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Book online «Summoned Lust by Mistress_ Red (novels to read for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Mistress_ Red

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I do to these poor, unlucky humans? Do give me details, please, my powerful Mistress." Sarcasm dripped from every snarled word, and his exaggerated, flamboyant bow of humility looked ludicrous in the extreme.


"Well," Meg sounded flustered, "whatever it is you demons do to people. I don't know... rip out their eyes, break their bones, use them as punching bags, take a leak on them, rip out their hearts - you seem fond of that one. Hang them up by their genitals, yank out their fingernails and toenails.


Whatever! Be creative. Just make them miserable. But don't kill them. I want to be able to torture them again and again and again."


Fornicus' eyes grew very wide. He stood up tall, even arching his back. His arms went out wide to his sides and he bent his neck back, aiming those wide eyes at the ceiling. It started out soft at first, but then grew in force. Fornicus was laughing. It reached a window-rattling crescendo as he bellowed his laughter to the sky.


His entire body shook with the force of it. To Meg, it sounded about as foul as anything she'd heard in years. And it grew louder by the second, it's cacophonous rumbling clawing savagely at her ear canals. Fornicus laughed long and hard before looking back down at the astonished Meg, his wide eyes now filled with tears of laughter.


"Are you fucking stupid?" he asked at length. "Don't you have a clue what kind of demon you've summoned?" He seemed amused beyond words.


"Why, a demon's a demon," she stammered, "You all rape and maim and kill, right?" Her bewildered look sent Fornicus into another bout of raucous laughter.


"You stupid, earthbound cunt," he said finally, "not all demons rip hearts out and gouge out eyeballs. There are different types of demons, you vacuous little harlot. You didn't know that? Well, maybe you should go back to your books and get some knowledge in that sieve-like brain of yours before you summon a demon again. Oh, you really are too much!" More laughter, escalating to the point where Fornicus doubled over, racked by peels of hideous laughter.


"Don't you DARE laugh at ME, demon! You're MY prisoner... and you do as you're TOLD! You obey MY commands!" Meg trembled with her anger.


"Listen to ME, you moronic bitch!" he hissed back at her, his laughter instantly gone, "I'm what's known as a LUST demon. I don't break bones or yank out fingernails. What I do is FUCK people to death. Yes, that's right. You see this incredible cock?" He fondled his huge member, which got Meg's attention immediately.


"This fat,.juicy dick can fuck someone to the point where they just curl up and die. THAT'S what I do. I can come a thousand times and never even get winded. Each orgasm just makes me want another. That's my curse. I'm never satisfied for more than a few minutes. So, if you want me to FUCK your ex-friends to death, I can do that.


But, the point is... I fuck them TO DEATH. I can't stop fucking until my partner is dead, or until I have a new partner. Sometimes I even keep fucking the dead carcass. But my fuck-buddies, be they male or female, never survive. And you seem to want to leave your victims still breathing. I'm not your demon, you brainless whore. So, send me back to my Hell bitches. They're the only ones who can survive carnal pleasures with me. C'mon, now, I'm tired of this stupidity. I'm hornier than Hell itself, and if I don't fuck something soon, I'm going to take it out on you."


"Oh, really? And just how do you plan on doing that, oh Great Fornicus?" Meg seemed irritated herself now, matching the demon's sarcasm with her own. "You talk a good story, but you actually expect me to believe that you FUCK people to death? Give me a break! You don't look so 'great' to me. 'Great' Fornicus, indeed! Your dick is only slightly bigger than my ex-boyfriend's was, and I called HIM pencil-dick! Of all the legitimate demons I could've conjured, how could I have picked such a goddam useless loser like you?"


Fornicus roared, his entire brown body trembling with rage and glowing a menacing amber color. His eyes again became red coals, fiery slits of hate. He snarled incoherently, crouching in an obvious attack stance, but, alas, he had nowhere to go. He was trapped within the protective circle.


Flames leapt up around him, foul smoke filled the room before dissipating as it had done before. And throughout the pyrotechnic display, Fornicus ranted and bellowed, snarled and raged. His eyes were lethal daggers, his body taut and ready to pounce as he paced about the tiny circle.


He was frustrated and angry, and he wanted so badly to get his hands on Megan. He glared at her vilely, his lips curled back in a malicious snarl. How he wanted to feel her soft, yielding flesh. How he wanted to do what he does best... fuck this insolent little bitch to an agonizingly orgasmic death.


Meg shivered when she saw what appeared to be a disturbing by-product of his demonic rage. His semi-flaccid penis was no more. In it's place was a screaming, throbbing demon hardon. His swollen demonhood was easily a foot and a half long and as thick as a cucumber, bobbing impatiently above a scrotal sack that looked like it housed twin baseballs.


