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Book online «Beg Harder by Artemis Dianne (good books to read in english .TXT) 📖». Author Artemis Dianne

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The process of being brought together again as a front unified whole seethed me and this old grand theater full of artifacts that have been openly purloined is bringing memories back. 

Our great grandparents were normal people who just simply ran their empire before crossing paths with ruthless people. After getting burned, they simply took matters into their own hands and created a new world of terror. Playing nice wasn't on the table in the real world, you simply need to accept what you are and use this to your advantage to manipulate people and money into your power. Before you know it everything will fall into place as long as you're willing to simply sacrifice everything.



My father's favorite word. There's nothing so simple about being his son, yet this word barrages in our heads, making us think that things are all easy in this world. Easy to get, easy to kill, relating this to a six-year-old boy is not so simple but good for my brother, He had it simple.

It didn't take long before my brother Peter approached us with his favorite twins on both sides of his arms. My assistant knew better than to linger in our conversations as it might get ugly. She quickly suggested to Baby and the two other women to join her and get drinks at the bar. Baby looked at me, unsure if she could, and she understood when I titled my chin.

"Evening Charles, I thought you didn't like these things. Who's the new toy?" Peter flashes me a smile. I could already tell he was tipsy while he lusted over Baby.

"I don't but I thought its best to drop by and give you my thanks," I reply clinking my glass on his. "You see Peter, I know it's you who sent those retrievers to steal from my lab but I guess that's your little tantrum for losing yet another country."

"Oh yes that, you killed the whole agency along with their families. so what are you thanking me for, really?" Peter says this as he takes the bottle from the waiter who's clearly in fear and quickly left us be, hearing him say this statement. I waited for him to take a sip on his newly poured drink.

"Her" I gestured my head pointing towards Baby, standing awkward fidgeting in her tight dress, and clearly out of place. "She's the retriever, A virgin retriever," I added before I took another sip on my drink.

"That's how retrievers look like nowadays?" Peter laughs. "She looks like someone's daughter, gifted to you by some person who owes you a third world" He adds, while he pours me another drink. "See Charles! I don't need to deny anything. We've been playing these games of war for a long time now. She isn't the retriever I will hire to fuck with you however if I had seen her first, I would have taken her myself." 

"This is why you always lose, no imagination at all. Our father gave you everything because he knows what an idiot you are and you won't survive our world." 

"You can't be mad I'm SIMPLY the favorite son!" Peter was well aware of how it irritates me. "One of these days, maybe sooner, I will succeed against you and be the next brutal king!" Peter smiles as he begins to spout more nonsense.

"How about a trade! You give me that pussy over there and you can have any country under me."    Peter's voice didn't slur as he says this, for I know he's now starting to want Baby as he kept on eyeing her. Baby's body language was giving off too much information. Everyone is hungry for some meat in this room and she's one juicy lamb such easy prey, but nobody dares come up to her for one look at that shining bracelet attached to her, they already know not to even come close for she's been marked as mine. 

"Typical of you brother, always wanting to have what's mine! I didn't come here to trade, I SIMPLY wanted to give you my thanks, I might've found me a wife!." - making sure my voice sound grating and unmoved. If only I didn't promise our mother, Peter would have been dead a long time ago. Instead, I reward his stupidity of always making him feel dumb for trying to go up against me and parading Baby as a trophy around him surely sparks some deadly sin.

Peter's range of tactics has always been predictable, very easy to detect. This is a game he started and I will soon finish it. I've grown tired of dealing with him, I should put an end to it but not before getting all the vast gold he was given by our father. "If you'll excuse me, I have to teach culture to my newfound toy." the soonest these words left my mouth, I walked towards the direction where Baby is standing. 

"The show." I directed my assistant to have it ready. This grand theater provides a unique entertainment experience, specializing in a higher degree of a live show. It's been a while since I've watched a show but I could always count on something new. It will be interesting to witness what Baby's reaction is. A minute later, we lead to a mini private theatre, showcasing a medium stage with empty seats.  It's designed for private shows specifically for VIPs

I sat down in the front row and just one look at Baby, she follows suit, sitting next to me. 

After a few more seconds, we hear instrumental music, indicating that the performance is about to begin. The entire stage was darkened, and a spotlight shone on a girl, her hands are tied above her head, wearing a white thin fabric that revealed her entire womanhood. 

The music changed and another spotlight came on this time it's on a longboard showing different tools hanging, whips, knives, hammers, small saw, batton swords, etc.  I see Baby's hands grasp on the seat's handle on both sides.  She looked at me with a puzzled look. 

"Charles what is this?" her tone was waiting for an immediate answer as if she could demand but I obliged. 

"It's a show, you're lucky we get front seats." I smile to tease her some more, her eyes widened when another spotlight comes on shining a tall man just wearing pants that have the same fabric as the girl.  Half naked with a well built body. "That's her brother by the way," I whispered to Baby's ear to get a better reaction.  Her eyes were filled with terror.  

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