, the professor wants me in his office


She says hitting my arm and I look at her

“a says don't touch my legs again

She widens her eyes before reaching for her pen.

"That's what she took possession of, Nena" she laughs "you're going to enjoy her bureau I'm sure

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