As that angry penis enlarged by the second, so, too, did that hairy bag of testes. Clearly, his needs were urgent. It was imperative that Meg send his rotting, rutting soul back to Hell. But, her eyes couldn't force themselves from the sight of that oversized demon dick and the juicy danglers below it.


She eyed them almost with awe. Again her pulse quickened. Again her breathing apparatus nearly failed her. Again she marveled at Fornicus' formidable member.


And that delay proved to be her undoing.


Fornicus was like a caged animal, pacing and eyeing Meg as if she were his next meal. As he paced and drooled and tried desperately to think of some way to shove his cock into this meddling earth whore, his eyes searched the room vainly for something - anything - to help him break free of the damned circle and fuck Meg until she collapsed dead on the floor.


His raging cock bobbed up and down as he moved to and fro in the circle, it's lack of release irritating and angering him more by the second. He grabbed that throbbing muscle and began stroking it, such was the extent of his frustration. But it was when he actually looked down at his miserably neglected penis that his mind rejoiced.


He didn't believe his eyes at first, squinting them to get a closer look, hope rising within him ever so tentatively. But then he realized with a sick laugh that it was true. His torture was over! Freedom was just one quick move away.


Yes, there it was! His cock's salvation! His escape! His release from carnal torment! His means of getting his pounding erection into Meg's every orifice, over and over again, filling her to the point of bloating with his vile, demonic semen. His laughter again echoed throughout the room as he looked at the floor, at the fatal flaw in Meg's plan.


Drool dangled from his lower lip as he eyed the protective circle with astonished disbelief - followed by twisted joy. He leered at Meg, whose face was awash in curiosity - and then returned his ecstatic gaze back to the floor. With the back of his hand, he wiped that drool from the bottom of his malevolent grin. His lungs wheezed out a grotesque, barely audible, victorious chuckle.

t h r e e

Megan followed Fornicus' line of sight and saw what he was looking at. She looked back up into his smoldering eyes, and saw the victory that filled them. His depraved smile was beyond twisted, beyond sick. He smiled all the more wickedly, knowing that Meg could do nothing to stop him from escaping the circle.


His grin was so vile that it left a greasy feeling on every inch of Meg's suddenly prickling skin. She looked at him and shivered. She knew that she was about to find out just how strong her spells of protection would be in keeping her safe from permanent harm.


Because, at that very moment, the leering, lecherously drooling Fornicus was calmly and confidently stepping out of the protective circle... Before Meg could move an inch, Fornicus stabbed out a long, muscular arm, his strong fingers wrapping around her throat so fast that she never even saw them approaching.


The salivating demon growled from deep within his massive chest again, though this time it sounded more like a purr of satisfaction. The growl ebbed to a low gurgle in his throat as he took two more steps toward the now captive Meg, that gurgle rumbling out from between obscenely smiling lips.


"Hmmm... seems the little earth bitch fucked up, huh?" His fowl grin showed a mouthful of teeth, surprisingly straight and white for a demon.


Meg, of course, couldn't reply. She was barely able to get air into her lungs between the tightly clenched fingers of her captor, let alone use that air to form words.


"Poor little girl," the demon said softly and sarcastically, "seems you screwed up big time. Not very good at conjuring, are you, slut?"


Meg's eyes met his without flinching. But, inside, she was praying that her spell of protection would keep her from serious harm. Still, she refused to let this hulking beast from Hell know she was frightened out of her wits. That ruse was a very difficult one for her to manage, but, miraculously, she pulled it off.


"Let me show you something, you stupid cunt," Fornicus said in words that foreshadowed something ominous. By her throat, the bulky demon dragged Meg over to the encircled pentagram, in much the same manner as a child would carelessly drag a stuffed toy. She kicked and squirmed in his iron grip, clawing at his meaty paw as he pulled her easily across the wooden floor.


When he finally stopped, he pointed at the circle, a gurgling laugh rising from his diaphragm as he said with twisted glee, "The circle has to be complete, bitch, or the spell of entrapment won't work. Look here, my soon to be concubine, and see where you fucked up. See this missing spot right here, this tiny little break in the circle?


What happened, did your weak little above-world fingers get tired? Did they drop the chalk before you completed the circle? Or did you just stupidly walk across the chalk with your clumsy little witch feet and break the circle? Are you just a weakling, or some kinda gimp who can't walk worth a shit?" He laughed loudly.


"Doesn't matter to me, of course, because I'm free. But," he leered, lifting her off the floor so that her face was mere inches from his own, "it's gonna matter a LOT to you in a few minutes, sweet cheeks. Cuz ya see, I'm gonna fuck every hole you have until you're a quaking, drooling mess on the floor. I'm gonna rip you open with my cock and leave your cum-covered carcass

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